Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
[B]So you support them enjoying killing things, just you don't think "it's good". Interesting stance.
Wow, you really just epitomized that little comic I posted. I'm not going to bother repeating what I said. Go back, re-read my post, and we can continue this discussion when you stop twisting my words around to make your point easier to argue.

Also, if you look at the majority of informed and intelligent human beings (such as those on this thread) they all know that there is a distinct difference between an animal and a human being.
That's funny, Only-Now, because most intelligent, informed human beings will tell you that humans are primates, mammals, and therefore, animals.

Yes, there are distinct differences between all species of animals, and yes, we possess some rather unique abilities like verbal language (although I'm now sure how much study has been done into dolphin and whale communication at this point) and the ability to do more "advanced" thinking. But I think the confusion/debate here comes from people saying that because of these special abilities, we have more of a right to live. Which is absurd and egocentric.

Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
Wow, what a hypocrite.
I think perhaps the problem is not that these people are hypocrites, but that they are more open-minded then you are and actually bothering to try to understand, rather than assuming "All hunters are evil mean terrible careless people!"

Otherwise, I'm just going to keep on calling you a hypocrite for condemning hunters for killing animals, yet still eating meat. Did you know it's not 100% -necessary- for all people to eat meat? Many people can survive perfectly well on a vegetarian diet. Chances are you're one of them. Since you're so obsessed with what's "necessary" I think I'm going to assume, that by your policies of moral standards, you are a cold heartless terrible animal murderer because you still eat meat even though it's not "necessary!"