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Thread: Love Life

  1. #881
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    Wow that's awesome news!
    You don't know how happy I am for them!

  2. #882
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ?nathalie?
    I talked to Azerane yesterday, and she told me, that if I should talk to Sharifu or STM before she did, I'd had to tell you guys, that everything went great when they met
    Aww how cuuuuuuuute! ^^
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  3. #883
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    Originally posted by lion_roog
    They're too busy to come online...IfYouKnowWhatIMean...
    crazy Roog

    hope all you love birds are having a fantabulous time together!

  4. #884
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    Hmmm, it would seem me and dear Azzy have become quite the subject of debate. Too busy to come online eh? You might say that I suppose.

    Hehe, but we've been having a good time. Her especially, watching me lose money at the casino.

    I just thought I'd check in though, so you all know we're not dead or something. And why yes Roog...

    ...We've been up to lots..

  5. #885
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Please don't go into details Kintaru xD i'm sure ya'll are having a splendid time Hope it's going all well and stuff

    don't have any surprises now :$

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  6. #886
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    I was out partying yesterday, and I met some norwegian guys. I was sitting on a bench with a friend and her boyfriend, and they just came up to us and started talking. One of them sat down beside me and we started talking, asking each other where we lived and that sort of things. I noticed that he was sitting very close, touching my leg and such things, I was pretty drunk so I didn't find it as akward as I would've thought it was if I was sober. I asked him if I could buy a beer from him, and he said that I would get a beer if I gave him a kiss, so I did. Then he lay his arm around me and played with my hair, and I just sat there, staring out in the distance. He then asked for another one and I gave him another one, don't ask me why, because I didn't really wanted too.

    He then went away with his friends, and I didn't see him for the rest of the evening (I kind of avoided meeting him again). When I was about to go home, I saw him once again, and he came up to me and wanted to kiss me..again. I gave him hug and a kiss, asked for his cellphone number and told him to take care. He's going back to Norway today, and I must say it's a relief, He was nice and cute and so on, but it didn't feel right. Maybe it's just that I'm so unused to have a guy interested in me.

    Oh well, that was my first kiss, not as impressive as I thought it would be.

  7. #887
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    aaaaaaawww! Thats so sweet =^.^= Ah, it could have been a lot worse. You could have been so plastered you didn't know what was going on, or didn't remember it when you woke up the next day. And as you were drunk, he could have taken things further.. but thats probably quite unlikely.

    Interesting topic actually. Does anyone else want to tell us about their first kiss? Go on, you know you want to ^.^

  8. #888
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    Interesting topic actually. Does anyone else want to tell us about their first kiss? Go on, you know you want to ^.^
    I would, but I've never yet kissed anyone, and likely to not to for many years to come. If ever I do.

    Originally posted by Xanahti
    Oh well, that was my first kiss, not as impressive as I thought it would be.
    well, given the circumstances of the kiss, it's no suprise... I mean you met the guy just that day right? ... and he kisses you the same day... the kiss becomes of little value... to really make a kiss speacial, it's best to a) become good frinds with the person (may or may not take a long time, though better if it does take a long time) b) after completeing step one, if you feel you like the other enough, begin going out with him/her (this stage may or may not take a long time as well) c) after completion of step two, if you feel you really love the other, then try for a first kiss.
    A kiss too early is as a trothy won without doing anything to earn it.

  9. #889
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    Does anyone else want to tell us about their first kiss? Go on, you know you want to ^.^
    How's this for a place:

    Alton Towers, in the Gardens, with Steph (first proper one really)

    And it made me feel so good inside, but now i just think about it and it makes feel all upset and ****........

  10. #890
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    My first kiss ... totally unexpected. I already told Bart to do when I wouldn't expect it, otherwhise I would just back away from him, haha.

    So, while watching the Simpsons, it happend *gasp*
    When I watch TV, I know nothing from what happens around me, 'cause I'm so focussing on the thing I'm watching, so he definatly picked out the right moment ^_^ haha

    Lea Members I've met...
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    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  11. #891
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    Mine.... Before i went to school, i went around my gf's before like we normally did and we both just sitting on the sofa and just happened

    it felt weird but so nice. it chnaged me thats for sure

  12. #892
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    aw its all so sweeeeeeeeet!!! ^.^ *hugglefloofs Dan*

    My first.. well.. proper kiss was actually very romantic. It was down on the seafront, sitting on some rocks, watching the sunset. Talk about cliche..

    And, Anon.. I totally agree with your idea. Its better to get good friends with them first and get to know them better before doing anything further. Wish you were around when I had my first bf.. after about 2 hours of knowing each other It was bound to end in tears!

    So basically... any person you consider a friend is a perfect pucker-up possibility! Hah! Say that five times really quick!

  13. #893
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    And, Anon.. I totally agree with your idea. Its better to get good friends with them first and get to know them better before doing anything further. Wish you were around when I had my first bf.. after about 2 hours of knowing each other It was bound to end in tears!

    So basically... any person you consider a friend is a perfect pucker-up possibility! Hah! Say that five times really quick!
    Better to be good friends? Nahhh. It just depends. Example, my boyfriend and I had seen each other no more than two or three times, in large groups at parties and the like, probably spoken for no more than half hour, when he happened to go out with the same group as me to a gig. Gig got cancelled, we all went to a park with drink, got very drunk and kissed. A lot. Ten months later, here we are. x) Best relationship I've ever been in, or could imagine being in.

  14. #894
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    For me, ive given up on relationships for now though.

    For me, Im a biker. I go out riding with about 20 other bikers in my local area, they are all in the Antelopes M.C.C,(Motor Cycle club) i socialise with them, and have a great time riding with them. My social life has completly changed and me having a relationship in all honesty will block my ability to do these things. I have loads of years ahead of me to think about proper relationships, so for now, ill stick to my bike, my friends on and offline, The Antelopes M.C.C and the roads.

  15. #895
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    Well, as the movie title goes.....I've never been kissed.

  16. #896
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    Heh, I only give kisses to my dog and my favorite horse, Kincade. Though, Kincade just gives me a wierd look when I give him one; I think he just wants a treat. x3

    Other then that, nope never been kissed either.

  17. #897
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    I have to agree with Nephilim to some point never know...sometimes you just feel that natural attraction, no matter if you know this person well or just spoke to him a few times...or just one time...As far as my boy concerns...I met him, two days later had a date, talked for like 4 hours straight (always have so much to talk about) hugged a lot then kissed...he even asked me if he may kiss me, haha, thought that was goofy first but then kinda realized it was totally polite - since guys usually don't ask here

    First real kiss...bleh...went to the cinema with this guy like 8 years ago, I think, ...but was so into the movie he didn't even get the chance to distract me with something else so after the movie we took a walk in the park, then he suddenly turns and hugs me real tight...then kisses big deal...wasn't a bad kiss really...but this guy I'm seeing previous bf can compare haha XD

  18. #898
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    My first kiss was recently =P two weeks ago i think. With my new boyfriend that is. I always thought i would never dare to do such thing, but eventually, it was me who gave him a kiss, our first proper kiss, and afterwards, i was so extremely happy xD
    Right now, kisses and hugs,,,i just c?nt live without them ;3

    *hugs Dan*
    I agree with Nephilim, i wasn't really good friends with Jan-Maarten (aka JM) we just liked eachother right away really.

  19. #899
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Well, a bit of an update from little old Adelaide....

    Things are going really well with me and Pat *hugs him* He's sleeping right now... We've done a bit of stuff, but mainly we've just been watching movies hehe, but still, it's just really good to be spending time with him.

    We haven't really taken any exciting photo's either We forgot to take one at the airport, hehe, but here's one for you now, me with my messy hair, curled up with Pat Awwww....

    That which you manifest is before you.

  20. #900
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    Ist great to see you and pat together azzzy, afetr the long amounts of time waiting and days of counting down, im glad you have finally got to meet him.

    very cute pic

    I hope things goes like everything you both planned azzy and Pat
    i hope both of you have a great time

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