Well, I think when it comes to religion and all, you have groups that will take it too far whether they are religious or not. America and Europe have different religious environments and influences that make each situation unique.

I think what people are more concerned about is the morals of society and the different cultures within it. Religion is just one aspect that affects morals, but being religious doesn't always mean someone is a "good" person...religious people can be "bad" and the non-religious can be good. But then can you really say that someone who commits acts that are "bad" are really religious? This is where I agree with Simba_2004, many people who claim to be Christian, etc aren't really Christian, etc...

I believe the real issue is where we draw the line...where someone who happens to be religious says "I do not like this, but I don't feel like it's my place to force others not to partake in it" and "I do not like this, and I don't feel like it should be allowed in society". I can use myself as an example (simplified form)...I don't care for abortion, but I don't feel like I have the right to say that other people should not be allowed to have one. This is where I think the main issue lies...how far should one allow their personal beliefs to influence the laws and cultures of society as a whole.