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Thread: Let 'em know we care!

  1. #181
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    I would like to thank the people in my life...and the people in my head...and the people I see but no one else seems to see...And I would like to thank you guys...You guys are awesome...

    Well...enough of this emotional crap...Get the Hell Outta my House!

  2. #182
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    I would just like to take a moment to say how awesome I think Utora is! She was one of the first people I started talking to here at Lea, and I'll never forget how welcome she made me feel. I love ya, pal!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  3. #183
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    I'll back that up, Utora is an awesome person

  4. #184
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Utora
    What a pathetic waste. She knows she isn't, so why do you bother reminding her with your lies?
    I really wish I knew wtf that's supposed to mean O-o..

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  5. #185
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Utora
    What a pathetic waste. She knows she isn't, so why do you bother reminding her with your lies?
    Um, no offense Utora, but that post and this thread sound like a pity party.

    I really hope that isn't you that made those two posts. I hope maybe it's some mistake and someone is using your account. (Like a family member being mean or something)
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  6. #186
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    Lets see damn i wanna give a full 100 pages but it would be impsosible.

    Tiikeri: Great fun to hang around with, wacky, cool, kind, great personality and uhm fun to smoke a Shisha with.

    Amaryllis: Lol always fun to talk with on MSN, great personality, kind caring sweet, always full of joy, and can always make me laugh. great artist and I can see you will do well in the future, and another wacky one

    KS: yet another great Artist, always busy but when you start talking it is great fun, kind.

    This Land: Wacky dude, with lots of random and funny ideas... cool uhm and lemme think need to play more heavy metal over MSN

    Sharifu: great fun to talk with on MSN can have a civilized convo with you, always chilled when online, great fun again
    damn i am running out of thisngs to say...

    STM: well another quiet dude on MSN but when you talk your great to talk too, yet another one who is chilled out alot of the time.

    Shadow: Another great but crazy dude... very quiet over MSN but when talking he is sorta mad, especially when he has his mic next to his mouth... your a great dude Shads

    Thats all i can think of for this moment in it is like 6:15am over here i am literally like this

  7. #187
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    aww, thanks for the metion dude

    Been great talking to you over msn dude,

    Heavy metal isnt my thing. Rock all the way

  8. #188
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    Originally posted by This land
    aww, thanks for the metion dude

    Been great talking to you over msn dude,

    Heavy metal isnt my thing. Rock all the way
    Rock n' roll is good enough for me... ^^

  9. #189
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    I shall start with:

    Safila: for being funny and obsessed with sparklers. XD It is nice to see people don't ignore her for being twelve. When I was twelve no one listened to me. DX

    Masa: For being nice to meh and for making me giggle with her sporky-ness. XD

    lion_roog: For being freaking halarious. His post can be so random. XD Seriously. There is always a clown on the forums and he is it.

    Those are basically the first three people I met on the forum. ^^

  10. #190
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    Originally posted by Utora
    What a pathetic waste. She knows she isn't, so why do you bother reminding her with your lies?
    Utora, what are you saying? :Ohno: You can't mean that

  11. #191
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    I really like everyone here. :3 Honestly. Just in varying degrees.

  12. #192
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    I like you too Neph you give the straight truth and bring people back to Earth, which is a fantastic breath of fresh air. Never stop being you!

  13. #193
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    Yesss...I do agree there LC, don't stop being me...I-I mean, yourself.

    BTW Sam, I haven't had an actual conversation with you in...what, 500 years or so? I can barely remember your middle name now. (=
    Goes for everybody else on here, I haven't chatted with the rest of you peeps on a good long while too.

  14. #194
    Smokin' Sick Style Xacheraus's Avatar
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    Greetings all. Don't let my new and improved screen name confuse you, this is still the artist formerly known as John. I just wanted to give a big 'Thank You' to my close friends and everyone else on here, that I've had the opportunity to get to know over the past 3 years on Lea. I joined this message board just shortly after it was created, which was October 13th 2003 I believe. Well, I won't be all "wordy" like I usually am, but I would like to give a HUGE shout out to one of my first friends that I got to know on Lea, SimbaTheMighty(Petteri)! He called me on my mobile for the first time last night, and we talked for a good long while. I thought it was pretty cool and ironic that he was the first member on here to really talk to me, and now he's the first member to LITERALLY talk to me on the phone. So, that was all awesome! It made me feel all nostalgic and reminisce of the past times on Lea, when things weren't so hectic.

    Well, that's all I have to say about that. Live long and prosper peeps!

  15. #195
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    wow i cant belive iv over looked this thread for so let me just get my list together...

    but i whana thank pnt right off...we havent spoken for so long and this thread started so long back i whana pick things up again matey...

  16. #196
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Hanshilo
    KS: yet another great Artist, always busy but when you start talking it is great fun, kind.
    I must've missed this, but anyway, thanks for the mention Hans. ^^

    Ok, so I'm aware that the novelty of those 'praise Lea members' threads/posts has probably worn off by now, but things have changed ever since I last wrote my last list of praises over a year ago. I've made more friends and I've got to know a few others better. So here we go...

    Tiikeri (Dani): Dani, you're just one awesome and very special guy. I always look forward to speaking to you on MSN, and even if we don't speak online for obvious reasons, you always text me. Every text message I get from you cheers me up even when I'm feeling down, I think you have a gift. I love you for who you are more than anything, I don't want you to ever forget that and I can't wait to be with you on Saturday. <3 I love you Dani, forever.

    Lion King Stu (Stu): You're still one of my bestest pals ever, and I want you to know that. I'm aware we don't speak much anymore, but everytime we do speak you're always great fun to speak with. You've been an awesome friend over the years and I look forward to seeing your face someday again soon.

    FCSimba (Hailey): Again Hailey, you're another one of my bestest pals ever. Even if we only started speaking properly just over a year ago, it's still enough to call you a great friend. You're great fun to speak with, to have a laugh and to just basically RolePlay with. You have a special talent for RPing buddy, thanks for coming up with the idea of the "Insatiable Tempest" with me and Stu. Great pals sure do work well together.

    Sharifu (Audra): You're a great friend Audra, you have some great drawing skills and you've got a lovely personality. It was awesome meeting you at the London Meeting, and speaking to you for that shortish length of time we were held back at the pedestrian crossings. I really hope we get round to doing that collab too, I'm sure it's gonna be great fun. It's been great knowing you over the time I've been here at Lea, and let's hope for many more years. ^^

    Shadow (Shads): Shads, you're so awesome and funny to talk to and I always enjoy talking to you. You were actually one of the first I spoke to from Lea as I started speaking to you on the Lion King Domain. I've seen your art progress from the early stages and I must say, you'll get there. Trust me, it shows in your work. The amount of improvement is just wow, so kudos. ^^

    SimbaTheMighty, This Land, Nephilim, Naline, Nathalie, Lucy and Daniel: All you guys are awesome in your own ways. It was a load of fun meeting you all in London, meeting you face-to-face. Some of you I know more well than others, but that doesn't mean to say that I don't love you all the same. Thanks guys for the great time on the 2nd August, and to Stu, Dani and Audra too. You guys rule.

    I do have crap loads more peeps to write about as there's a lot more of you that I value as good friends, but I feel I'd just be rambling on if I wrote anymore. So I feel I've said most of what I need to say there. Just cause you're not on the list doesn't mean to say I don't like you (I say this all the time) it probably means that a) I don't know you well enough to actually write something about you, or b) I've ran out of things to say about people, and I don't wanna feel like I'm repeating myself.

    So yeah, you all rule guys. ^^ I know that there's gotta be a few members that I dislike more than others, but let's not go there shall we?

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

    Twitter / deviantArt / Facebook

  17. #197
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    My list needs updating, I guess.

    First off, Mufasa and Sarabi started this place, even though I've never talked to them personally I wouldn't have met any of you without them (save KS, of course). This should be the only entry that deviates from the alphabetical order of member names (I hope =P)

    Azerane, you're an amazing member. We don't talk often, but you're funny when we do, and you're one of the most creative members on here, keep writing because you're awesome at it.

    Daniel, you are one of the most hilarious members on Lea. You're also one of the most outgoing, you can see by how many people like you. Keep being random dude, people will always need someone to laugh with, and occasionally at.

    HasiraKali, a great member, whenever a new member joins she's always there to welcome them. She's also really funny, especially in the game threads like Outrageous Lie and the Ban Game. You're an awesome member, great to know you

    King Simba, I knew you from months before I joined LH, you were great then and you're still awesome now. Your art is amazing, really something people would aspire to, you're incredibly talented. No matter what you choose to do with your life, don't give up the drawing KS. You're also really great to talk to, which is sadly a lot less of the time nowadays. Keep being great KS.

    Kovu The Lion, you're awesome. You're one of the few people I actually do get time to talk to outside the forum and you're a great guy. I haven't really talked to you for long, but you're funny and cool, and you like my voice, which is always a plus xD

    la_reina, you're a really great girl. We don't talk often, admittedly, but from what I've seen on the forum, you're an awesome person, and a girl who'll stand up for herself. Stay the person who you are Reina, because it's people like you who put a smile on my face everyday.

    lion_roog, perhaps the most insane person on Lea. One of the most hilarious people I've ever met, without doubt. You're also really friendly towards everyone, and I can't recall a welcome thread in which you haven't posted. You can also be one of the most serious people and one of the most thoughtful, as well. I can't think of anyone who could dislike you, keep being yourself mate

    Lucy Lioness, a great member, we used to talk a lot on Yahoo, shame that we don't anymore. Friendly and kind towards everyone, and also funny. Hope we can start talking again Lucy. =)

    Neola, again, another member I don't talk to much anymore. A random girl, another of the most hilarious people on LH. You're also friendly towards people, a great quality to have. Keep being you, don't ever change.

    Nephilim, you are one of the wittiest people I know, and your writing is great. People often criticise the way you are, but they should get to know you first, and they'd find out what a cool person you are.

    Pnt, don't believe we've ever talked really, except maybe in group conversations. Your posts are a testimony to your intellect, every one of them has great thought put into it. You can be funny at times, but you seem like more of a serious guy to me, and you're the guy who starts serious and thought-provoking debates. An all round great person.

    S0nique, again, you're hilarious to the extreme, and our forum's very own 'King of Randomness'. You're also outgoing and friendly, and an intellectual member, and almost certainly the member with the largest vocabulary xD Your posts can range from being funny and random, to being serious and thoughtful. One of the coolest people on the forum.

    SimbaTheLion, you are probably one of the smartest people on this forum. You're also friendly towards people, and you're not afraid to show your true feelings, I commend you.

    Sombolia, your taste in music is excellent. You're witty and hilarious, and an awesome member. We've never talked nearly as much as I'd want us to, you seem to have disappeared or something... come back soon Sombo, we miss you!

    Tiikeri, you're an awesome dude, one of my friends from the very start. You're a great dude, hilarious in conversations, and you can speak Welsh, for which I envy you. xD You're awesome, and (as I've said a lot here) keep being yourself.

    Lastly, ?nathalie?, we don't talk much anymore, but on the Yahoo conversations last year you were great. You do an awesome job as an admin, keep up the good work You're also a very friendly gal, and you welcome the new members and set them off on their life in LH. Keep being great

    There was so many people I missed out there, I know. There are a lot of people I could add to the list, some I just couldn't think of what to say, others are people I don't really know but they seem cool. Forgive me if you think you should have been here, and I missed you off, it's not because I don't appreciate you. I could put so many names here (and probably will when I'm less tired), and all of them would be significant. Again, forgive me please. xD


  18. #198
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Monai
    Sombolia, your taste in music is excellent. You're witty and hilarious, and an awesome member. We've never talked nearly as much as I'd want us to, you seem to have disappeared or something... come back soon Sombo, we miss you!
    Awww, thank you Monai! Right back atcha. And look at that, I'm back.

  19. #199
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Monai
    King Simba, I knew you from months before I joined LH, you were great then and you're still awesome now. Your art is amazing, really something people would aspire to, you're incredibly talented. No matter what you choose to do with your life, don't give up the drawing KS. You're also really great to talk to, which is sadly a lot less of the time nowadays. Keep being great KS.
    Oh yeah, I remember the time where me and you used to speak out of the Lion King fandom. We used to pretty much speak all the time... I'm glad I referred you to Lea, as we've still stayed in touch more-so. And don't worry, I don't plan on giving up on drawing, cause I have already made plans for the future on where I want to go on that subject, thanks for the compliments though. ^^

    I feel rather guilty for missing you out on my list too, as you were one of the first I knew here. :woeisme: I was just very tired last night so I only remembered a few of who I wanted to praise. But anyway, thanks a lot for the praises, Andy. I'll have to write more about you someday I guess. xP

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

    Twitter / deviantArt / Facebook

  20. #200
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Monai
    S0nique, again, you're hilarious to the extreme, and our forum's very own 'King of Randomness'. You're also outgoing and friendly, and an intellectual member, and almost certainly the member with the largest vocabulary xD Your posts can range from being funny and random, to being serious and thoughtful. One of the coolest people on the forum.

    ♩ "Summer's going fast, nights growing colder.
    Children growing up, old friends growing older.
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer.
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger." ♩

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