Originally posted by Roquivo
Identical twins are not as "identical" as you think. They still have their own personaity, beliefs, likes & dislikes, ect. A clone would have the same brain pattern as you, and would have your same brain and everything, or so I gathered.
They are genetic copies of each other. Which is the same thing as a clone is. If someone cloned me, the person this clone grew up to be would be even less similar to me than two identical twins (assuming now that the twins grew up together).

My personality, beliefs, likes and dislikes have been shaped by the way I grew up (although they are of course predetermined to some extent). Nature and Nurture. The unique circumstances that we've found ourselves in during our lives, and the genetic baggage we carry along, make us who we are.

EDIT: And the artificial twin of yours would have to start life as a baby, too. So assuming you're cloned tomorrow, your twin brother would be 23 years younger than you are. Which would be a bit weird, I suppose.