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Thread: Spanking Ban

  1. #21
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    When I first read this I thought it was "speaking ban". LOL.
    I think spanking depends on the child. But then there is really going to be no way they can enforce it if it happens inside the home.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    To be honest, I think communtiies going over, when I was young and growing up, if we said "no" or "yes" we got beat, if we put arms on the table, we got beat, if we talked back, we got beat, Look at me now, Respectful to anyone IRL, and know a lot tbh.

    now a days kids run around doing whatever the hell they want and no one inforces them, later on that will affect them in life.


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  3. #23
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    At least though in cases where parents are found to be doing these sorts of things to their children, action could be taken if the law(s) was/were brought in.
    OK, to clarify: How, since spanking, as pnt has pointed out, when done correctly leaves no marks, will one ever prove that it was done? Court system backlog major.

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
    If someone else notices what is going on, then it can easily be reported. It's not always both parents who are like that either. Sometimes just one parent is like that. The other one might be nicer and have the decency to report them for breaking the law (and hurting the child).
    Wouldn't this apply then to current child abuse laws?

  5. #25
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    *spanks simba for thinking that and not applying it or something, then gets a lawsuit*

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  6. #26
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    Some persons spanks childrens just because them done a thing everything a children do, like get a thing they not know... them can?t do that and i thibnk it is anb abuse of the childrens

    Even for older childrens I prefer the "super nanny" methods than any kind of violence. Nanny use to say that violence is the last of last resource if no education method not work and sure you can?t never abuse of it.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    iv never bin spanked in my whole life never ever never ever!

    and in return i love my parents work hard in school and behave so is my fellow older sisters none of us has ever got in trubble with the law nore tried anything bad " Like drugs" we dont smoke our drink alchol exsept on parties

    i support this...and no offance pnt but by spanking your kids, your kids will do the same when they get kids and it goes on and on and will not stop until someone in the famely stops with it.....

    beating a defence less poor child "spanking " whatever is not the selution...this was the kind of punishments i got when i was little...

    my weekly "candy money" was taken away... i had to stay on my room

    and if id made something wrong but came out with it for them they wouldent be angry at me even though they got dissapointed but they got proud aswel..

    i remember being little and foolish and one day i stole my neingbers mini game of ninja turtorels and when dad asked me " whered you get that?"

    i didnt lie to him and said i got it from the neingur older kid dad didnt get furios but mad alright after telling me harsh the diffrence betwine right and wrong and that taking other folks stuff is wrong he forced me to leave it back to the neibgur personaly...that was so horrebul for me becuse i was so ashamed and emberesd iv never taken anything sense that day that dusent belong to me...

    i remember an other time when i was little 10-13 our something when we lived in a farm we had this repear building and barn me and a friend threw rocks at the windows "becuse they where already broken badly was the excuse "

    anyhow when dad asked me if i knew anything abut it i first said looked at a cupple of days later he asked me again becuse he didnt belive me and for me to lie to my own father is a death toke 5 seconds for me to confess...becuse i couldent lie to my fathers eyes and i emidetly started crying and saying am sorry...

    dad didnt answer he looked away...then i saw a tear running down his eye and he said that he felt so horrebul and sad becuse he couldent trust his own son....

    this was the greatest punishment off all the things i could get he did strip away all my money for the rest of the summer vacation and made me pay the windows but i didnt care abut the money all i wanted to do was for dad to trust me again to 100% i felt so guiltly sad and made everything in my power to make dad trust me toke quite some time and that was the worst time of my life i tell you.

    dad doupted on me alot and didnt trust me most of the time....its really ones of the worst things on my life....

    having so big trust for my father and he for me and for that being riped was the worst punishment iv ever got...

    but i built it up years ago again but wow..

    there are alot of stuff you can do to your kid dad never smacked me our spanked me but he gave me a lession i will never forget...

  8. #28
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    Now, for the people who think that spanking should be banned, please humor me for a second. Do you feel it's your right to decide how someone else will raise their children? Why do you feel that's your business to be getting involved in their child rearing decisions? If you disagree with spanking your child, why do you have to force everyone else to follow what you consider to be right? Assuming the child is not being beaten, upon what ground do you have to stand to justify taking away the right to raise a child from the parents and placing it into the hands of a community?

    I've always thought that this country was based upon an emphasis on free will over social control. What works for some people doesn't for others, thus there must be allowed diversity and free will. To surrender that free will conscripts ourselves to a collective mindset known as a dystopia and invites the rape of our individuality. I think that society making decisions on how a parent reasonably disciplines their child definitely falls within this category. There are fewer basic, natural, God-given rights than raising our children as we see fit, and because spanking does not cause reasonable physical or emotional damage, I see no reason for this law to be effectively limiting the free will of an individual to do just that: raise their child.

    This whole "I don't agree with it, so I won't let anyone do it" business is leading society down a dangerous path to a loss of individuality. I personally feel it is wrong for people to hate homosexual people solely because those people are homosexual. I would not under any circumstance, however, take the right of a parent to raise their child with those ideals away from the parent. It is their right to make decisions such as those, just as it is the right of a parent to teach their children tolerance and respect. Likewise, I would not take the right of a parent to reasonably discipline their child in a way that they see fit solely because I wasn't raised like that myself.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    hey dont post a thread if your not willing to take that folks dont think the same as you i just stated what i thought was right and i stick to that

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by Pnt
    Being realistic though, spanking a kid causes no physical harm. With a normal spank, there's no mark, no scar, no damage to muscle structure, no bruising, and usually even no redness of the skin. A quick slap on the butt as one of those last resort types of punishments isn't really that big of a deal, and you'd be surprised how quickly it got me in line. Truth be told, I was spanked quite frequently when I was a kid. The result? Two core values of mine are respect for an individual, even when you don't like them, and the non-violent resoultion of issues (and I'm a pacifist). Spanking didn't, in my case, make me violent at all, and honestly, I doubt there would have been any other punishment that'd work for me the vast majority of the time.
    It's still physical harm even if there is no lasting physical damage. It can cause emotional damage. A parent is someone who protects and cares for their child. How could it affect the child if the parent is also seen as one who causes physical pain?

    And you say you feel a kid needs to experience some physical harm as a child. Sure, kids need to learn what activities are and are not dangerous. I scraped my knee plenty of times as a kid doing various activities. I learned how to deal with pain and how to be careful. But there is a difference between a child hurting themselves as the result of an accident and a child being deliberately hurt by their own parent.

    I think the bottom line is that despite the fact that some children can be taught via spanking without any ill consequences, the fact that it does have severe consequences for some, the fact that for some parents, it becomes child abuse, and the fact that it is not necessary, means it's probably better banned than allowed.

  11. #31
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    Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
    I think the bottom line is that despite the fact that some children can be taught via spanking without any ill consequences, the fact that it does have severe consequences for some, the fact that for some parents, it becomes child abuse, and the fact that it is not necessary, means it's probably better banned than allowed.
    In all honesty, since when does banning anything stop it happening? Whats banned at the moment? Drugs, prostitution, theft, child abuse, underage drinking, murder, paedophilia, gambling, vandalism, trespassing, animal-human sex, self-mutilation, stabbing mormons, copyright infringement, bashing Jews, whipping Africans, fighting, hate rape, sexual harassment, jumping the borders, pushing cripples downstairs, eating cats, bribing cops, downloading music, pistol-whipping old ladies, masturbation in public, setting your boss on fire, hijacking a short bus, driving without a licence, fishing without a licence, hunting without a licence, disturbing the peace, inpersonating a ferderal agent, spitting on the sidewalk, poisoning a salad bar, slander, terrosim, public intoxication, speeding and telling a quadrupedic child that his family are going straight to hell if he doesn't solve the rubix cube in less than two and a half minutes.

    Heck, you know... most of these things happen none the less and half the time they get away with it. Since when will putting No Spanking in that list help stop it?

    PS If you know where I got that list from then you are the 1337357 of the 1337... and have a brain.

  12. #32
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    There is a difference between abuse, and punishment for behavoiur...

    Smacking a child for bad behavoiur is not a crime, but telling that child it has done wrong, or that something is dangerous and that the smack instantly tells it that, whatever it was gonna touch was nasty or dangerous.

    Abuse is physically beating the living daylights out of a child for no reason is wrong, it can damage a childs mind and make them either violent , it can have a nasty effect on the victim.

    Personally I don't see anything wrong with a smack on the *** or arm or hand, not hard but hard enough to tell that child no, becuase sometimes no punishment can lead to what we call, problems, I.E. teenagers drinking and causing problems on the street...

    The goverment just need to butt out of our buisness they aren't helping they are making thigs worse...

    as my nan says: "When i was a young girl, parents would just pull down the childs pants in the middle of wherever they were and slap them hard on the backside, embarrasing the child and it behaved itself." my nan turned out fine, and all the other elderly you see don't go around and cause mayhem do they...

  13. #33
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    self-mutilation and cat-eating are illegal?

    how odd.

  14. #34
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    i can honestly say that if my dad would smack me as a child " spank whatever" id hate him and fear him...

    He have howerver grabed my arm when iv done something bad our dusent lissen to what he says "and crap only that hurt like hell" and he still do to this day and yanks a little

    its not hard enough for me to cry with pain but defedently hard enough to make me know he means busniess...

  15. #35
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    Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
    It's still physical harm even if there is no lasting physical damage. It can cause emotional damage. A parent is someone who protects and cares for their child. How could it affect the child if the parent is also seen as one who causes physical pain?

    And you say you feel a kid needs to experience some physical harm as a child. Sure, kids need to learn what activities are and are not dangerous. I scraped my knee plenty of times as a kid doing various activities. I learned how to deal with pain and how to be careful. But there is a difference between a child hurting themselves as the result of an accident and a child being deliberately hurt by their own parent.

    I think the bottom line is that despite the fact that some children can be taught via spanking without any ill consequences, the fact that it does have severe consequences for some, the fact that for some parents, it becomes child abuse, and the fact that it is not necessary, means it's probably better banned than allowed.
    A parent isn't always the touchy-feely kind of person. Sometimes they're also the ones that lay down the law (ie, the iron fist). There are currently child abuse laws in place that need enforced, I don't see how spanking falls under child abuse, as it isn't abusing the child.

    And as for necessary, I agreed with you when you posted this:
    Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
    And what you consider "necessary" is subjective.
    I decide what is necessary discipline for my kid. Not the government. Not the community.

  16. #36
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    The *someone* you mention STL is usually a policeman or social services. It usually works that way. Although they never get everyone.

  17. #37
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    I'm not sure where I stand on this one. On one hand, I honestly don't see a problem with spanking. I've taken classes about child abuse for work and what they describe as spanking, is kind of harmless. I had my butt smacked a few times when I was little. I had to really be throwing a fit for it to happen, it was never for petty things. My parents found other ways to punish me once I started displaying my individuality. My CD's were taken away a few times. Oh and I cringe to remember the time they took my TLK tape away. A smack on the butt, over the clothes that doesn't render the child unable to sit, is ok with me. My mum used to have to go out into the backyard and choose the stick she wanted to be paddled with. How times have changed.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
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  18. #38
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    In all honesty, since when does banning anything stop it happening? Whats banned at the moment? Drugs, prostitution, theft, child abuse, underage drinking, murder, paedophilia, gambling, vandalism, trespassing, animal-human sex, self-mutilation, stabbing mormons, copyright infringement, bashing Jews, whipping Africans, fighting, hate rape, sexual harassment, jumping the borders, pushing cripples downstairs, eating cats, bribing cops, downloading music, pistol-whipping old ladies, masturbation in public, setting your boss on fire, hijacking a short bus, driving without a licence, fishing without a licence, hunting without a licence, disturbing the peace, inpersonating a ferderal agent, spitting on the sidewalk, poisoning a salad bar, slander, terrosim, public intoxication, speeding and telling a quadrupedic child that his family are going straight to hell if he doesn't solve the rubix cube in less than two and a half minutes.

    Heck, you know... most of these things happen none the less and half the time they get away with it. Since when will putting No Spanking in that list help stop it?
    Well, gee, since making things illegal is apparently pointless, maybe we shouldn't ban anything at all?

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    In all honesty, since when does banning anything stop it happening? Whats banned at the moment? Drugs, prostitution, theft, child abuse, underage drinking, murder, paedophilia, gambling, vandalism, trespassing, animal-human sex, self-mutilation, stabbing mormons, copyright infringement, bashing Jews, whipping Africans, fighting, hate rape, sexual harassment, jumping the borders, pushing cripples downstairs, eating cats, bribing cops, downloading music, pistol-whipping old ladies, masturbation in public, setting your boss on fire, hijacking a short bus, driving without a licence, fishing without a licence, hunting without a licence, disturbing the peace, inpersonating a ferderal agent, spitting on the sidewalk, poisoning a salad bar, slander, terrosim, public intoxication, speeding and telling a quadrupedic child that his family are going straight to hell if he doesn't solve the rubix cube in less than two and a half minutes.

    Heck, you know... most of these things happen none the less and half the time they get away with it. Since when will putting No Spanking in that list help stop it?
    While banning something does not fully prevent the action from taking place, it does set a presence in society that those specific things are not desirable and puts the law in a position to prosecute if need be. While banning something does have a desired effect, even if it's not 100%, sometimes banning something only creates a whole new world of problems. Good examples would be the War on Drugs, Prohibition, and Prostitution. Banning, while attempting to curb the use and practice of such things, instead creates a black market for them and the crime associated with that market is obvious.

  20. #40
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    Right, but you have to look at things on a case-by-case basis. Banning much-desired commodities often creates an unsafe black market. But banning dangerous activities obviously helps. Murder, for example.

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