SpiritWolf77: Look, if disagreeing with other people's values and lifestyle choices is a sign of hatred, and a bad thing to do, then kill me now, please, because this world isn't worth living in anymore. Look, just because I feel moral qualms about what other people do doesn't mean I hate them or want to kill them. Did my post imply hatred to you, perhaps? It's not like I've never known any gay people before.

In fact, I could well accuse you of hatred towards me, for accusing me of something I'm not guilty of. But I won't, since hatred is not something I practice. And, must we term all dislike as "hatred" in the first place?

Oh, and my condoning or not condoning blacks is rather a moot point -- blacks are people, just as human as whites, Asians, or whatever ethnic/color group you want to bring up. Gays are people, too, but it is their lifestyle that makes them different -- people that hate gays do not do so because they are black or white, typically, but because they are homosexuel. There is a difference between those two forms of prejudice.

And waddya mean, "If she said"? I think it says very clearly in my profile that I am male.

People can think whatever they want, okay. Think what they want about me, think what they want about gays, about blacks, about whatever. But the law doesn't govern thoughts, only actions. And, while I do think there is a morality connected with thought life, I don't think it can be regulated by the government, the courts, or anyone but the individual doing the thinking.

I have absolutely no hatred for any group. I just disagree with some groups on different points. Is that so bad? Have you never disagreed with anything before?

Anyway, I didn't mean to turn this into a discussion of gay=right or wrong. That's not the point of the thread, and I hope nobody gets too offended with me over my own viewpoints. I don't get mad at yours.

Peace out.