I used to believe fully in evolution..but after some talks with my father..I feel a bit differently. I am not Christian...and you must first realize that beleiving that evolution did not happen does not immediately mean you think a God created everything. It could be something that we have not discoved yet.

Although many sources would lead you to believe that they have much proof of evolution, the truth is that there really isn't much. There isn't enough to say it happened..and there are certain things against it. Many of the pictures and things learned in school were actually lies and falsifications. There have been many fossils that have been faked to look as if they were a missing link, and even in the scientific community...people are shunned and even have their careers ruined because they question evolution.

Everyone must also realize that evoltion and adaptation are two different things. Evolution refers to one species changing into a completely new one..NOT that animals adapt to their environments. That is just where it starts and is supposed to continue...but in fact animals will switch back and forth between desirable traits. If evolution did occur, you would expect to find many of the fossils of the species' that existed in between the first life and all the various ones we have today..yet that is NOT the case. There are hardly any, IF any that show this. Finally...geological records show that during the course of the Earth...we went from no life...to every species on earth at once..it wasn't gradual.

Now..as I said..I'm not Christian..and I am not stating this to say that God created everything. Disproving something doesn't automatically prove the other side. I tend to not know where to stand on this..as there is SOME evidence..and some logical-sense to evolution...yet there are also things that are lacking..and proof against it.

What I am saying is do not take evolution as a proven fact..or as one that is supported as well as people make it out to be. It is actually still very much a mystery of how we got here..and there is a possibily it could have been evolution, God, or something we haven't discovered yet.
