[OOC] Yes, I am an Ethiopian wolf, rarest of the wolf species, once thought to be a member of the fox or jackal family due to its fur color and muzzle shape. I?ve done my research on this end! ^_^

[BIC] In the last hours before night, the wolf opens his eyes for a brief moment. He then gets up and stretches before pointing a sharp eye to the horizon. "Funny?" sniffs the air "The wind from the south is blowing some strange scents my way. At least, I don?t think I?ve ever smelled a human camp that smelled like that." Sniffs some more "Whatever it is, it can?t be far off. Even if it isn?t human, maybe it?ll have some food to spare!" Growls "It must have been at least a day since I?ve eaten. Well, as it is in the way of me going farther south, I see no reason not to give it a quick look." The wolf begins trotting lightly off towards the south with a noticeable bounce in his step.