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Thread: You might be a furry if... (Lion King)

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    #...?--You try to memorize the chant at the beginning of CoL
    #....?--You laugh when people bach the chant at the beginning of CoL
    #....?--You write fan-fics, or try to. I get distracted.
    #....?--You go nuts when you site TLK in movies, books, pop culture, etc.
    #...?--TLK is your favorite movie.
    #...?--You have the script memorized, at least the dialogue.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Shatara's Avatar
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    Wahahah, bumpage

    --When pouring your breakfast cereal in the morning, the first thing you notice is that the DVD offer on the front includes the voice of Lacey Chabert
    --You seriously consider procuring said DVD solely for this reason
    --You think the coolest thing about your brother-in-law is he inadvertently taught you the proper pronunciation of 'Lacey Chabert'

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    ...#: you throw 'TLK' around like you use LOL, ROTFL, etc.
    ...#: you listen to TLK music a -ton-
    ...#: you go nuts when you see\hear a TLK refrence.
    ...#: you want to name your pets\kids after characters.

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