I was referring to the countries in which you are not allowed to state that opinion. I am sure in the wonderful continent of Europe there is no discrimination religiously...since Europe is ages beyond us barbarians here.

I think you fail to realize that fact that freedom of speech works both ways. So I can call you an idiot because you don't believe in God and vice versa. If I beat you up, I go to jail..if you beat me up, you go to jail. There isn't any difference there. It is not our country that has established Christianity as the state religion, and thus the government discriminates. Those are people who do that, and I would even guess they aren't the majority. I would also like to say that I would be willing to bet that "dsicrimination" takes on a new meaning when you are using it....and thus ends up perpetuating tha view of a one-way freedom of speech. Ex: "I hate God!" That's using freedom of speech right? "I hate people who don't believe in God!" Not freedom of speech, discrimination right?

Your statement is true, about things not being the way they seem...but I doubt that is one of them.
