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Thread: Tell Us About Yourself

  1. #181
    Senior Member
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    Ahh it's so long, but if anyone's interested in reading a bit more about me here it goes-


    First Name: Adam
    Screen Name (s): Wide-Eyed-Wanderer, sometimes use SuntoucherUK online as well
    Nicknames?: Ads, Nalaholic if you listen to Mizani
    Birth date: July 1st 1986
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic Background: Kinda Scottish/English/Scottish again if you follow my family tree. Prolly Swedish in there somewhere way back judging by my hair.
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Very light blond
    Freckles: Nope
    Moles: Not seen any but they keep leaving their damn piles of earth everywhere...old joke, sorry about that.
    Scars: My left thumb has more than most of my body, I keep hitting/cutting/chopping it.
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: Pass...undecided at the moment.
    Political Party: Liberal
    Country?: United Kingdom, Great Britain, Gren Bretagginy
    State/Province?: Hampshire
    Marital Status?: In a relationship, no marriage plans though.
    Sexual Preference?: Straight
    Parents Divorced?: Separated
    Siblings? How many?: 1 sister
    Children? How many?: 17...Nah none yet.
    Best Friend (s): People you guys don't know IRL, online they know who they be.
    Pets (names and what they are): At home I have 3 cats: Billy, Hazel and Nutkin...and 3 ducks the names of whom escape me just now.
    Job?: Student...
    Schooling?: In the middle of a Degree
    Car?: Nopers
    Play an Instrument?: Guitar, keyboard, bass, anything else I can find.
    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses
    Jewelry?: None
    Tattoo?: None
    Makeup?: Not regularly
    Zodiac Sign: Cancer
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger, baby...Rarr!


    Animal: Cheetahs, lions and foxes
    Color: Yellow and Blue
    Country: Just now this one I'm in, might change if I visit Italy or somewhere in Africa though.
    State/Province: Moray...'Mon the Scotland!
    Automobile: Ford GT40...currently the Pagani Zonda though
    Shoe: Ma shoes is supa-fly!
    Number: 55...apparently it's my lucky number.
    Food: Italian, generally
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Hardly ever eat the stuff 'cos you're hungry again after 30 mins. Suppose Mr Big Mac Capitolism though
    Musical Instrument: Piano...the most versitile instrument there is...oh and guitar as well...which comes second on that list.
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Fanta
    Season: Summer...all the others are just annoying.
    Actor: Morgan Freeman
    Actress: Don't really have one...Moira Kelly's cool though.
    Music Genre: Literally everything...except country.
    Singer: Hmm...lots here...R Kelly, Robbie Williams, Celine Dion probably the top 3. (Oh and I don't care if she's not cool )
    Band: Coldplay/ Muse/ lots of others.
    Movie Genre: Good films. Comedies if I had to choose.
    Movie: Lion King. Others include Good Morning Vietnam and The Shawshank Redemption.
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Will Smith in Men In Black
    Villain in Movie: Really can't think of one just now, the truck driver in Duel, which I watched earlier, was pretty cool though.
    TV Show: Red Dwarf, Top Gear, Jon Stewart's Daily Show.
    Cartoon: Animals of Farthing Wood...even if it isn't ever on
    TV Characters: Cat and Rimmer from Red Dwarf
    Anime: Don't watch 'em
    Anime Character: Mewtoo reluz...Pokemon prolly doesn't count though
    Book: Animals of Farthing Wood...again...
    Author: Don't really have one
    Board Game: Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit
    Game Console: PS2
    Computer/Console Game: Gran Turismo 4, Pro Evo 5, MGS2
    Sport: Football...proper footy not Yankee footy
    Activity (Besides Sports): Playing guitar
    Website: Seem to spend most of my time on here. I do love Wikipedia though.
    Subject in School: PE/Music
    Store: CDs!
    Gum: Don't eat/chew it
    Candy: Not a huge fan, prefer biscuits
    Email or IM: IM, email isn't immediate enough.
    Phone or in person: Face to face is always better
    TV or Radio or Internet: A combination of all 3 usually.
    Flavor: FlavoUr...crisps: salt and vinegar; cakes: lemon
    Cats or Dogs: Meeow ;oP
    Day or Night: Either Dawn or Dusk, they're both great
    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yes...they're everywhere
    Alcohol: Well yes, see above.
    Cigarettes/Cigars: Nooo, foul habit
    Chew: No, I tend to swallow all my food whole.
    Cuss/Swear: Only if I feel it's necessary
    Lie: Everyone does
    Stole: Nothing big...except that time I took the Eiffel Tower...put it back though
    Attempted Suicide: No
    Attempted Murder: Only with bugs
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No
    Got in a fight, did you win: Not really
    Been shot: Nah...never been to America... ;o)
    Want to go to college: Going to Uni just now.
    Had an imaginary friend: Yep
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Not really, they're much nicer to look at.
    Had D?j? Vu: All the time...had premonitions as well
    Gone skinny dipping?: Well seeing as I've spent nearly all my life in Scotland.... you joking?
    Walk around nude?: ;oD

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: If you believe it then yes
    Ever fallen in love?: Yep
    If so, at what age?: Between the ages of 12 and 17
    How many times?: Once properly...come close though.
    Ever been dumped?: Kinda
    How many times?: Once
    Ever made out?: Yes
    Ever had Sex?: No
    Looks or Personality?: 70% Personality, 30% looks
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I don't think I'm ugly anyway
    Believe in love at first sight?: Attraction at first sight, love takes time
    Do you want to get married?: Yes, when I find the right girl
    Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage is a physical bond between two people, fine as long as they have a stronger emotional bond.
    Do you want/have kids?: Yes
    Boys name: Can't decide on one
    Girls name: Lucy

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Let's just say I was drunk and it resulted in a huge bruise somewhere uncomfortable
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Haven't done anything I'd deem 'great'
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Well I just muck about most of the time so ask my mates
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Intolerance, ignorance and the Arctic Monkeys
    Person/Place/Thing you love: My parents and my proper home, not this one in Southampton.
    Country you hate besides your own: Well I feel America has too much dominance, but most countries aren't that great.
    Country you love besides your own: Kenya, Italy
    Best feeling in the world: Whenever people show they care
    Worst feeling in the world: Wanting something really bad and just falling short of it.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: I believe in a higher power, doubt it falls into any of the popular religions' definitions though.
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes, except as a method of birth control
    Do you believe in Cloning?: No...nothing religious, just think it's cruel to the clones
    Do you believe in Guns?: No way to get rid of them
    Do you believe in War?: I believe it won't ever stop, I wish politicians would grow up though.
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No
    Do you believe in Taxes?: They're a necessary evil
    Do you believe in Texas?: Hard to say...
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I believe in legal recognition for life-partners, of all orientations.
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Only for the sake of avoiding emotional trauma...i.e. if their affliction is socially unacceptable.
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Before my time really
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Only guilty of being infected with celebrity at the age of 5...would send anyone a bit mad.
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Who's Nader? Can we have a decent president for once next time? Clinton was cool...
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Not worrying about life after death until I die
    Do you believe in Hell?: See above


    Hobbies: Playing instruments, chatting to folk on here, playing PS2 and generally socialising
    Collections: Cars when I was younger...CDs now.
    Goals: Make it as a musician...failing that I'll just try and build a family and be happy.
    Dreams: Having kids
    Fears: Complacency
    Weaknesses: Tendency towards arrogance, still some remnance of the shyness of my youth there too.
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Er...I dunno lol...better ask him
    Most common emotion: My emotions bounce all over the place
    Perfect Pizza: Quattro Formaggi...Four cheese
    What?s your favorite Memory: Various gatherings of friends over the last few years
    Countries you?ve been to: France and Belgium...not very well travelled yet.
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Meh...lots...Gone to Cornwall for hols almost every year though.
    What pet would you like: A cheetah would be nice but failing me getting a farm in Africa I want a Bengal cat.
    Any additional information: Yes...I tend to shout 'pigeons' a lot!
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Always fun to stick your opinion down

  2. #182
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    You stole my name

  3. #183
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    First Name: Danita
    Screen Name (s): Timon
    Nicknames?: Danni
    Birth date: 8 July 1988
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: English and a quarter Italian
    Eye Color: Greeny blue
    Hair Color: Black
    Freckles: Only on my breasts
    Moles: Yep
    Scars: Loads, I was a clumsy kid
    Righty or Lefty?: Right
    Religion: Wicca, but I was raised Christian and still believe in God.
    Political Party: Conservative
    Country?: England
    State/Province?: Lincolnshire
    Marital Status?: Single
    Sexual Preference?: Striaght
    Parents Divorced?: No, my mum is widowed
    Siblings? How many?: One stepbrother
    Children? How many?: None, I'm only 17
    Best Friend (s): Sarah, Jess
    Pets (names and what they are): My seamonkeys
    Job?: Shop assistant
    Schooling?: College student
    Car?: Not yet
    Play an Instrument?: I wish
    Glasses or Contacts?: No
    Jewelry?: 7 rings, watch, garnet bracelet, religious necklace and Timon necklace
    Tattoo?: None
    Makeup?: Usually just mascara and blusher
    Zodiac Sign: Cancer
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon


    Animal: Meercats
    Color: Probably deep red
    Country: Africa
    State/Province: No idea
    Automobile: Aston Martin Vanquish
    Shoe: Mary jane
    Number: 9
    Food: Fish
    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC chicken
    Musical Instrument: Voice
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Coffee or Coca Cola (I don't drink alcohol)
    Season: Either Winter of Summer
    Actor: Nathan Lane <3
    Actress: Mary Philbin
    Music Genre: Show music
    Singer: Sarah Brightman
    Band: The Doors
    Movie Genre: Comedy
    Movie: Batman, Beetlejuice, The Birdcage, The Godfather, Heat, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Lion King, Mousehunt, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, The Phantom of the Opera (1925), The Producers (2005), Real Genius, The Salton Sea, Scarface (1983), The Shining and Top Secret!
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Batman
    Villain in Movie: Scar
    Book Genre: I read allsorts
    Book: The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
    Author: Lewis Carroll
    Board Game: No idea
    Game Console: No idea
    Computer/Console Game: No idea
    Sport: None
    Activity (Besides Sports): Watching movies, reading, art
    Website: Tim Burton Collective,, here
    Subject in School: Art
    Store: Virgin Megastores or HMV
    Gum: Don't like it
    Candy: Probably Starburst
    Email or IM: Email
    Phone or in person: In person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
    Flavor: Depends what it is
    Cats or Dogs: both
    Day or Night: Day
    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: No
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No
    Chew: I chew my food, yeah
    Cuss/Swear: Only when stressed
    Lie: Not on a regular basis
    Stole: No
    Attempted Suicide: Yes
    Attempted Murder: No
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained
    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, the math teacher broke it up
    Been shot: No
    Want to go to college: I'm at college
    Had an imaginary friend: Yep
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Only at the time of the month
    Had D?j? Vu: Alot
    Gone skinny dipping?: No
    Walk around nude?: Yeah, only once, I didn't like it

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes
    Ever fallen in love?: No
    If so, at what age?: I haven't
    How many times?: I haven't
    Ever been dumped?: No, but I dumped
    How many times?: Once
    Ever made out?: Once
    Ever had Sex?: No, I'm a pure as the driven snow
    Looks or Personality?: Personality, but I have to be attracted also
    [v]Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:[/b] Attractive (not wanting to sound big headed, but I don't like myself, how can I expect others to?)
    Believe in love at first sight?: Don't know
    Do you want to get married?: Yes
    Define marriage and what it means to you: A life long commitment and ultimate love
    Do you want/have kids?: Yes
    Boys name: Nathan
    Girls name: Alice

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Too many to choose from
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Not sure
    Funniest thing you?ve done: When I'm with Sarah everythings funny
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Poverty
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Nature
    Country you hate besides your own: Not sure, no where really
    Country you love besides your own: Africa
    Best feeling in the world: Happiness
    Worst feeling in the world: Lonliness

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: I believe in God and a Goddess
    Do you believe in Abortion?: No
    Do you believe in Cloning?: No
    Do you believe in Guns?: Guns don't kill people, people kill people
    Do you believe in War?: No, but sometimes theres no choice but to fight back
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No
    Do you believe in Taxes?: For stuff like the NHS yes, but to line the governments pockets no.
    Do you believe in Texas?: What?
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes, they should be allowed to do what they like
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No, learn to love the natural you
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who?
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Not sure
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Don't know
    Do you believe in Heaven?: No, reincarnation
    Do you believe in Hell?: No, reincarnation


    Hobbies: Watching movies, reading, art
    Collections: DVDs, movie merchandise
    Goals: To be an actress
    Dreams: To be an actress at the West End/Broadway and on film
    Fears: Spiders, whales, rejection, lonliness
    Weaknesses: Shyness
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P What?
    Most common emotion:They're all over the place, I'm happy at the moment though, I just wish I had more courage
    Perfect Pizza: Cheese
    What?s your favorite Memory: My dad and my nan
    Countries you?ve been to: Kenya, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Turkey, America, Carribean.
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: In America we went to Florida
    What pet would you like: A meerkat
    Any additional information: not that I can think of
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah, they make me think about my life

  4. #184
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    First Name: Ryan

    Screen Name (s): pntbll248, pntbll
    Nicknames?: Pnt, Noodles

    Birth date: Yes
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background: German, Irish, Blackfoot Native American
    Eye Color: Greenish Blue

    Hair Color: Brown with a red tint

    Freckles: Not really, no

    Moles: No more than an average person

    Scars: Yeah, a few

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: Independent

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Ohio

    Marital Status?: I'm In love

    Sexual Preference?: Bisexual

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: One sister

    Children? How many?: Ten

    Best Friend (s): They know who they are

    Pets (names and what they are): Sadie - Flat Coated Retriever, Mittens - Cat

    Job?: Paintball ref

    Schooling?: High School and some college classes (thus far)

    Car?: Red 1994 Mercury Villager minivan

    Play an Instrument?: Drums

    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses, if I feel like it

    Jewelry?: I used to wear a watch

    Makeup?: Nope

    Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Chinese Scorpio


    Animal: Dolphin

    Color: Blue

    Country: USA

    State/Province: Not Texas

    Automobile: Red 1994 Mercury Villager

    Shoe: Err... Sandals?

    Number: 3

    Food: Filet Mignon with a bit of mushroom and bleu cheese sauce

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway; 12" Club on Parmesan Oregano bread, Pepperjack cheese, not toasted, with all the vegies excluding green peppers and jalepenos. Oh, and can I have two oatmeal raisin cookies with that.

    Musical Instrument: Drums

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Tequila and lemon soda; or any kind of fruit smoothie

    Season: Summer

    Actor: Robin Williams

    Actress: Robin Williams

    Music Genre: Rock

    Singer: Err...

    Band: Eagles

    Movie Genre: I don't like gory movies

    Movie: Forest Gump

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Forest Gump

    Villain in Movie: Those kids that chase Forest Gump in the beginning

    Book Genre: Any

    Book: Where the Red Fern Grows (for sentimental reasons, I cried)

    Author: Michael Crichton

    Board Game: Twister

    Game Console: Super Nintendo

    Computer/Console Game: Super Marion RPG Legend of the Seven Stars

    Sport: Paintball, I guess =/

    Activity (Besides Sports): 3D art


    Subject in School: Science

    Store: Polaris (Mall)

    Gum: Spearamint

    Candy: Milky Way

    Email or IM:

    Phone or in person: In Person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: I like a lot of flavors

    Cats or Dogs: Both are cool with me

    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yes

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: Yes

    Chew (Chewing Tabacco): Yes, once, and it will never happen again. *Shudders*

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: Yes

    Stole: Unfortunately, yes

    Attempted Suicide: Yes

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, Yes/No

    Been shot: Yes, nothing major though

    Want to go to college: Yes

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Just thinking what it'd be like

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: Yes

    Walk around nude?: I don't really wear clothing unless I have to, I should, or it's uncomfortable not to

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 15

    How many times?: 2

    Ever been dumped?: Yes, I'm always left for another person

    How many times?: Too many.

    Ever made out?: Yes

    Ever had Sex?: Yex

    Looks or Personality?: Both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Meh

    Believe in love at first sight?: Eh... I'm not one to judge someone else's love

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Two people who love eachother dearly and want to spend the rest of their lives together

    Do you want/have kids?: Yes, I do at some point. I think I'd be a good dad.

    Boys name: Tweezers

    Girls name: Yellow Room

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: A lot

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Defended a ten year old getting messed with by some college guys

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Well, this one time...

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Ignorance and bigotry (two different things, by the way)

    Person/Place/Thing you love: People, Back Massage

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate my country, I don't hate other countries

    Country you love besides your own: The UK, though I was disgusted at how I was treated because I was American last time I was there. I like India too.

    Best feeling in the world: Comfort, Safety, Accomplishment

    Worst feeling in the world: Pain, Danger, Failure

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Really, I don't know.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Depends on what you're cloning

    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: War is the most horrendous thing on earth, I consider it a complete disrespect of individual human life; that being said, in some situations I realize war is unavoidable and even necessary.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes, but fair taxes, not tax brackets.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yeah =/

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: You know what, I couldn't care less

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: No, he was aquitted

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No, he was not found guilty.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Those who are elected are usually incompetent, those who are competent will usually never run in an election

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes, but I'm sick and tired of it being used as a scare tactic by fundamentalist religions.


    Hobbies: Art, Animation, Relaxing, Paintball

    Collections: Coins

    Goals: Find happiness in life

    Dreams: Work for Dreamworks, then start a studio

    Fears: Death, War, Suffering, Losing a person I love

    Weaknesses: Right now, I have a lot and I'm very very sensitive to them

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'd do him.

    Most common emotion: Fear

    Perfect Pizza: I've had too much pizza lately

    What?s your favorite Memory: (Warning: Cliche) Riding a bike on the beach at sunset

    Countries you?ve been to: Quite a few

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Quite a few

    What pet would you like: I'm raising a velociraptor in my basement

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Meh, this one was a bit invasive, but I guess I posted it

  5. #185
    Senior Member
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    First Name:-----
    Screen Name (s): Noodle
    Nicknames?: Noodle,Noodles,Noodes

    Birth date: Maybe
    Gender: Girl

    Ethnic Background: English
    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair Color: Brown with purple
    Freckles: A few

    Moles: No

    Scars: Yeah
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Don't have one

    Political Party: Pepsi or coke ?
    Country?: UK
    State/Province?: Forgot
    Marital Status?: Taken
    Sexual Preference?: Straight
    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: Two brothers

    Children? How many?: 1 :P
    Best Friend :My Softie !!

    Pets (names and what they are): Fish,tortoises and hammies

    Job?:Can't be arsed

    Schooling?: No......

    Car?: Lost it
    Play an Instrument?: Geetar :P
    Glasses or Contacts?: None
    Jewelry?: Nahhh ,not really
    Makeup?: Yeh

    Zodiac Sign: Forgot
    Chinese Zodiac Sign:See above


    Animal: Wolves
    Color: Green and purple

    Country: Japan


    Automobile: Don't care

    Shoe: Traniers

    Number: 17

    Fast Food Place and Food there:Mackie D's

    Musical Instrument: Guitar

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Fruit smoothie's

    Season: Summer

    Actor: Tom Hanks

    Actress: Dunno
    Music Genre: GORILLAZ !! *ahem*
    Singer: Err...

    Band: GORILLAZ *shutup!*

    Movie Genre: Hmmm scary

    Movie: Watership Down

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Hazel i guess

    Villain in Movie: Woundwort (Watership down)

    Book Genre: Any

    Book: Watership down


    Board Game: Don't play them
    Game Console: Gamecube

    Computer/Console Game: Zelda (ocarina of time and windwaker)

    Sport: Eating

    Activity (Besides Sports): Art

    Website: This forum
    Subject in School: English

    Store: Forbidden planet

    Gum: Cola

    Candy: Chocolate

    Email or IM: IM
    Phone or in person: Phone

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

    Flavor: Loads

    Cats or Dogs: Cats
    Day or Night: Night

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: No

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew (Chewing Tabacco): No

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: Yes

    Stole: Yes

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes and yes

    Been shot: Nope

    Want to go to college: Yes

    Had an imaginary friend: No

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nah

    Had D?j? Vu: No

    Gone skinny dipping?:Erm no

    Walk around nude?:Gee no

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: Forgot

    How many times?: Dunno

    Ever been dumped?: No

    How many times?: Erm...
    Ever made out?: Yes

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: Both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Erm...i don't know

    Believe in love at first sight?: Eh...
    Do you want to get married?: I dunno

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Dunno

    Do you want/have kids?: Hell no
    Boys name: Murdoc

    Girls name: Noodle

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Too many

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Gee nothing...
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Somethin'

    Person/Place/Thing you hate:
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Softie.

    Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate other countries

    Country you love besides your own:Japan and the USA
    Best feeling in the world: ----
    Worst feeling in the world: Depression

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?on't care

    Do you believe in Cloning?: No
    Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

    Do you believe in War?: No way

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No
    Do you believe in Taxes?: Nah,they suck ****
    Do you believe in Texas?: ......
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Don't care

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Coke !!!

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: -----
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes

    Hobbies: Art.....

    Collections: Plushies and DVD's

    Goals: None

    Dreams: Oh 2D........
    Fears: Death,becoming of old age

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Erm...

    Most common emotion: Hyperness

    Perfect Pizza: Cheese and tomato
    What?s your favorite Memory: :S
    Countries you?ve been to: Quite a few

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:

    What pet would you like: A rabbit
    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires:Yeh

  6. #186
    Senior Member
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    First Name: John

    Screen Name (s): Fire_Hazard
    Nicknames?: Fire, Hazi :P,
    Birth date: May 22, 1990
    Gender: Male

    Ethnic Background:
    Eye Color: Deep Sea Blue

    Hair Color: Blonde (Yes, I think blondes have more fun )

    Freckles: No

    Moles: No

    Scars: Do birthmarks count?

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty

    Religion: Christianity

    Political Party:

    Country?: CANADA!

    State/Province?: British Columbia

    Marital Status?:

    Sexual Preference?: You choose :P

    Parents Divorced?: Yes

    Siblings? How many?: 2

    Children? How many?: 0

    Best Friend (s): Don't have one

    Pets (names and what they are): 2 cats named Lucky and Harry. I also have 15 sheep and I used to have an emu :P

    Job?: Getting a job at a supermarket.

    Schooling?: Hell yeah.

    Car?: I WISH!

    Play an Instrument?: Drums for 2 1/2 years.

    Glasses or Contacts?: No

    Jewelry?: Necklace I got from my dad in Mexico

    Tattoo?: No

    Makeup?: No

    Zodiac Sign: Gemini

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: I think it's a horse or a lion :P


    Animal: Lion!

    Color: Fire red! (Without a doubt)

    Country: Kenya




    Number: 69! Jk! Uhhhh..... 19

    Food: Chou Shu and Mashed Potatoes and Gravy!

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Dairy Queen. Bacon Double Cheeseburger with a ice cream cone :P

    Musical Instrument: The bagpipes! Jk...... Drums, of course

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Root Beer! also Fireball! (Alcoholic drink)

    Season: Spring or Summer

    Actor: Jim Carrey

    Actress: Rachel McAdams

    Music Genre: Anything except rap, country or western.

    Singer: Mariah Carey (She has got talent, people!)

    Band: Right now, Avenged Sevenfold

    Movie Genre: Romantic Comedy (Ladies, I like most chick flicks)

    Movie: Rush Hour 2 or Terminator 3!

    Hero/Heroine in Movie:

    Villain in Movie:

    Book Genre:

    Book: Julius Caesar

    Author: Robert Munch

    Board Game:

    Game Console:

    Computer/Console Game:

    Sport: FOOTBALL! and Basketball.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Wakeboarding and playing drums


    Subject in School: Jazz Band


    Gum: Dentyne: Shiver

    Candy: Livewires.

    Email or IM: IM. Duh!

    Phone or in person: In person is always better

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet or TV.

    Flavor: Spicy.

    Cats or Dogs: They are both my fav.

    Day or Night: Well, since you can do pretty much anything in the day, but the night is more romantic and for partying and cuddling .

    IM Service:

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Hell no. You think i'm crazy? (Don't answer that :P)

    Alcohol: A little.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: ?

    Cuss/Swear: I barely ever do and if I do, I'm either a total wreck or i'm pissed off.

    Lie: Who doesn't?

    Stole: I used to. The only thing that I have ever stolen is a stick of gum from a friend. :P

    Attempted Suicide: I know a couple of friends who have.

    Attempted Murder: No.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my ankle

    Got in a fight, did you win: I have never gotten into a fight. I just don't find the need to.

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yes.

    Had an imaginary friend: Meet my friend, Billy. Billy says that he doesn't like you :P

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: *Looks down* Nope.

    Had D?j? Vu: I think i've seen this question before :P. Yes.

    Gone skinny dipping?: Yes. Almost the best fun I ever had.

    Walk around nude?: I did a dare once where I ran into the middle of an intersection of a busy highway. I got $90 from it!

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: As real as it gets.

    Ever fallen in love?: ? Is this a trick question?

    If so, at what age?: 15!

    How many times?: Lots.

    Ever been dumped?: Nope.

    How many times?:

    Ever made out?: Nope.

    Ever had Sex?: I wish :P. Jk.........

    Looks or Personality?: Both.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Maybe if I shaved :P

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yes.

    Do you want to get married?: Yes.

    Define marriage and what it means to you: When two people that love each other want to spend the rest of their lives together (including lez and gay).

    Do you want/have kids?: It's more of a want

    Boys name: Jason

    Girls name: Sierra

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Fell off a stage at school :P

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Helped a friend beat suicide and depression.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Ran around inside a gym 6 times before I realized that I had my underwear on :P

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: People who say mean and disrespectful things.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Love and all it's entities.

    Country you hate besides your own: USA!

    Country you love besides your own: Kenya

    Best feeling in the world: When your gf loves you back after you say you love them

    Worst feeling in the world: When people bug you about things that you can't change about yourself.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: You mean the "Big Guy in the Sky?". Yeah.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Questionable.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Hell no.

    Do you believe in Guns?: Guns should be abolished. It's a sissy way to kill people.

    Do you believe in War?: War is pointless and that innocent people die because of it.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Texas?: ??????

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Yes.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: No.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: I'm not American.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Hell?: Yes.


    Hobbies: I don't have much except reading, sports and music.

    Collections: Don't have one.

    Goals: To surpass my potential in life.

    Dreams: To build the world's largest pizza!

    I have always wanted to go to Kenya and support playing sports in those countries and see the animals :P

    Strengths: Loyalty, Determination, A sense of humor (Thank god for that ) and Strength in both the heart and soul.

    Fears: The fear of seeing other people in pain.

    Weaknesses: That I hardly ever think highly of myself.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Uhhh..... Let's ask the judges. *HOOOOONK* I guess not then :P

    Most common emotion:

    Perfect Pizza: MEAT LOVERS!

    What?s your favorite Memory: When I saw my first lion

    Countries you?ve been to: USA! (Hated it)

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:

    What pet would you like: A lion (Jeez, it's like the same question :P)

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah!

    Do you think that girls would go out with you: Well, if they are looking for an honest, down to earth person who enjoys those walks on the beach, then yeah.

  7. #187
    Senior Member Eva Janus's Avatar
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    Florida, USA
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    First Name: Karen

    Screen Name (s): Eva Janus
    Nicknames?: Evvy; Kar'

    Birth date: 2 July '87
    Gender: female

    Ethnic Background: white
    Eye Color: brownish

    Hair Color: dark blonde/ light brown

    Freckles:yes, they're very light though

    Moles: a few maybe

    Scars: yup

    Righty or Lefty?: righty

    Religion: Christian (specifically, Independent Baptist)

    Political Party: republican

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Florida

    Marital Status?: single

    Sexual Preference?: depends

    Parents Divorced?: nope, never

    Siblings? How many?: 2 brothers (one older, one younger)

    Children? How many?:none

    Best Friend (s): Erin, Sean

    Pets (names and what they are): no pets

    Job?: piano teacher

    Schooling?: senior in highschool presently

    Car?: none

    Play an Instrument?: piano

    Glasses or Contacts?: nope

    Jewelry?: my star necklace and my silver and turqouise ring

    Tattoo?: nope

    Makeup?: hell no

    Zodiac Sign: cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: rabbit?



    Color: black

    Country: Africa?

    State/Province: Virginia

    Automobile: Humvee

    Shoe: Vans

    Number: 4

    Food: macaroni and cheese

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King / whopper (I guess)

    Musical Instrument: piano

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Dr. Pepper!

    Season: autumn

    Actor: Sean Bean

    Actress: Keira Knightley

    Music Genre: heavy metal/rock

    Singer: Sandi Patty

    Band: TRUST Company

    Movie Genre: Action?

    Movie: Jurassic Park

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Aragorn (LotR)

    Villain in Movie: Scar!

    Book Genre: sci-fi

    Book: Jurassic Park

    Author: Michael Crichton!

    Board Game: none

    Game Console: not sure

    Computer/Console Game: not sure either

    Sport: ugh, hate sports

    Activity (Besides Sports): hiking


    Subject in School: Latin

    Store: Hot Topic

    Gum: Orbit

    Candy: Twix

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: in person

    TV or Radio or Internet: internet

    Flavor: uh...?

    Cats or Dogs: cats preferably

    Day or Night: night!

    IM Service: AOL I think

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: nope

    Alcohol: nope


    Chew: nope

    Cuss/Swear: yeah

    Lie: yup

    Stole: yeah

    Attempted Suicide: maybe

    Attempted Murder: thought about it =P

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: nope

    Got in a fight, did you win: dunno

    Been shot: nope

    Want to go to college: yup!

    Had an imaginary friend: hehe, yeah

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: nope!

    Had D?j? Vu: yeah

    Gone skinny dipping?: yup

    Walk around nude?: no!

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yup

    If so, at what age?: 17 I think

    How many times?: 4

    Ever been dumped?: yeah

    How many times?: once

    Ever made out?: yup yup!

    Ever had Sex?: nope

    Looks or Personality?: personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: kinda in between

    Believe in love at first sight?: nope

    Do you want to get married?: maybe

    Define marriage and what it means to you: the union of a MAN and a WOMAN together to live for the rest of theirs lives. they live as one and work together to enjoy the rest of their life. It's something special and not to be toyed with, I believe.

    Do you want/have kids?: maybe

    Boys name: Eric?

    Girls name: Eva, hehe

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: shoplifted

    Greatest thing you?ve done: get involved with Sean

    Funniest thing you?ve done: made jokes?

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: mum/hell/...uh... something...

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Sean/his home/...I dunno

    Country you hate besides your own: not sure

    Country you love besides your own: Australia

    Best feeling in the world:to be with your mate

    Worst feeling in the world: to know that you're doomed

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: yup

    Do you believe in Abortion?: no

    Do you believe in Cloning?: no

    Do you believe in Guns?: yes

    Do you believe in War?: yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?:maybe

    Do you believe in Taxes?: yeah

    Do you believe in Texas?: uh... sure

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: no!

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: no

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: uh...

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: uh...

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Bush

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yup!

    Do you believe in Hell?: yup!


    Hobbies: teaching piano, singing, drawing, chatting online

    Collections: TLK merchandise

    Goals: to figure out what to do for college

    Dreams: to work with elephants

    Fears: hell

    Weaknesses: too trusting sometimes

    Most common emotion: anger

    Perfect Pizza: cheese =P

    What?s your favorite Memory: visiting Sean over xmas break

    Countries you?ve been to: Mexico

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Tenessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Ohio

    What pet would you like: Dinosaur! j/k... probably a cat

    Any additional information: not right now

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: sometimes
    Lion King Fanart Page · Deviantart Page ·
    Furaffinity Page

    Telegram: @EvaJanus

  8. #188
    Junior Member
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    First Name: Carley

    Screen Name (s): Tail, Fuzzy Pawz, Kai. And more that I don't remember right now.
    Nicknames?: Same as screen names. Tail is used most often.

    Birth date: Jan 27th
    Gender: Female

    Ethnic Background: French
    Eye Color: Green

    Hair Color: Black

    Freckles: no

    Moles: yes

    Scars: A couple, fading.

    Righty or Lefty?: Right

    Religion: None. I'm athiest.

    Political Party: Don't much care for politics.

    Country?: Canada!

    State/Province?: Ontario

    Marital Status?: Single.

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: Three brothers, ain't I lucky?

    Children? How many?: None, probably never will have any.

    Best Friend (s): Don't wanna list them, I'm liable to leave someone out.

    Pets (names and what they are): Zoe (Shetland sheepdog) and Li ("distantly adopted" cat. If you wanna know what I mean by that you can PM me.)

    Job?: At a framing store.

    Schooling?: High School.

    Car?: None, can't drive.

    Play an Instrument?: No. I have no musical talent unless you count the ocarina.

    Glasses or Contacts?: neither

    Jewelry?: My wolf/dragon/yin yang/snake necklace.

    Tattoo?: Maybe someday.

    Makeup?: Ewww...

    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake/Horse. I was born THE DAY after the year of the snake ended, so I believe I have characteristics of both.


    Animal: Wolves, tigers, snakes and hawks/falcons.

    Color: orange

    Country: Canada

    State/Province: Ontario

    Automobile: None.

    Shoe: None.

    Number:What makes one number different from any other?

    Food: Vegetarian Chili

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway, veggie sub.

    Musical Instrument: I wish I could play the drums.

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Coca Cola.

    Season: Winter!

    Actor: Neh, I have a few.

    Actress: Don't really have one.

    Music Genre: Rock or punk I suppose.

    Singer: Clay Aiken probly.

    Band: My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Yellowcard, All-American Rejects... Need I go on?

    Movie Genre: Dun care.

    Movie: Too many.

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Dunno.

    Villain in Movie: Dunno.

    Book Genre: Fiction.

    Book: The Sight and Firebringer by David Clement-Davies and Eragon by Christopher Paolini

    Author: David Clement-Davies

    Board Game: Clue

    Game Console: Super Nintendo. (What? The old ones are good.)

    Computer/Console Game: Neh...

    Sport: Karate.

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing

    Website: Dunno

    Subject in School: English and art

    Store: Minds Alive

    Gum: Whatever tastes good.

    Candy: Chocolate

    Email or IM: MSN

    Phone or in person: In person. I hate the phone, its almost a phobia.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Net.

    Flavor: lemon

    Cats or Dogs: Both

    Day or Night: Day, but night has definite appeal too.

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No

    Alcohol: Once or twice

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No

    Chew: No

    Cuss/Swear: Yes

    Lie: I have yes, I try to avoid it.

    Stole: Once or twice, LONG ago.

    Attempted Suicide: Nope.

    Attempted Murder: Nope.

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Nope.

    Got in a fight, did you win: Do arguements count? If they do mostly no.

    Been shot: No

    Want to go to college: Yes

    Had an imaginary friend: I tried, I just couldn't believe.

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: ... Sometimes it seems easier for guys.

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: Yes

    Walk around nude?: No

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes

    If so, at what age?: 13 and 15

    How many times?: Twice

    Ever been dumped?: Yes.

    How many times?: Once.

    Ever made out?: No.

    Ever had Sex?: No.

    Looks or Personality?: Personality

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly.

    Believe in love at first sight?: No

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Love, except now everybody knows it and its a little more formal and binding. Means they'll love you forever.

    Do you want/have kids?: No. I do not want kids.

    Boys name:

    Girls name:

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Walked into a door.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: My best drawings

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Cracked a joke or two that worked out.

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Betrayal.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: Animals.

    Country you hate besides your own: None.

    Country you love besides your own: Japan.

    Best feeling in the world: To love and be loved in return, to feel close to someone, and feel like you are thier world. To know you can tell them anything, you can always hug them and kiss them. You can go to them when you're happy or sad or angry and they try to make things better.

    Worst feeling in the world: That would be being dumped or dumping someone or the breaking of trust.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No.

    Do you believe in Abortion?: I haven't decided a definite opinion on this.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Its kind of unnatural.

    Do you believe in Guns?: No. I hate guns.

    Do you believe in War?: No.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: NO! I'm a vegetarian.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes, if the people who we pay to use them correctly.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Yes.

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes, people have every right to marry who they want.

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Sure.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dunno.

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Dunno.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: I don't care.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Maybe.

    Do you believe in Hell?: No.


    Hobbies: Karate, drawing.

    Collections: Stuffed animals. (I'm addicted. I have this thing half of my collection hangs in, and I have so many stuffed animals, I broke the hook.)

    Goals: None.


    Fears: Heights, friends/family getting hurt/dying, certain social situations and asking questions/asking for things.

    Weaknesses: Perfectionism. And an extreme lack of self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P

    Most common emotion: Happiness I guess, my friends say I laugh and smile a lot.

    Perfect Pizza: Olives and extra cheese.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Being with my grandpa.

    Countries you?ve been to: Canada.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Quebec, Ontario.

    What pet would you like: Snake, dog, bird, cat, rat... I'll just stop there.

    Any additional information: Nah.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes.

  9. #189
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    First Name: DJ, since I am in very deep denial.
    Screen Name (s):
    AIM: transistorsxx
    Y!M: gamecubed14
    Google Talk: captain.immy[at]
    Email: captain.immy[at], or - the 1st one's easiest, though.
    Nicknames?: Sombolia?
    Birth date: May 14
    Gender: Whatev'.
    Ethnic Background: German
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Brown
    Freckles: Yeah
    Moles: No
    Scars: A few
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty
    Religion: ..whatev'?..
    Political Party: Err.
    Country?: USA
    State/Province?: California &hearts;
    Marital Status?: Single
    Sexual Preference?: Again, whatever.
    Parents Divorced?: You could say that..
    Siblings? How many?: N/A
    Children? How many?: None, and there probably won't ever be--or if there are, I ain't getting pregnant, pssh.
    Best Friend (s): Austin, Aaron & Johnno.. Christine and Sammy, I suppose (The Tre and Billie to my Mike XD). And, um, way too many people online that I consider.
    Pets (names and what they are): Mr. Echo the cat and Rocky the hamster on mine, my mom has a bird, and we also have a cat that isn't technically anyone's. She doesn't like anyone. XD
    Job?: Student
    Schooling?: Yerse..
    Car?: No
    Play an Instrument?: Not well, I'm learning to play bass guitar, and a bit of drums too.
    Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses
    Jewelry?: Earrings, since my beloved Adeline dogtags have not arrived yet.
    Tattoo?: No
    Makeup?: God, no. Make-up is for men, pssh.
    Zodiac Sign: Taurus


    Animal: Fox
    Colour: Purple, teal
    Country: Overall, I suppose England, but it's only because California's not a country. XD
    State/Province: CALIFORNIA. Duhh, whut whut.
    Automobile: I.. don't care.
    Shoe: See above..
    Number: 14, 27
    Food: Italian
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Jack in the Box - Ultimate Cheesburger, no mayo with a side of curly fries and a coke. Yeahhhh, I got it all planned out.
    Musical Instrument: Bass guitar
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi
    Season: Autumn
    Actor: Harrison Ford
    Actress: *shrug*
    Music Genre: Punk rock.. rock in general, I suppose.
    Singer: If you mean "not with a band", I can't choose. Howevuurrrr, at the moment, I am very swoony for Patrick Stump's voice. It drips adorable.
    Band: Green Day, of course. Also ZE NETVERK because woahmg, Fall Out Boy, Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones, Pinhead Gunpowder, Keane, Hot Waffles.. perhaps Nine Inch Nails and Nirvana, too. And er, I think that's enough.
    Movie Genre: Good ones xP
    Movie: STAR WARS. zomg.
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Han Solo
    Villain in Movie: Scar
    Book Genre: Fantasy
    Book: Harry Potter and the [insert words of choice here]
    Author: *shrug*
    Board Game: *shrug*
    Game Console: *shrug*
    Computer/Console Game: Too many..
    Sport: Bleh, sports.
    Activity (Besides Sports): Muuuusic.
    Subject in School: CELT, at the moment
    Gum: Miiiinty
    Candy: Chocolate
    Email or IM: IM
    Phone or in person: In person
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet, 'cause you can watch TV / listen to the radio on it.
    Flavor: Err
    Cats or Dogs: Cats
    Day or Night: Night
    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No
    Alcohol: Yes
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No
    Chew: No
    Cuss/Swear: Yeah
    Lie: Yeah
    Stole: Haah, yeah, nothing serious though
    Attempted Suicide: No
    Attempted Murder: No
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Fractured, sprained, not broken though.
    Got in a fight, did you win: No
    Been shot: No
    Want to go to college: Not particulary, since I'm not really looking at any career options that require college. And I just realized how stupid that sounds.
    Had an imaginary friend: Yes
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Yessssssss.
    Had D?j? Vu: Almost everyday, it's starting to freak me out
    Gone skinny dipping?: No
    Walk around nude?: No

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes.. *looks warily at MSN display name*
    Ever fallen in love?: No
    If so, at what age?: /
    How many times?: /
    Ever been dumped?: No
    How many times?: /
    Ever made out?: No
    Ever had Sex?: No
    Looks or Personality?: "Personality, looks are just a bonus." <-- What he said.
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: *shrug*
    Believe in love at first sight?: No
    Do you want to get married?: Not really
    Define marriage and what it means to you: Two people in a commited relationship who want it to be legal. -shrug-
    Do you want/have kids?: Not really
    Boys name: /
    Girls name: /

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Dunno
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Dunno
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Dunno
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Dunno/Dunno/Dunno.
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Mikey/California/Music
    Country you hate besides your own: *shrug*
    Country you love besides your own: England
    Best feeling in the world: Contentment
    Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Dunno
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes
    Do you believe in Cloning?: Not really
    Do you believe in Guns?: No
    Do you believe in War?: No
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No
    Do you believe in Taxes?: No
    Do you believe in Texas?: Texas sucks
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: 110%
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Don't care
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: REALLY don't care
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None of the above
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Dunno
    Do you believe in Hell?: Dunno


    Hobbies: Music, teh internets
    Collections: TLK crap, Adeline crap, Green Day music (yes--it's a collection).
    Goals: Long story
    Dreams: Again..
    Fears: Not being happy with my life
    Weaknesses: *shrug* You tell me.
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Hell yes.
    Most common emotion: "Is blah an emotion?" -- what he said.
    Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni and sausage. Yes, I'm a dirty dirty carnivore.
    What?s your favorite Memory: Alot
    Countries you?ve been to: Just USA
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington.. err, I'm missing something..
    What pet would you like: Dunno
    Any additional information: John Roecker was on Attack of the Show! and I missed it. *lame*
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Suuure

  10. #190
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    First Name: Jeffrey

    Screen Name (s): Simba007,Kovu, Kovu007, Lepraster, Trigon, Kovster,
    Nicknames?: Kovy, Jeffie, Lep

    Birth date: 4/11/1982
    Gender: male

    Ethnic Background:
    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Freckles: nein

    Moles: nein

    Scars: MANY

    Righty or Lefty?: Both

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: what is that?

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: Wisconsin? Da Frozen Tundra

    Marital Status?: S.I.N.G.L.E.

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: Yes, 2 much older sisters? I?m ?oops? :P

    Children? How many?: n/a

    Best Friend (s): Only two I fully trust.

    Pets (names and what they are): Rusty is a kitty and Sundance(I believe she is the anti-Christ in cat form)

    Job?: Parts Clerk/Assistant Mechanic for Midwest Connect Airlines

    Schooling?: Some college

    Car?: 1989 Dodge Daytona RS, 1992 F-150 4x4, 1996 Monte Carlo Z34

    Play an Instrument?: trumpet back in the young days of grade school.

    Glasses or Contacts?: no.

    Jewelry?: no

    Tattoo?: thinking of getting one

    Makeup?: ummm.. no

    Zodiac Sign: Aries

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog, I think?.


    Animal: Lion

    Color: Greens

    Country: USA

    State/Province: Colorado

    Automobile: 1970 Ford Mustang 429boss

    Shoe: I don?t care?

    Number:. 100.. ?

    Food: Pizza.. duh.

    Fast Food Place and Food there: I don?t eat that garbage.. honestly

    Musical Instrument: Guitar

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi One, Mikes Light hard Lemon/lime drink

    Season: Winter (but only for a short time)

    Actor: Sean Connery (sp?)

    Actress: Jodie Foster (primarily in contact)

    Music Genre: Rock/New Age.


    Band: /\/\ETALLIC/-\

    Movie Genre: Action/Sci-fi

    Movie: ?. Really to many to pick just.. ?one?

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: ~ see previous answer

    Villain in Movie: same as above

    Book Genre: whets a book?

    Book: ????

    Author: dun one have one.

    Board Game: Monopoly!!!

    Game Console: Consoles suck!

    Computer/Console Game: World of Warcraft? Blizzard has consumed my soul!

    Sport: Skiing!!

    Activity (Besides Sports): Hiking, Rock Climbing


    Subject in School: Auto Mechanics :P


    Gum: Anything Spearmint!

    Candy: Lindt Chocolate

    Email or IM: IM

    Phone or in person: Phone, then person..

    TV or Radio or Internet: Talk Radio ftw!

    Flavor: ummm? something tasty? lol

    Cats or Dogs: Cats?

    Day or Night: Dusk

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yes

    Alcohol: Yes

    Cigarettes/Cigars: yes

    Chew: yes

    Cuss/Swear: yes

    Lie: yes

    Stole: yes?.at this point I look like the devil . lol

    Attempted Suicide: no

    Attempted Murder: no

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes!!! And more then a few times..

    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, and yes

    Been shot: With a bb gun, if that counts

    Want to go to college: yes

    Had an imaginary friend: a few.. lol

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: no

    Had D?j? Vu: My entire life is a Deja Vu

    Gone skinny dipping?: no

    Walk around nude?: yes

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes

    If so, at what age?: 15

    How many times?: 2

    Ever been dumped?: yes

    How many times?: 1

    Ever made out?: yes

    Ever had Sex?: yes

    Looks or Personality?: Both honestly, Personality WAY WAY before looks

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I?m cute IMO

    Believe in love at first sight?: no

    Do you want to get married?: ehhhh.. sometime

    Define marriage and what it means to you: The linking of two checking accounts thus creating one large lump sum of cash? which means no toys for me. .. LOL J/K
    Honestly, that?s a toughie for me.. :/

    Do you want/have kids?: Honestly.. No?

    Boys name: If I happen to have kids, I?d try and name one Trigon

    Girls name: Lindsey

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Try 4x4 in a super muddy field with stock tires/suspension.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Graduated High school

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Gotten my truck stuck in the field

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Work!, my boss, and his boss

    Person/Place/Thing you love: My home, country, computer <3

    Country you hate besides your own: None actually

    Country you love besides your own: Australia

    Best feeling in the world: Being happy, I guess, lol

    Worst feeling in the world: Heartache, and headaches suck as well

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: To an extent.. yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: ehhh.. I guess I?m against it and sorta for it.

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Of things other then human, go for it! lol

    Do you believe in Guns?: They are real arnt they?

    Do you believe in War?: That?s really a broad question? but yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes

    Do you believe in Texas?: This one confused me from the last one, lol

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: To each there own!

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Why not?

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don?t care..

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Sure.. why not.. who gives a flying hoot.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Nader FTW!

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: yes


    Hobbies: Working on cars, computer gaming.. I guess..

    Collections: I don?t collect anything.

    Goals: To make ends meet in my short life.

    Dreams: To be in love/married to a wonderful gal, and live in Silverthorne, Colorado.. And to ski for 4 months of the year!

    Fears: Loneliness and death.

    Weaknesses: My heart, feelings

    Most common emotion: I?m happy most of the time

    Perfect Pizza: thin crust, light-sauce, and mushrooms

    What?s your favorite Memory: My entire Childhood

    Countries you?ve been to: Canada, that?s it

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: way to many to list here..

    What pet would you like: A Tiger would be cool..

    Any additional information: FOR THE HORDE!!!

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: No?.

  11. #191
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    First Name: Melinda

    Screen Name (s):Mel, too many more to mention

    Birth date:Aug 23
    Gender: F

    Ethnic Background: White with a tiny amount Native American
    Eye Color: blue

    Hair Color:brown



    Righty or Lefty?: left

    Religion: Baptist Christian

    Political Party: independent Conservative with Republican leanings

    Country?: USA

    State/Province?: IL

    Marital Status?: Single

    Sexual Preference?: Straight

    Parents Divorced?: no

    Siblings? How many?: none

    Children? How many?:

    Best Friend (s):

    Pets (names and what they are): Max and Molly, lab mix dogs

    Job?: just started part time at a craft store

    Schooling?: some colllege, wanna finish library sciences


    Play an Instrument?: Trumpet

    Glasses or Contacts?:glasses

    Jewelry?: I like my Highlander Watcher's pendant



    Zodiac Sign: Virgo or Leo

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster


    Animal: cat, horse, wolf, eagle, whale

    Color: blue

    Country: usa, Canada, Scotland

    State/Province: IL

    Automobile: Doge Magnum



    Food: Italian

    Fast Food Place and Food there:Wendy's Bacon Cheeseburger

    Musical Instrument:

    Drink (not just alcoholic):Sprite or Grape Juice

    Season: spring

    Actor: David Boreanaz, Anthony Head, Adrian Paul, Gary Sinise, Geraint Wyn Davies

    Actress: Betty White, maybe Melina Kanakeredes from CSI NY

    Music Genre: oldies and contemporary Christian



    Movie Genre:

    Movie: Highlander, The Stand, TLK, Spirit Stalion of the Cimarron, Balto, Apollo 13, Twister

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Connor MacLeod, Highlander, Stu Redman, The Stand

    Villain in Movie:

    Book Genre: fantasy I guess

    Book: The Stand

    Author: Kathy Reichs, James Gurney, Erin Hunter

    Board Game:

    Game Console:

    Computer/Console Game:

    Sport: Equestrian

    Activity (Besides Sports):


    Subject in School:




    Email or IM:

    Phone or in person:

    TV or Radio or Internet:


    Cats or Dogs: both

    Day or Night: night

    IM Service: AIM or MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: no

    Alcohol: no...well got spiked punch by mistake once

    Cigarettes/Cigars: no



    Lie: well yes but I don't mean to

    Stole: a toy once from another kid

    Attempted Suicide:no

    Attempted Murder:no

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: sprained foot

    Got in a fight, did you win: yes, no

    Been shot: no

    Want to go to college:yeah

    Had an imaginary friend:no

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: yeah

    Had D?j? Vu:

    Gone skinny dipping?: no

    Walk around nude?: a few times but no one was around

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yeah

    Ever fallen in love?:no

    If so, at what age?:

    How many times?:

    Ever been dumped?:

    How many times?:

    Ever made out?: no

    Ever had Sex?: no

    Looks or Personality?: both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: between

    Believe in love at first sight?: yeah

    Do you want to get married?: yeah

    Define marriage and what it means to you:

    Do you want/have kids?: no, maybe want

    Boys name:

    Girls name:

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done:

    Greatest thing you?ve done:

    Funniest thing you?ve done:

    Person/Place/Thing you hate:

    Person/Place/Thing you love:

    Country you hate besides your own:

    Country you love besides your own:

    Best feeling in the world:

    Worst feeling in the world:

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: no

    Do you believe in Cloning?: depends on the circumstance

    Do you believe in Guns?: to a point

    Do you believe in War?: no

    Do you believe in Hunting?: survival maybe otherwise not a fan

    Do you believe in Taxes?: I guess necessary evil

    Do you believe in Texas?:

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: no but I don't go around bashing either

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: sometimes

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?:

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?:

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?:

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: yes


    Hobbies: reading bike riding swimming computer games fanfiction drawing

    Collections: coins, oddly enough a small stuffed vampire collection,





    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P

    Most common emotion:

    Perfect Pizza: cheese

    What?s your favorite Memory:

    Countries you?ve been to:

    States/Provinces you?ve been to: IN, IL, MO, KS, AR, MI, OH, WI, KY, TN

    What pet would you like: cat

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: yeah

  12. #192
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    Okay people, I'm sorry and all but just I had to bump this
    I was darn bored and I've noticed I've never actually done one of these questionnaire things before (I wanted to post a new one when something told me there was a search button btw =P )...and besides, there've been a lot of new members don't shoot me, please >_<
    Anywho, here we go...


    First Name: Those who should know, know I guess.

    Screen Name (s): Neola, Nalghati and uh...that's it I think

    Email: *points to profile*

    Nicknames?: Never got any...

    Birth date: 30th of June

    Gender: saucy female

    Ethnic Background: German and Brazilian

    Eye Color: brown

    Hair Color: dark brown
    Righty or Lefty?: Rrrrrrighteh!

    Religion: Christian

    Political Party: My own, yet to be founded.

    Country?: Germany

    State/Province?: You wouldn't be able to pronounce it, believe me xD

    Marital Status?: Ugh...I don't think there's a name for it, really...

    Sexual Preference?: Both guys and dudes

    Parents Divorced?: nope

    Siblings? How many?: 4 and I seem to get a new one like every year O_o

    Best Friend (s): None of my friends is "better" than another I'd say

    Pets (names and what they are): Laylah (Dalmatian), Isis & Nephtys (Siamese Cats), Sangha (black cat type thingy?) and a self-caught lizard called Meathook xD

    Play an Instrument?: Violin and keyboard (self-taught thus not too good XD)

    Jewelry?: None atm, sometimes earrings

    Makeup?: Just mascara

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dunno


    Animal: Tiger

    Color: Dark red and yellow

    Country: India, Brazil

    Shoe: the ones I never wear

    Number: 2...I like being second =P

    Food: Pizza all the way...and chinese stuff

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway...the cookies XD

    Musical Instrument: the piano

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Guaran?

    Season: summer

    Actor: Depp as a poncy pirate

    Actress: me? Okay, well...I have no idea tbh

    Music Genre: none in particular

    Singer: dunno

    Band: dunno either

    Movie Genre: Depends on the movie I guess

    Movie: apart from the obvious...LotR, PotC and a couple of others which I don't remember atm :P

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: the villains are my heros
    Villain in Movie: I love them all

    Book Genre: fantasy? Never read one though xD

    Book: I rather write than read

    Author: Depends on the book :P

    Computer/Console Game: the MONKEY ISLAND games *dies*

    Sport: surfing, in the internet that is

    Activity (Besides Sports): drawing,writing, listening to music n' all that jazz

    Subject in School: English and Arts

    Store: too lazy to go shopping

    Candy: chocolate

    Email or IM: Depends on what you wanna say

    Phone or in person: neither xD Okay, in person I guess

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet and TV

    Flavor: I like this green, artificial stuff, you know...what's it called again?

    Cats or Dogs: both

    Day or Night: depends on what I want to do....................

    IM Service: MSN mostly

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: nope

    Alcohol: not my thing

    Cigarettes/Cigars: nope

    Chew: Yup, food ever since I finally got my artificial teeth.

    Cuss/Swear: only in languages nobody understands.

    Lie: only if I REALLY want something...or if people ask me "How are you" and I don't wanna depress them xD

    Stole: nah, I get others to steal stuff for me

    Attempted Suicide: thought about it
    Attempted Murder: yeah, but those flies just didn't want to die

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: my toe >.<
    Got in a fight, did you win: no

    Been shot: yeah, I'm an undead zombie now.

    Want to go to college: university here

    Had an imaginary friend: I think was more of an imaginary boyfriend though XD okay not really

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: yeah, once a month
    Had D?j? Vu: wait...this happend before, right?

    Gone skinny dipping?: at the age of 2, yes

    Walk around nude?: yeah, all the time...

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: yes

    Ever fallen in love?: yes

    If so, at what age?: 7 and he was going out with my "best" friend XP

    How many times?: not many

    Ever been dumped?: sort of

    Looks or Personality?: personality, I give a **** about looks

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: not very attractive actually :s
    Believe in love at first sight?: yes

    Do you want to get married?: yeah, I want to marry a 97-year old billionaire and live happily ever after xD

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Means much to me actually, but I'm not gonna type it out now

    Do you want/have kids?: not sure
    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: dumped this thread o.o

    Greatest thing you?ve done: I haven't done anything great to be honest

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Funniest thing? You mean for others to laugh at me, right?

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't hate anyone/ school / too many ?

    Person/Place/Thing you love: No telly

    Country you love besides your own: Brazil

    Best feeling in the world: love and being loved in return

    Worst feeling in the world:: being heart-broken

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yeah

    Do you believe in Abortion?: only uder certain circumstances

    Do you believe in Cloning?: eh...maybe for certain reasons

    Do you believe in Guns?: I believe they exist, yes.

    Do you believe in War?: exists aswell, yeah

    Do you believe in Hunting?: for food maybe

    Do you believe in Taxes?: aslong as someone else pays them for me, sure.

    Do you believe in Texas?: yeah right...

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I believe it exists and I believe some people would want to...meh, go ahead I'd say.

    Do you believe in Heaven?: yeah
    Do you believe in Hell?: dunno


    Hobbies: see way above where it says "things I like to do" or something

    Collections: love bites XD

    Goals: None I could reach I guess

    Dreams: you mean what I dream at night? Well...this is a Lion King forum, right? j/k

    Fears: none I can think of atm

    Weaknesses: A lot of...dun wanna think about that now.

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that Do I get a cookie if I say yes?

    Most common emotion: confuzzled

    Perfect Pizza: mozzarella

    What?s your favorite Memory: gah, stupid amnesia! x_x

    Countries you?ve been to: Germany (duhh), Brazil, Spain, Portugal (at an airport =P), Switzerland, Austria
    What pet would you like: I have the pets I always wanted, a Dalmatian and Siamese cats ^^
    Other than that a tiger would pwn

    Any additional information: I'm weird, yesh
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Why do you think did I bump a half a year old thread to answer a silly questionnaire,huh? HUH??!!!

  13. #193
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    First Name: Johanna

    Screen Name (s): Xanahti, phyxia
    Nicknames?: Hasselhoff, Hassel

    Birth date: 11th may
    Gender: female

    Ethnic Background: Uhhh white it called caucasian?

    Eye Color: deep blue

    Hair Color: dark brown, I wanna go blonde though

    Freckles: No

    Moles: not in my face though

    Scars: yeah, I got a pockmark in my forehead from having the chicken pox.

    Righty or Lefty?: left

    Religion: christianity, or well, it's modified after my liking so to speak.

    Political Party: social democrat I guess.

    Country?: Sweden


    Marital Status?: Single, and hating it.

    Sexual Preference?: heterosexual

    Parents Divorced?: No

    Siblings? How many?: 1

    Children? How many?: none

    Best Friend (s): I got 7 best friends.

    Pets (names and what they are): A cat named Sara.

    Job?: I had a summerjob as a painter.

    Schooling?: social science

    Car?: No, I don't even have a driver's license

    Play an Instrument?: No

    Glasses or Contacts?: No

    Jewelry?: Always earrings and a necklace

    Tattoo?: No, I'll get one next year though.

    Makeup?: Everyday unless I'm just gonna be at home.

    Zodiac Sign: taurus

    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Can't remember


    Animal: Domestic cats

    Color: Green

    Country: Scottland. Haven't been there though


    Automobile: mercedes Benz

    Shoe: Lacoste has some nice shoes.

    Number:. 11

    Food: potatoes au gratin

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burgerking

    Musical Instrument: guitar is the coolest instrument

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Alchoholic: cider non-alchoholic: coca-cola

    Season: summer

    Actor: Samuel L Jackson, Jim Carrey and Rhys Ifans

    Actress:I don't have any

    Music Genre: rock/hard rock

    Singer: Freddie Mercury

    Band: Queen

    Movie Genre: comedy

    Movie: Too many

    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Buffy the vampire slayer

    Villain in Movie: Adrian from Little Nicky

    Book Genre:



    Board Game:

    Game Console:

    Computer/Console Game:

    Sport: basket ball

    Activity (Besides Sports): drawing, partying


    Subject in School: english

    Store: H&M, JC store, La Boom


    Candy: chocolate

    Email or IM: IM, but only MSN is good enough for me.

    Phone or in person: in person

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet


    Cats or Dogs: Cats

    Day or Night: day

    IM Service: MSN

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Nope

    Alcohol: Hehe, yes.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No, but I will TRY it though.

    Chew: what?

    Cuss/Swear: A lot

    Lie: Yes

    Stole: No

    Attempted Suicide: No

    Attempted Murder: No

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No

    Got in a fight, did you win: Can't remember

    Been shot: No (thank god!)

    Want to go to college: Yes

    Had an imaginary friend: Yes, when I was little

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Yeah, but only for a day or so

    Had D?j? Vu: Yes

    Gone skinny dipping?: Uhh, what's that?

    Walk around nude?: Yes, not in the last 13 years though.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Oh yes

    Ever fallen in love?: Oh yes

    If so, at what age?: 17

    How many times?: once

    Ever been dumped?: Yeah......

    How many times?: once.

    Ever made out?: Yesss. 3 different boys. Only one that I don't regret though.

    Ever had Sex?: No

    Looks or Personality?: both

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: depends on who you ask. I only feel attractive when I'm getting ready for a party.

    Believe in love at first sight?: Yeah.

    Do you want to get married?: Yes

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Two people who loves each other decides to spend their lives together.

    Do you want/have kids?: Yes, in like.... 20 years.

    Boys name: Freddie

    Girls name: Linda

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Made out with someone I would never make out with in a sober condition.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: Started going out. Since I started to go out and have fun with my friends, I have gained so much confidence.

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Too many funny things has happened

    Person/Place/Thing you hate: I hate school

    Person/Place/Thing you love: too many.

    Country you hate besides your own: none

    Country you love besides your own: Scottland

    Best feeling in the world: Love

    Worst feeling in the world: Being afraid

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: yes

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes

    Do you believe in Cloning?: Nope

    Do you believe in Guns?: No

    Do you believe in War?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes

    Do you believe in Texas?: No way

    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes, but that doesn't mean I think it always looks pretty.

    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I dunno, I like him so much in the naked gun movies....

    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Yes, maybe not to all those things that they accuse him for, but some of it.

    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Kerry

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

    Do you believe in Hell?: Not really


    Hobbies: drawing, partying, shopping

    Collections: I collect Queen stuff, my favorite items out of the collection is two LP picture discs.

    Goals: Find the love of my life.

    Dreams: To become a successful writer

    Fears: My biggest fear is that someone I love will die.

    Weaknesses: I'm stubborn and pretty sensitive

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: He might be, I've never seen a picture of him I think.:P

    Most common emotion: Sarcastic

    Perfect Pizza: I haven't tasted the perfect pizza yet.

    What?s your favorite Memory: Can't remember.;P

    Countries you?ve been to: Norway.

    States/Provinces you?ve been to:

    What pet would you like: Another cat.

    Any additional information:

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Too much.

  14. #194
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    Originally posted by Xanahti
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No, but I will TRY it though.
    May I ask why?

    Anyhow, reading this one made me realise I've (unintentionally) left out some of the questions... I'll edit it later

  15. #195
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    I wanna re-do this seeing as I am way more different than I last posted.


    First Name: Noodle.
    Screen Name (s): Noodle, Linkie , Shenzi hyena.


    Nicknames?: Noodle, pie.

    Birth date: 1st of Feb.

    Gender: Female.

    Ethnic Background: Dunno.

    Eye Color: Green.

    Hair Color: Purple!

    Righty or Lefty?: Righty.

    Religion: None.

    Political Party: Cant remember.


    State/Province?: ....

    Marital Status?: Taken!
    Sexual Preference?: Both.

    Parents Divorced?: Nah.

    Siblings? How many?: Yes. 2 brothers.

    Best Friend (s): My Softie Cake.

    Pets (names and what they are): 2 tortoises and Koi Carp fish.

    Play an Instrument?: Not any more.
    Jewelry?: Some wristbands every now and then.

    Makeup?: Yes. Quite a bit, hehe.
    Zodiac Sign: Can't spell it. =p
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: No idea.


    Animal: Wolf.

    Color: Gee.... erm purple ?

    Country: Japan.

    Shoe: Nike Tn's!

    Number: 23 *I'm frikkin' cursed by it though*.

    Food: Noodles!!

    Fast Food Place and Food there: Oh mackie dees.

    Musical Instrument: Piano!! I mean for The Entertainer!!!

    Drink (not just alcoholic): Milkshakie!!

    Season: Spring.

    Actor: Gerald Butler.
    Actress: Dunno. All nerdy.
    Music Genre: Playdays!!!!!

    Singer: RW.

    Band: GORILLAZ!!!!111!!
    Movie Genre:
    Movie: apart from the obvious: *em*

    Hero/Heroine in Movie:
    Villain in Movie:

    Book Genre: Adventurrrre.

    Book: Dunno.

    Author: :S

    Computer/Console Game: Elmo!!!

    Sport: Volleyball!!!!

    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, sleeping....
    Subject in School: English & art.
    Store: Hemm not sure.

    Candy: chocolate

    Email or IM: IM.

    Phone or in person: In person.

    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet.

    Flavor: Cola.

    Cats or Dogs: Dogs.

    Day or Night: Depends on my mood.
    IM Service: MSN .

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No.
    Alcohol: Sometimes.

    Cigarettes/Cigars: No!
    Chew: No.

    Cuss/Swear: Yeah. :O
    Lie: Sometimes.

    Stole: Yah.

    Attempted Suicide: No.
    Attempted Murder: To a human ? Kinda... just with love. ^^

    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained some bone before.
    Got in a fight, did you win: Yes I won. Oh it was hilarious,

    Been shot: No.

    Want to go to college: Nah, cba.

    Had an imaginary friend: Can't remember, omg yes. ><

    Wanted to be the opposite sex: No.
    Had D?j? Vu: I think so.

    Gone skinny dipping?: Yah.

    Walk around nude?: Yeah, of course I go rebel!!

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Yes.

    Ever fallen in love?: Yes.
    If so, at what age?: Now.

    How many times?: No many.

    Ever been dumped?: No.
    Ever made out?: Yeah, about 6 times a day...
    Ever had Sex?: Well, gay sex.... yeah.

    Looks or Personality?: Both.

    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: No idea.
    Believe in love at first sight?: Somewhat.

    Do you want to get married?: *May be engaged soon* :O

    Define marriage and what it means to you: Dunno though!
    Do you want/have kids?: Not sure.
    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Too many things.

    Greatest thing you?ve done: *shrugs*

    Funniest thing you?ve done: Creating WILSON obsession!!
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Dunno.

    Person/Place/Thing you love: My Soft.

    Country you love besides your own: Japan.

    Best feeling in the world: Love and getting cuddled.

    Worst feeling in the world:: .. depression...

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Yeah

    Do you believe in Abortion?: Depends.
    Do you believe in Cloning?: No more Scott Joplins.....!!!!

    Do you believe in Guns?: Dk!

    Do you believe in War?: Nah.

    Do you believe in Hunting?: No.

    Do you believe in Taxes?: Nah > nerdy.

    Do you believe in Texas?: Say what?
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Erm OF COURSE!!!!

    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yeh.
    Do you believe in Hell?: Not really.


    Hobbies: .....


    Goals: None.

    Dreams: Assorted... ><

    Fears: Death.

    Weaknesses: *shrugs*

    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: If ya want.

    Most common emotion: Hyperness!

    Perfect Pizza: Loads'a cheese!

    What?s your favorite Memory: Softie snogging me the first time.

    Countries Dunno
    What pet would you like: A wolf.

    Any additional information: Yeh I want it short!!!
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeh.

  16. #196
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
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    Originally posted by Neola
    May I ask why?
    Not the cigarettes, but I will try smoking a cigar sometime, I like the smell and I've never heard of anyone that has gotten addicted to it.

  17. #197
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    0 Post(s)
    My my my. So many are willing to believe in heaven but not in hell.......

  18. #198
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Recife/PE - Brazil
    5 Post(s)
    First Name: Thiago
    Screen Name (s): ThiagoPE
    Nicknames: N/a
    Birth date: 12 december 1984
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic Background: n/a
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Freckles: none
    Moles: none
    Scars: A tiny one in left arm
    Righty or Lefty?: righty
    Religion: none
    Political Party: None
    Country: Brazil
    State/Province?: Pernambuco
    Marital Status?: single
    Sexual Preference?: Straight
    Parents Divorced?: no
    Siblings? How many?:
    Children? How many?: none
    Best Friend (s): All in real Life...
    Pets (names and what they are): None
    Job: Computer Technic
    Schooling: University Student..
    Car: nope
    Play an Instrument: none right now, have interest in learn
    Glasses or Contacts: Yes
    Jewelry: none
    Tattoo: none
    Makeup: none
    Zodiac Sign: Sagitarium
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat


    Animal: Lions, tigers, all big cats
    Extinct animal: none
    Color: green or purple
    Country: Japan
    State/Province: all
    Automobile: nope
    Shoe: any brand
    Number: 41 (Brazilian system)
    Food: Japanese and chinese
    Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King, chicken mcnuggets..
    Musical Instrument: Violin
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Guaran?
    Season: Summer (here is always summer)
    Actor: Robin williams
    Actress: Angelina jolie
    Music Genre: Instrumentals, Movies/games soundtracks / new age
    Singer: Enya, elton John
    Band: none
    Movie Genre: Animated or Action/Adventure..
    Movie: TLK, alladin, Beauty and the beast, Lara coft tomb raider.
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Indiana Jones
    Villain in Movie: Scar
    Book Genre: none
    Book: none
    Author: none
    Board Game: none
    Game Console: Ps2, PC
    Computer/Console Game: Final Fatasy, Tomb raider, Resident Evil.
    Sport: Soccer
    Activity (Besides Sports): ???
    Subject in School: Math
    Store: none
    Gum: ???
    Candy: Cookie
    Email or IM:
    Phone or in person: +55 81 347116**
    TV or Radio or Internet: Internet and tv (love them equally)
    Flavor: ???
    Cats or Dogs: dogs
    Day or Night: Day
    IM Service: Windows Live!

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: never
    Alcohol: Tasted, but it taste awfull
    Cigarettes/Cigars: never touched
    Chew: nope
    Cuss/Swear: some time
    Lie: some times
    Stole: Never
    Attempted Suicide: no
    Attempted Murder: Never
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Never
    Got in a fight, did you win: never fought anyone
    Been shot: Not.... yet
    Want to go to college: Im still there >.<
    Had an imaginary friend: no
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Never
    Had D?j? Vu: what?s deja vu?
    Gone skinny dipping?: never
    Walk around nude?: never

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: ???
    Ever fallen in love?: no
    If so, at what age?:
    How many times?:
    Ever been dumped?: no
    How many times?: -
    Ever made out?: nope..
    Ever had Sex?: no...
    Looks or Personality?: personality...
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Ugly
    Believe in love at first sight?: no
    Do you want to get married?: right now, no, maybe soon
    Define marriage and what it means to you: marriage is a thing you choose for you entire life because you will grom a family, and you can maje it fall just because you see any person more atractive than your spouse
    Do you want/have kids?: In a world like this... not definetivelly
    Boys name: any, but thiago!
    Girls name: ???

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Trow a rock in my own head
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Visiting Rio de janeiro city
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Visiting Natal city by frist time
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: diseases
    Person/Place/Thing you love: friends
    Country you hate besides your own: None
    Country you love besides your own: Japan
    Best feeling in the world: happiness
    Worst feeling in the world: sure depression

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Maybe, but not the way we use to know
    Do you believe in Abortion?: no
    Do you believe in Cloning?: yes
    Do you believe in Guns?: They hane a great power.
    Do you believe in War?: They never take us to a better place, only left scars by where it passes
    Do you believe in Hunting?: NO
    Do you believe in Taxes?: well, they exists, but is not used for waht it was meant to be
    Do you believe in Texas?: It?s the biggest state of US?
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Well, if them love them selves, they have the right to marry
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For some changes yes, but some people exagerate in using it
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: what porra is this?
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: again?
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Anyone, but bush, That guy is crazy!
    Do you believe in Heaven?: No
    Do you believe in Hell?: no


    Hobbies: Art, and storywriteing...
    Collections: movies in dvd
    Goals: Finish my university course
    Dreams: After achieve my goal, get a goot job
    Fears: Death
    Weaknesses: physical strength
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: ??
    Most common emotion: now, depression
    Perfect Pizza: Chocolate
    What?s your favorite Memory: can't recall X
    Countries you?ve been to: Norteast of brazil and rio de janeiro
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Maranh?o, piaui, rio grande do norte, paraiba, alagoas and rio de janeiro
    What pet would you like: Dogs
    Any additional information: none i can?t remeber

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Not much, but this was good

  19. #199
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yorkshire, England
    0 Post(s)
    I might as well do it again, as I haven't taken it in donkey's years.

    First Name: Tara
    Screen Name (s): King Simba, Namabi, Katai
    Nicknames: KS, Nammers
    Birth date: 17/05/1990
    Gender: Female
    Ethnic Background: British.
    Eye Color: Blue.
    Hair Color: Dark brown.
    Freckles: Yes. A few on my nose.
    Moles: Yes. One on my thumb, one on my neck and a few on my back and elsewhere.
    Scars: Yes. A cigarette burn on my left hand.
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty!
    Religion: Christian.
    Political Party: Political Party? Pfft!
    Country: England.
    State/Province?: Yorkshire!
    Marital Status?: Taken.
    Sexual Preference?: Straight.
    Parents Divorced?: Nope.
    Siblings? How many?: 1 older sister.
    Children? How many?: Children? Oh please, not at my age. :woeisme:
    Best Friend (s): A few offline. Online, basically everyone who was at the London meeting, and also not forgetting Hailey (FCSimba.)
    Pets (names and what they are): None. I don't have any pets.
    Job: None. I might get one soon though.
    Schooling: In college.
    Car: Toyota Avensis.
    Play an Instrument: Used to play Violin, but quit.
    Glasses or Contacts: No.
    Jewelry: Whenever I feel like it.
    Tattoo: Noooos.
    Makeup: Nah.
    Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse.


    Animal: Lion.
    Extinct animal: Dinosaurs. Rawr! <3
    Color: Blue.
    Country: Kenya! <3
    State/Province: Definitely not Yorkshire.
    Automobile: Um, Ford StreetKa I guess.
    Shoe: Sneakers.
    Number: 7
    Food: KFC ftw! <3
    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC, Fillet Burger Meal.
    Musical Instrument: Electric Guitar and Drums.
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi.
    Season: Summer.
    Actor: Adam Sandler
    Actress: N/A
    Music Genre: Basically anything under the "rock" genre, though it's mainly metal.
    Singer: Bryan Adams, James Blunt.
    Band: Cradle of Filth, Sonata Arctica, Dimmu Borgir, Arch Enemy just to name a few.
    Movie Genre: Animation and Comedy.
    Movie: TLK, Jurassic Park, Click.
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba?
    Villain in Movie: Scar!
    Book Genre: None. I don't read much.
    Book: N/A. As above.
    Author: N/A
    Board Game: N/A
    Game Console: N/A
    Computer/Console Game: N/A
    Sport: Swimming.
    Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing.
    Subject in School: Art!
    Store: HMV.
    Gum: I don't chew gum often.
    Candy: Fruit drops.
    Email or IM: IM.
    Phone or in person: In person.
    TV or Radio or Internet: T'internet!
    Flavor: If we're talking about crisps, Prawn Cocktail.
    Cats or Dogs: Cats.
    Day or Night: Both.
    IM Service: Windows Live Messenger.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: No.
    Alcohol: Yes, I have it the odd time.
    Cigarettes/Cigars: No.
    Chew: Gum? Sometimes.
    Cuss/Swear: Haha, yep.
    Lie: Well, doesn't everyone?
    Stole: Nope.
    Attempted Suicide: ...yeah.
    Attempted Murder: No.
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Nope.
    Got in a fight, did you win: I try not to get into fights.
    Been shot: No.
    Want to go to college: I'm at college now.
    Had an imaginary friend: Hah, no.
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope.
    Had D?j? Vu: Hasn't everyone?
    Gone skinny dipping?: Hah, no.
    Walk around nude?: In the bathroom, aye.

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Of course it is.
    Ever fallen in love?: Yep.
    If so, at what age?: 16
    How many times?: Once.
    Ever been dumped?: No.
    How many times?: None.
    Ever made out?: Nope.
    Ever had Sex?: Nope.
    Looks or Personality?: Personality.
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Not for me to answer.
    Believe in love at first sight?: No.
    Do you want to get married?: Yeah.
    Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage is when two people who truly love eachother express their love to one another. Marriage can only happen if the couple love each other, otherwise it'd be a mistake.
    Do you want/have kids?: When I'm older and ready, yes.
    Boys name: I'll decide when the time comes.
    Girls name: ^

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Ran outside naked on holiday when I was a kid.
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Gone to Kenya on Safari.
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Erm... I really can't remember.
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Chavs/Doncaster/Spiders
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Dani/Kenya/Computer
    Country you hate besides your own: Afghanistan.
    Country you love besides your own: Kenya.
    Best feeling in the world: Love.
    Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: Aye.
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes.
    Do you believe in Cloning?: Well, it's happened, so yes.
    Do you believe in Guns?: Yeah, but I don't believe in using them, especially to hunt animals.
    Do you believe in War?: No.
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No.
    Do you believe in Taxes?: No. Taxes suck.
    Do you believe in Texas?: Texas does exist, yes.
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes. If they love eachother, we can't exactly stop them from going ahead with it can we?
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes, though it's not natural.
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who's he?
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: Bah, who cares?
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: None!
    Do you believe in Heaven?: Yep.
    Do you believe in Hell?: Yep.


    Hobbies: Drawing, travelling, watching TV/DVDs, speaking to pals on MSN etc.
    Collections: DVDs and CDs.
    Goals: Go to University after my 3 years at college and then get a career in animation or something after that.
    Dreams: N/A
    Fears: Death.
    Weaknesses: Shyness.
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Aye.
    Most common emotion: Depression.
    Perfect Pizza: Peperroni. ^^
    What?s your favorite Memory: The Lea London meeting. ^^
    Countries you?ve been to: Anti-Paxos, Belgium, Corfu, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Gozo, Gran Canaria, Greece, Israel, Kefalonia, Kenya, Majorca, Malta, Menorca, Morocco, The Netherlands, Paxos, Rhodes, Sicily, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and Zante.
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Florida, in the USA.
    What pet would you like: A Lion!
    Any additional information: Nope.

    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah, but this one took a long time. >_>

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

    Twitter / deviantArt / Facebook

  20. #200
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    0 Post(s)
    Go on then...because I'm ?ber bored.

    First Name: Daniel
    Screen Name (s): Dani, Kingy,
    Nicknames: Dani, Kiosk
    Birth date: 18/10/1987
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic Background: British.
    Eye Color: Blue.
    Hair Color: Dark brown.
    Freckles: A fair few
    Moles: Got 2 on my back I think.
    Scars: A few, mostly on my face.
    Righty or Lefty?: Righty!
    Religion: Atheist
    Political Party: Politics is shoite
    Country: England.
    State/Province?: Yorkshite!
    Marital Status?: Single
    Sexual Preference?: Gay
    Parents Divorced?: Nope.
    Siblings? How many?: 1 younger brother
    Children? How many?: N/A
    Best Friend (s): Chris, Matt, Kayleigh, Matt
    Pets (names and what they are): None. I don't have any pets.
    Job: Retail
    Schooling: In college.
    Car: Ford Fiesta
    Play an Instrument: Used to play Piano, but I quit.
    Glasses or Contacts: Glasses, my eyes reject contacts
    Jewelry: Very rarely, I bought a cygnet ring, but I?m thinking of selling it
    Tattoo: Nah
    Makeup: Nope
    Zodiac Sign: Libra
    Chinese Zodiac Sign: Um, mouse I think


    Animal: Tiger!
    Extinct animal: Err, dunno
    Color: Purple!
    Country: Finland ^^
    State/Province: Cumbria xP
    Automobile: VW Golf R32 <3
    Shoe: Anything comfy and not chavvy
    Number: 666
    Food: Italian
    Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC, Towered up Wicked Zinger Meal.
    Musical Instrument: Rhythm Guitar
    Drink (not just alcoholic): Alcoholic: Strongbow, Non alcoholic: Mountain Dew
    Season: Spring
    Actor: Bruce Willis
    Actress: That bint from Panic Room?.Jodie Foster!
    Music Genre: Power metal!
    Singer: Tom Chaplin, Ville Valo
    Band: Keane, Sonata Arctica,
    Movie Genre: Animation and Comedy.
    Movie: TLK, Die Hard
    Hero/Heroine in Movie: John McClane xP
    Villain in Movie: Scar! <3
    Book Genre: Non-fiction
    Book: N/A
    Author: N/A
    Board Game: Disney Trivial Pursuit xP
    Game Console: Old school Nintendo XD
    Computer/Console Game: Super Mario XD
    Sport: Rugby League
    Activity (Besides Sports): Driving
    Subject in School: Airport Operations
    Store: HMV
    Gum: Extra Mountain Fresh or something like that xP
    Candy: Acid drops
    Email or IM: IM
    Phone or in person: In person.
    TV or Radio or Internet: T'internet!
    Flavour: Of what? But it?s usually chocolate
    Cats or Dogs: Cats.
    Day or Night: Night!
    IM Service: Windows Live Messenger.

    -Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

    Drugs: Yeah
    Alcohol: Silly question
    Cigarettes/Cigars: Yeah
    Chew: Nope
    Cuss/Swear: Who doesn?t?
    Lie: My life revolves around lies
    Stole: Yeah, accidentally though?.honest! Stop looking at me!
    Attempted Suicide: Yeah
    Attempted Murder: No. Wanted to though
    Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yeah
    Got in a fight, did you win: Nope *ish weak*
    Been shot: No
    Want to go to college: I'm at college now
    Had an imaginary friend: No, had an imaginary pet once xD
    Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope
    Had D?j? Vu: Hasn't everyone?
    Gone skinny dipping?: Nooo
    Walk around nude?: Loads of times

    -Love Life-

    Is Love real?: Uh-huh
    Ever fallen in love?: Yes
    If so, at what age?: 19
    How many times?: Once
    Ever been dumped?: No
    How many times?: N/A
    Ever made out?: Yes
    Ever had Sex?: Yes
    Looks or Personality?: Personality. Looks are just a bonus
    Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Well I think I?m fugly but some people disagree xP
    Believe in love at first sight?: Not love no, but I believe in a crush at first sight
    Do you want to get married?: Yeah
    Define marriage and what it means to you: The coming together of two people, regardless of gender into a bond of commitment and love.
    Do you want/have kids?: Eventually, but I can?t bare the thought of living with a clone of myself :E
    Boys name: Rhys
    Girls name: Dunno xP

    -The most-

    Stupidest thing you?ve done: Listening to Neola (she knows what I mean xD)
    Greatest thing you?ve done: Quitting Primark XD
    Funniest thing you?ve done: Probably a drunken moment xP
    Person/Place/Thing you hate: Chavs/UK/Spiders
    Person/Place/Thing you love: Matt/Finland/Meh pooter!
    Country you hate besides your own: France
    Country you love besides your own: Iceland
    Best feeling in the world: Love.
    Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness.

    -Politics & Religion-

    Do you believe in God?: No
    Do you believe in Abortion?: Within reason
    Do you believe in Cloning?: Why not?
    Do you believe in Guns?: No
    Do you believe in War?: No.
    Do you believe in Hunting?: No.
    Do you believe in Taxes?: No. Taxes suck, especially Inheritance Tax, that?s just theft _
    Do you believe in Texas?: Blah
    Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yep
    Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No
    Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Nahh
    Is Michael Jackson guilty?: He was found not-guilty, but he couldn?t be more dodgy if his house was made out of sweets.
    Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Anyone, just get Bush OUT!
    Do you believe in Heaven?: No
    Do you believe in Hell?: No


    Hobbies: Music, travelling, watching TV/DVDs, speaking to pals on MSN etc.
    Collections: DVDs and CDs, anything Tiger related
    Goals: To become bi/multi lingual and to become an aircraft dispatcher
    Dreams: My dreams are like totally on acid
    Fears: Pain
    Weaknesses: Shyness, assertiveness
    Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Sure is <3
    Most common emotion: That emotion when you complain about everything xP
    Perfect Pizza: Ham & Pineapple (Hawaiian)
    What?s your favorite Memory: The Lea London meeting. ^^
    Countries you?ve been to: Belgium, Finland, France, Isle Of Man, Netherlands, Spain, United States
    States/Provinces you?ve been to: Florida, in the USA.
    What pet would you like: A tiger or a parrot xP
    Any additional information: Blah
    Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Depends on my mood.

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