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Thread: Character Signup Thread

  1. #21
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    For the new Pride Lands RP

    Name: Muroki Tebogo [mju-ROH-kee TEH-bo-go]

    Nickname: Muro, Kiro

    Species: Lion

    Age: Young adult

    Gender: Male

    Eyes: Hazel brown

    Fur colour: Golden brown (a bit like Ahadi in TLK:6NA)

    Special markings: Most of all: his size. He's bigger than most lions his age, and that leads to that most other animals thinks that he's already full grown, something he's not.

    Personality: Is a peaceful creature and hates to fight.

    But he is everything but patient and wants things to happen when he wants them and like he wants them. Has also a bad habit of not listening very carefully. That makes him look like a cold and antisocial character, though really, he's anything but.

    Lives where?: At Pride Rock, but not for much longer as he's nearly full grown. |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  2. #22
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Name: Maku Sephilim

    Gender: Male

    Age: Adolescent

    Species: Cheetah

    Fur Color: Normal cheetah, Golden yellow with Black spots.

    Eye color: Green

    Family: No apparent existance to him

    Personality: Bouncy and Playful, Very talkative, Loves conversing and meeting people

    Background: Born at the Edges of the Pride Lands, to a mother who was half alive due to hyena attacks, and the inablility for her to protect herself and her young, she set it off in a place in the Pride Lands, before moving on and leaving her dead body farther away from it, to seem as if the cub was just there for unknown reasons, Maku was fathered by a family of cheetahs that lived in the Pride Lands, thankfully he decided to help them when he was old enough, helping them hunt for food and protect their den. Sadly they too passed away in due times from being hunted by either the lions, or of old age. He has lived in and protected his old den which is nothing but a makeshift area in the tall grasses of the Savannah, for a while now, he is of adolesence and takes great pride in what he has, and what he doesn't have. he does not wish to have or seek of.

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  3. #23
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    Hey I was wondering if I could join? I've never been a part of an RPG before so I'll have to create my own character. =)

  4. #24
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    I?m new to Lea Halalea and rping on the forums, so I guess it's time to register a couple of my characters officially.

    Name: Devon.
    Alias: Pendevu (if you really wanted to be strict about African-sounding names).
    Species: Lion.
    Age: Late teens.
    Gender: Male.
    Mate: Van (who belongs to Nateku).
    Offspring: Oramae, to Laelei (both of which belong to Karin) and an unnamed cub to Tufani (belongs to Coal Chaser).
    Parents: Unknown.
    Siblings: An older brother.
    Place of Residence: Somewhere in the Pridelands, though wanders occasionally. Doesn?t like to have much to do with the royal family or associated lionesses.
    Colouring: Varies from light to dark brown, hereditary semi-complicated markings.
    Eye Colour: Generic brown.
    Appearance: Heavy build and a strong jaw, both characteristic of his bloodlines
    History: Shoved out of his small family ?pride? around his mid-teens. Now living with Van in a cave near the watering hole.
    Personality: Sociable, friendly, one-track-minded, playful, fears commitment, simple, tries to be honest, unreliable, lazy, moody at times, protective, blunt, strong-willed, tends not to dwell on things, moral, pacifist, rough around the edges, capable of acting sophisticated, "I'll pay you back no matter what", stable, proud.
    Duty: Keep Van happy, and occasionally called upon by others when he?s needed. Likes to feel useful.
    Other: Bisexual, not that he acts it. Will joke about abducting cubs since Van can?t mother any (not without bending the laws of science, anyway).

  5. #25
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    i'm to lazy atm to Post anything :$

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  6. #26
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    My character

    Name: Ghardo

    Name pronoucniation: Gar-Dough

    Gender: Male

    Species: Lion

    Fur colour: Golden with slighlty darker patches on legs.

    Eye colour: Brown eyes.

    Age: Adult.

    Personality: Hostile but wise. Likes to be alone alot of the time.

    Back ground: Ghardo never knew his father but was very close to his mother when growing up. He soon outgrew the family situation and instead left on his own to study the pridelands more thorougly. Eventually becoming very wise.(Yet still impatient)

  7. #27
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    ::madly in love with TLKRPG:: Not alota Meerkats? What's wrong with you people?!

    Name- Vaiten
    Gobyname- Vay
    Species- Meerkat
    Age(HY)- 18 (not gonna be all logical with that)
    Gender- Male
    Mate- N/A
    Offspring- N/A
    Parents- N/A
    Siblings- Gazelle (youngersister)
    Residence- New in the Pridelands
    Fur- brown, lightbrown ontop, 6 stripes
    Eyes- Green
    Appearance- tall and thin
    Personality- Very polite and charming, obviously raised well
    'Only' friends- Timon, Pumbaa
    Orientation- Gay
    No Reference

    Name- Gazelle (ironic no?) (Gah*notGu*-zel
    Nickname- Gaz
    Species- Meerkat
    Age(HY)- 14 (again, not gonna get logical)
    Gender- Female
    Parents- N/A
    Siblings- Vay (Olderbrother)
    Residence- New in the Pridelands
    Fur- veryvery light, brightorange ontop, 4 stripes
    Eyes- Green
    Appearance- Very short (even for a meerkat), thin, many freckles
    Personality- Loner, holds back, jumpy
    'Only' friends- Zazu, almost Timon&Pumbaa
    Orientation- Bi
    Reference- Gazelle

  8. #28
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
    Ok, you can RP now ^_^ ...
    Okay, um, sorry i'm a bit confused. Or is it just that noone's wanted to go first yet? Cause don't see a starting post. Thanks

  9. #29
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    Hey, I'm up for an RP. I've got a friend who might be coming too to join in. Anyways, here's my character bio.

    Name : Jabari

    Gender : Male

    Eye color : Blue

    Mane color : Dark brown

    Fur color : Darker gold

    Personality : Can tend to be a bit solitary but enjoys company. Kind-hearted with a weakspot for cubs. He's a heavy thinker but knows how to have fun when the case arises.

    Background : Jabari was abandoned by his parents when he was a small cub. He was left with the Outlanders to grow up on his own.

    Friends : Hawara (possibly joining soon)

    Yep, that's him. Thanks.


  10. #30
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    aaaah right.. I' m with it now.

    Name: Vitani
    AGe: Teenager

    RP Pridelands

  11. #31
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    Okies! I'll sign up!

    Name: Khato
    Age: around adolesence
    eye colour: green
    fur color: goldish brown (like SImba's)
    mane colour: brown with blonde highlights

    Personality: Easy going and really layed back about life. Never rushes things unless his life is in danger. Always happy, and friendly.

    Build: Very strong, sturdy.

    Other: Has a raw sexual magnetism around him.

  12. #32
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    (I think I'll sign up...)

    Name: Kazi (Kah-zee)
    Age: A few months, exact age unknown (cub)
    Eye color: Bright green
    Fur color: Dark golden
    Mane color: No mane yet
    Personality: Hyper when not on guard, happy, loud
    History: Escaped with his brother when his pride was taken over by two wandering males. Before they could be killed, they ran off and have been on their own ever since (about two weeks).
    Other: Can't see out of left eye due to attack

    Name: Kirabo (Kee-rah-bo, nickname Kira)
    Age: Same as Kazi
    Eye color: Bright blue
    Fur color: Dusty, light brown
    Mane color: No mane yet
    Personality: Stoic, untrusting, always on guard. Usually quiet.
    History: Same as Kazi
    Other: Has a limp on his back right leg due to attack

  13. #33
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    Name- Bahari
    Meaning of name- Sea
    Age- age differs
    Eye color- green
    Fur color- light brown..... around eyes,paws and stomache is dark brown
    Mane color- black
    living place- in a village, with other lions
    Friends- a female panther, some other characters of mine from pridelands (unnamed)
    history- was found when was a cub by a human and brought up in the village (dont know parents)
    Personality- Nice, playful
    other- has light blue markings under each eye and a dark blue one on his noes, and has a necklace given to him by his owner, has blanket that he adores and keeps hidden

  14. #34
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    nah it's fine

  15. #35
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    Name- Katali
    Meaning of name- N/A
    Age- a bit older than young Kovu in TLK2
    Eye color- dark
    Fur color- golden-brown (darker mane)
    Home- the Outlands
    Friends- Jabari, Hawara, Sahari
    Enemies- Takara
    Other- strongly built for a little guy

    History- parents were killed by Outlanders, came to Outlands by chance

  16. #36
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    Name=Karani eye colour, mane colour (if male), fur colour, personality, background, friends/family, and anything else you may think appropriate ...

  17. #37
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    OCC: Can a moderator approve my character before I join the rp For obvious reasons.

    Name- Alexander Kile
    Meaning of name- N\A
    Age- Adult 27 years
    Eye color- Brown
    Fur color- Royal golden
    Mane color- Choclate
    Home- Pride rock
    Friends- The pride
    Enemies- Edward Sentjames (poture and all round bad guy)
    Other- Bigger then Simba but happily submits to his rule

    Born human Alex was turned in to a lion. He witnessed His uncles muder at the hands of Edward Sentjames. Alex ran away to find a pride and the pridelandsers adopted him as one of there own adalessents. To which Muffassa took an intrest in the young Alex. Teaching him the skills to be a real lion. Eventurly finding a mate.

    Tradaity struck Alex's mate when a poutures bullet parrilised her hind legs and he had to leve the pridelands to take care of her. eventruly returning to the pridelands with his twin cubs John and Sarah after the death of his mate from cancer.

    He is now concidereds a valuble member of the pride.

  18. #38
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  19. #39
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    To correspond in this part of oasis...she is from pride rock, born after Kiara, so slightly younger than her sister, Nala and Simba as parents

    Name: Cova Simova - Cova
    Age: 1 (so yea youngish, early 20's human years)
    Gender: Female
    Species: Lioness


    From head to toe, at first glance things are clear she is a teenager, Clear cut muscualr physique, creamy golden Furr running along her back and sides, with a second coating of downy snow white running from her chin down underneath her belly to her hind legs, both colours melting together up her slender tail to its tip, This is Cova


    She is a very bubbly and jumpy person, her can do attitude clearly shown and is usually the first to say hello to anyone new. Forever with a smile or grin covering her face and bounding around other other lions even when they are never in the mood, and is always in the mood for anything!


    Her life has been a sheltered and loving one, Princess to the throne of her farther and mother Simba and Nala who had always been there, making sure she was happy. This life has lead her to affraid of little, and at times a little ignorant of happeneings around her. She is usually to be found around her sister Kiara the two have little diffrences. Now she is blossoming into adulthood and ventures out to seek others.

    (obviously holds no claim to ownership of photo, nor claims to be artist, was done by the all talented Sarafina and any comments to wanting it removed will result in it coming down immediatly )

  20. #40
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    Appearance: Toja is about two years old, so still fairly young as lions would see it -- kinda like a college student, I guess. He has dark brown fur and a black "mane," which is really the beginnings of a mane. His eyes are a striking blue. Uh, what else? Muscular physique...I think that's it.

    Background: Toja was originally from a pride to the north of the Pride Lands and Outlands. He was not royal in any sense, born to a lioness named Amasa and an unknown rogue. He always hoped to meet his father one day, but of course, how would he know.

    Toja grew up very active, strong in body and a quick thinker as well, but having no father left a shadow of doubt and insecurity in his young mind. At age two, he was sent away by the king, as all non-royal young males are, and he ran south, ending up in the Outlands. Spending an eventless night there, he awoke and set out in search of life in his new home.

    Personality: Well, you'll just have to meet him and find out, won't you, now?

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