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Thread: Feminism

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by la_reina
    Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
    Oh yeah?!...Us dudes are stronger, have a bigger cranium...and are Far more likely to go to prison!...

  2. #22
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    @ Kovu: That makes sense, but I'm not surprised you assumed that I meant physically stronger. I meant mentally and spiritually. Brains over brawn.

    @ Roog: LOL well, you may have a bigger cranium, but what shoiuld be in there isn't as big as say, the female's If you know what I mean.

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by la_reina

    @ Roog: LOL well, you may have a bigger cranium, but what shoiuld be in there isn't as big as say, the female's If you know what I mean.
    ...That might be the case generally...but it's Roog > La Reina and Moonibear...Combined!...

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by Monai
    You can't choose what gender you are,
    Actually... you can. Best not to get gender and sex confused: sex is a biological aspect of a person, and gender is a social constraint. *nods*

  5. #25
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    Originally posted by la_reina
    Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
    I hope you were being sarcastic...

    Honestly, I think that men and women are equally balanced. Most women don't tend to be as unnecessarily aggressive as men (driving, fighting, etc.), and most men don't tend to be as emotionally unstable as women. Of course, both of these differences are caused by hormones. But I think that in a social structure, these differences shouldn't make men superior to women, or visa versa.

    In regards to the question of feminism, I do believe that in most of the world, women are unfairly treated in social structures. Like every other minority group (although there are probably more women than men in the world, only a small portion actively stand up for equal rights, therefore causing feminism to be a minority), they do deserve equal rights. However, it seems every minority group has some type of odd urge to tip the scales in their favor, quite possibly out of a desire to get even or recompense their unfair representation in the past. I'm not completely sure about a large majority of the issues, but I know one unfair subject favoring feminism is the issue of college. Women are more highly desired in colleges, at least here in the US, so a lot of colleges have way more women than men, and it is more difficult for men to get into college.

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by la_reina
    Four words, females rule, males drool. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I do support feminism. Women are smarter, stronger, and more capable. Guys are cool...I mean, I do love men being straight and all...they're just dumb 80% of the time and need the help of us women.
    Hahaha, oh wow. Have you met many men?

  7. #27
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    Yeah..I am hoping you were only joking as well. If you actually believe that kind of statement then I think we need to have a If it was a joke..then that's fine.

    It doesn't really have to be about men and women...we are all people. Stereotypes aside..everyone is who they are...regardless of sex. Everything varies..and in the end we all depend on one another.


  8. #28
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    I hate-hate-hate Feminazis. You know, the kind who demand things like "history" be renamed "herstory" and think that all sex initiated by a man is rape (or that all sex is rape), think that equality for women is equal to hating men. The loud lot that make you feel bad for being a woman. ;P

    Also, I don't believe that both sexes are the same at all, so... yes. Anyone who thinks it's a case of just having different organs and bone structure is, well, a bit foolish.
    Uh, same here about Feminazis. I reckon men and women are really different socially and stuff, (I prefer to hang out with my guy friends than my girl friends on some days, and my girl friends than uy friends on others), but I think we're both equally powerful in different ways. I don't believe that there is a need for any arguments over the better/stronger sex. Human kind would be lost if either sex were missing, we'd probably all end up fertilising ourselves like some molluscs.

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    Hahaha, oh wow. Have you met many men?
    Yes...I wouldn't have said that if I didn't know any

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    Actually... you can. Best not to get gender and sex confused: sex is a biological aspect of a person, and gender is a social constraint. *nods*
    Lol, yes, you can change your gender, but I meant you can't change while you're in the womb and stuff, which probably makes no sense xD Sorry about that.

  11. #31
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    Woah thats freaky we (my friends) were talking about Feminists yesterday at lunch lol which then went on to Borat.....

    Meh i dont really have a opinion on feminism

  12. #32
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I think it's good that more and more woman get to say stuff, and are able to climb higher.

    As for myself, I hated being a girl, since I got bullied for that in school.

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  13. #33
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    I hate feminism. Those irritating girls who make remarks like La Reina just did "females rule, males drool" My god, were you up all night thinking of that one? Don't get me wrong, I like females, but when these types get it into their heads that because they're female they pwn everything then it just gets annoying, and I don't like it. I agree entirely with Neph and Kiva on the subject, this thread is stupid.

  14. #34
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    I think it's not fair to say things like "women are smarter" or "men are stronger", etc. What I mean is that it's not fair to generalize, and think that all men and all women are the same (that's what people do when they say that X gender is better/worse)... Generalizing is not good, people that share gender, race, religion, etc. don't necessary share intelligence, strength, way of thinking, etc.
    Anyway, what I mean is that any sexual discrimination is bad, as any other discrimination (racism, etc) is, and you have to jugde people individually, the gender doesn't say much about people. Everyone is different, no matter the gender.
    And one last thing, you can be proud of yourself, of how you are... but being proud of something like your gender isn't very logical.

    PD: It's my opinion, I don't wanna hurt anyone, sorry If I do, and it's just the way I see things... I respect other opinions.

  15. #35
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    which one to reply to first..

    Neph, I am not a feminazi and I'm sorry you think like that ^_^ I'm merely stating my opinion, however wrong you think it is.. thats the joy of individualism, otherwise if everyone thought like you or me, the world would be so boring.

    I do agree with most of your comments (especially Girls Rule, Males Drool )

    But I must say I'm not a crazy feminist, that sees Sex as Rape or anything.. yeash, relationships would be rather dull then, unless they mostly are lesbians... I dunno

    My boyfriend knows all about this *feminist* streak in me and he accepts it, and even supports it on occation. Heck, hes not a sterotypical male.. in fact the nearest thing to perfect in my opinion.. he has feminine characteristics like me, thinking too much into things people say etc. Yeash just a second ago he's the one asking for a hug! ^_^

    My argument is that females do get a raw deal in somesituations. In some countires females are repressed and I am rather upset by it.. mainly because of the whole *We Are Equal* stuff, thus I support the suppressed.
    However in other situations, females get the better deals. My boyfriend only mentioned this a few minutes ago. His sister is doing the job he did when he was at home, and as a result of a female doing it.. she gets more tips! Pwned.

    Pablos comment means mosly what I am driving at.. we are all equal but sometimes one side is repressed and this sucks. I have to admit though, males have been the pillars of society for too long.. TAKE OVER FEMALES!! just kiddin'

    I like how this thread is going Keep the talk up!!

  16. #36
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    So, then, do you prefer opening your own door?

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by Tiikeri
    I hate feminism. Those irritating girls who make remarks like La Reina just did "females rule, males drool" My god, were you up all night thinking of that one? Don't get me wrong, I like females, but when these types get it into their heads that because they're female they pwn everything then it just gets annoying, and I don't like it. I agree entirely with Neph and Kiva on the subject, this thread is stupid.
    True, this thread could lead to a huge arguement, but we can avoid that.

    I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example.

    But if I offended you, then I apologize. I'm very opinionated

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by la_reina
    True, this thread could lead to a huge arguement, but we can avoid that.

    I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example.
    Stupid people are stupid people, regardless of their sex. You're probably more aware of the stupidity of some male characteristics, but not very aware of the stupidity of some female characteristics. Honestly, you have to admit that the social structure in most female groups (especially in middle/high school) is often irrational and cruel. It's hard to tell who is really friends with who, with all the gossip that goes around. Also, at least out in my area, the wealthier girls tend to downsize the poorer girls (or the ones who just don't care) with their emphasis on fashion.

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by la_reina
    I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything, it's just that most of the men I've met in my life have turned out to be jerks because they couldn't think straight. I know all men aren't that way and yes, guys are cool and all like I said before, it's just that alot of the ones around me just don't...use their head properly. You know a perfect example.
    That's the thing with 'generalization' ... what you said was 'all' what you should have said was 'some ones I know' which when compared to every male on earth is a very very tiny amount that you accually know... if there were one billion different apples of different colors and shapes, you choose three and one had worms, one tasted over ripe, and one wasn't ripe yet ... does that mean all one billion apples are terrible on account of just three lousey choices? ... regardless it could have just been your own bad choices that cause your thinking.

    Until you know every single male on earth, can you make such a claim... for that matter until you are blameless you should not be acusing another as well... until your IQ is 300 can you say 'I am smarter than you' ... and that would be what everyone calls 'arrogance' ...

    Thirdly, your view is muddled because your focus is on males... thus your view of all the females is too less to be concidered... You cannot study apples to give a good report on watermelons you know.

    The answert is study each person indivisually, reguardless of race, religion, sex, etc... everyone apart of every race, gender, religion, etc will have their few whom make bad examples of the whole, just don't make the mistake of judgeing everyone, becaause of the action(s) of any less than 100% of the entire population.

  20. #40
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    hmm my way to think of things is that people are equal so I just be me and let the others take care of their job being them.
    And what comes to the fact that women get all the time more rights... I'm ok with it, but like lets say adoption for lesbian couples but not gay couples is wrong, either both or neither. if women start getting some special rights but all the same rights as men they turn into something that they have fought against for ages.

    and I think this is a bit wrong thread to say this but I wonder if there ever will be black female president in US... I would really want to see that happen.

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