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Thread: Will the world end in June?

  1. #21
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    I said the same thing, even though this is completely bogus stuff. I am sure when the world doesn't end on the 6th, the supporters of the Bible Code will say "I think it mean 3006!" or something along the lines. Anyways, I said the same thing to Eva about being with her if the world did end. She is coming to visit me on June 3rd, so we would have 3 days together..hehe.


  2. #22
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    Before we go any further: 666 is the mark of the beast, right? What does that have to do with the date of the end of the world? It does seem like a cheap, convenient number to pull out of nowhere. I saw on the Discovery Channel that the "bible code" is actually pretty much garbage and that you can pretty much find a "code" in there for anything. And I trust the Discovery Channel: everything that I've seen them go over that I actually know something about has been right and it usually affronts popular belief. Like the one that they did about the Da Vinci Code. The Da Vinci Code is apparently complete bollocks (to go all English. ). The Discovery Channel went over how what Dan Brown has said wasn't physically possible. I've learned that the material which he's supposedly uncovered was never hidden. To make matters worse, the material which he's citing as primary sources is actually all fake stuff that people were using to get money. And the original stuff in the work is actually complete lies. So, I'm really just saying that a lot of people are writing really stupid stuff involving biblical matters, because it's pop culture to trash religion. And for some reason that is absolutely beyond me, it's always popular to tell everyone that they're about to die.

    All that being said, I really hope that doesn't happen in the month of my birthday! Honestly, at this moment, I don't think that any sort of nuclear holocaust will occur. But I'm not worried about it. It's like the Kingdom Hearts quote: "regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all". I really try to live that quote and not be worried about stuff and to be brave in the presence of uncertainty. Because we're never capable of being certain about anything at any time-involving worldly matters. It's also like the S.T.A.R.S. team motto: "expect the unexpected," or "expect nothing," both basically going to say to prepare for anything. All that aside, I really do believe in God and I just feel that everything is going to be okay.

    We were actually discussing death in church recently. The preacher recited this quote from someone who had said something to the effect that most people think that this is the world of the living, though it's actually the world of the dying. We're all dying. But in the other life, there is no death-only life. So, it's in the other life that people are truly alive. I just think that's definitely an interesting way to look at it.

    I like it here and I'm not ready to go anywhere. But I'm not afraid.

  3. #23
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    @ StL: that was..pointless to


  4. #24
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    Originally posted by Krypto
    Like the one that they did about the Da Vinci Code. The Da Vinci Code is apparently complete bollocks (to go all English. ).
    Apparently? It's a work of fiction!

  5. #25
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    I don't think it will. But if it does... I get to spend my last day living at the Bronx Zoo! Yay!!! XD

  6. #26
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    The world can't end on our national day! 'cause it is then...right swedish pals?

  7. #27
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    6th June! So it will end on my birthday. Sounds impressive, though I don't really think it will end that day

  8. #28
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    nice birthday pres Lion Roar ..

    *shakes her trusty 8 ball * hmmm... check back in 2 months :nukawha:

  9. #29
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    Beat me to it, Nephilim.

    It's mind boggling how people just went off the deep end when that book came out. I read it and enjoyed it as a work of fiction. Because that's what it is.

    The world could end anytime, really. I mean, you never know what's going to happen.
    So what if it does? There's nothing we can do about it.
    But it better not end this year because there are several things going on that I refuse to miss over something as trivial as the world ending.

  10. #30
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    I read that link about the comet that was posted... I've heard of Planet X, and information suggesting that it doesn't exist. (My science group was once called Planet X ) Anyway... June 6th is a little under a month away now, so unless something drastic happens in the war in Iraq and either America or Iraq sets off missiles, I doubt it'll end in a nuclear holocaust.

    Knowing the luck of mankind, we'll probably all be killed off from something really stupid- like falling into a tar pit or something.

  11. #31
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    lets think about it a little.. ok 666 is apparently the number of the beast/devil well we have had numerous 6/6/6's sooo why didnt the world end then?

    This is too much like The Omen

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    lets think about it a little.. ok 666 is apparently the number of the beast/devil well we have had numerous 6/6/6's sooo why didnt the world end then?

    Good point! Like, June 6th of 1906. Did the world end then? Nooooo. Unless it did, but we're imagining it didn't, but that gets too complicated. X)

  13. #33
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    maybe it'll be 6/6/6666

  14. #34
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    Originally posted by Adrenaline
    Good point! Like, June 6th of 1906. Did the world end then? Nooooo. Unless it did, but we're imagining it didn't, but that gets too complicated. X)
    We live in the Matrix after all.... O_o

    @starlionness - oo that should be intriging!!! but none of us will be around to see it!

    But whats a bit ominous.. look what happened in London in 1666. The Plague and the Great Fire of London! But then what will happen in 2666??? It does make you think doesn't it?

  15. #35
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    Everyone usually freaks out with the whole 666 thing. True, there have been 666 dates in the past, but in previous 666's not many people were concerned with the end of the world. Now, everyone is.

  16. #36
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    Man...I used to live by highway 666 until they changed the umber....Now it's 187 or something...

  17. #37
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    Man I hope the world doesn't end I got too much planned for this summer

  18. #38
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    We should do a voting on this...
    The winners will get a prize ^^

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
    Hehe, less than two weeks left now! It's getting exciting lol !
    I have two exams that day, so we can only hope.

  20. #40
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    Originally posted by Neola
    We should do a voting on this...
    The winners will get a prize ^^
    oh, yes... if that were to be then those who vote 'yes' either way wouldn't get a prize ... if they're right they die, if wrong, no prize

    anyways, I think the world will end when it ends, no time earlier... and cannot be predicted... just happen suddenly and without warning in an unexpected time... like a thief in the night... had the owner of the house known the time and night the thief were to appear, he would had been ready for the thief, however, he didn't and therefore awoke to see his stuff gone the next morning.

    That's how it'll be... unknown...

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