Tiikeri can we go beyond the name-calling please? Don't say silly things unless you want to have an argument back. Play nicely.

KTL - How is the phrase *STL* an answer to this? Isn't there something in the forum rules about one-word answers anyway? Please try and give a bit more information, otheriwse you sound childish.

SpiritWolf77 - I can see your point when you say *Basically, people who hate humanity for their treatment of/attitude towards other animals seem to display the same attitude towards their fellow humans.* Its a fair enough idea, and I may actually agree with it. (STL don't misunderstand me on this.) Since humans are scientifically, if not morally, classed as animals, if we hate humans we are ahtng a specific type of animal. This can degrade our point. Its similar to hating sharks or lions.