I could directly quote you some examples if you wanted. I paraphrased pretty well above. In one circumstance I simply compared Christianity to Greek mythology and someone was offended.

And I never said I expected there to be equality in a society with such a large population of one belief, I simply said I found it frustrating, especially since it ends up being reflected in legal decisions where I feel it has no place.

And I was responding to the original thread question that yes, I feel this country is often too religious.

Also, to bring up your own analogy to slavery...you do realize that it took several civil rights movements to move towards racial equality? That wasn't the result of a democratic vote. A similar situation occurred in the civil rights movements for gender equality. I do not believe that might always makes right and I have every right to complain about the fact that I think there are unfair and intolerant practices in this country that should change, regardless of how the majority feels. And I expect it will take another civil rights movement to move towards better treatment of homosexuals because sadly, I'm not sure the majority will support it any time soon.