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Thread: Community Advice Thread

  1. #161
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    That is the kind of attitude I fire people for. Nobody HAS to sacrifice their days off, but as a supervisor, I want the kind of employee that takes pride in what they do, not the kind that work for the sake of satisfying their parents and looking good for their girlfreinds. People like that do nothing but hold down the business and make things difficult for everybody else. I want dedicated and loyal employees who won't hesitate to help out when needed. I want employees who wnat to work their way to the top of the chain, not ones who are going to skip out when they get board of the job. I want employees who are willing to sacrifice days off when we suddenly find ourselves short on staff for unexpected reason, not one who will make up excuses to avoid extra hours. If someone wants to say no to me, that's fine. I will find someone else, or pick up the shift myself if I need to. However, the person who continually covers for others when they are unable to work will be promoted and raised much quicker then the one who doesn't.

    Tikerri, if you dislike your job enough to call it a 'hell hole", then you ned to get out of their. Find somthing that suits you better.
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  2. #162
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    Thanks for the lecture; however, I still don't think a person is obligated to fill in for another; it's their job to do their job when they're scheduled, not when the boss calls them at home and says it's time to come into work. I do my job for the money, and I do it damn well, but not because I like being there. I don't like hearing a bunch of hicks with airguns call me a "Fag", "Idiot", or "Jerk" all day, lie to me, and treat me like crap. I don't like coming home covered in bruises every single day, I don't like arguing with the enraged mother because her kid got kicked out, I don't like that people ask me if they should go through with their upcoming marriage, I don't like that people get violent with me on a regular basis, I don't like having to direct the safety of hundreds or even thousands of people at a time, and I don't like going 12-14 hours without a lunch break sometimes; I do it because it pays well, both the job itself and the tips I get from private groups. When I come in to work outside of my schedule, I do so because I care about my boss and I have his back, I have no responsibility to CO Paintball Inc. to be there when it's not on my schedule.

    Edit: Now, if there's a matter of a very annoying instance where my boss calls with short notice and needs me, such as giving up my Thanksgiving Day to go ref a special private group, I'm gonna ask for just compensation. To me, that would mean being allowed to cook a bass I catch in the company's pond and him giving me some extra gas money to get to the park, as well as my normal pay. He usually doesn't have a problem with that, so it all works out, but it's actually more of a matter of respect than me wanting to cook a bass. Regardless, I still feel no obligation to the company, and if I'm not scheduled to work and I don't want to, I'm going to say no.

  3. #163
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    Woah Roq, calm down son. You're missing my point entirely. I DO do overtime, I do loads and loads of extra hours (purely for the money obviously) and I offer to do it too, so you can't say I'm a slacker, because I'm only contracted to 20 hours a week, yet most of the time I do closer to 40.

    But anyway, that is NOT my argument. My argument is the rude and inconsiderate way that I was asked, by way of phoning me when I was at home, I have contracted hours, I'm not on call. That is why I'm annoyed, if he'd have asked me at work, I'd have still said no, but because I do other things at the weekends, and I wouldn't have been so annoyed because I was there at the time and he could've asked me then, he saw me often enough. Yet he chose to phone my house at 9pm to ask me, and that just annoyed me, just because he doesn't have a life outside work it doesn't mean I don't either.

    And yes, I'm getting out of there as soon as I find somewhere else.

  4. #164
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    I'm not going to even TRY to debate your job, Pnt. Being a Paintball referee is a whole nother ball park then a resturaunt employee. I have no idea how things work there.

    However, Dani told me that his business is a clothes retailer, not much different. Dani, the reason your boss called you at home is because it was a last minute thing even for him. He didn't know he would be short staffed untill minutes minutes before yohe called you, I'm sure. I'm pretty cetrtain being rude wasn't his intention. It's pretty sad that your boss thinks so lowly of an employee working twice their weekly time. Yeah, you definatly need to get out. And again, there was nothing wrong with saing no. We all need R&R. If you work as much as you say you do, then you have nothing to worry about.

    BYW, I am perfectly calm. Sorry if I seemed excited.
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  5. #165
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    Originally posted by Roquivo
    Dani, the reason your boss called you at home is because it was a last minute thing even for him. He didn't know he would be short staffed untill minutes minutes before yohe called you, I'm sure.
    Just one thing though, my supervisor doesn't work weekends either he's weekday like me. There are different staff assigned to different days. And at the store I work at, the supervisors aren't in charge, the Management are. So what will've happened most likely, is that Piotr (my supervisor) will have been given some extra hours to give to normal staff from the management, and it makes him look good if he can get rid of them all. And he probably just realised on his way home that he still had the hours left, so he just rang round seeing if there were any takers. Woe betide any supervisor who can't get rid of overtime hours! So yeah...

  6. #166
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    Originally posted by pntbll248
    I have to disagree, I don't think you have any responsibility to that company outside of the hours you're scheduled to work. My boss tries to pull that crap with me all the time, and with as much as I care about him, I'll tell him that I'm scheduled when I'm scheduled. Now, if it's a matter of 600 people showing up on a minimum staff day, I'll come in as a personal favor, not because it's my responsibility. I'd be a bit annoyed, personally, because you have a life outside of that career, and you shouldn't be waiting for every beckoned call of your employer. Unless that's in your contract, or job description, such as a doctor, EMT, firefighter, etc...
    I agree, you are only obligated to work the shifts you are scheduled to. But a manager, etc has every right to request that you fill in for someone else...and he/she should respect the fact if you don't want to fill in for whatever reason. And as an EMT, Firefighter, etc...I think you are actually paid for the hours that you are on call. The way they do it here in Tucson is that someone works three days, and is on call maybe one or two days they don't work at the hospital I work at. And for this dude who was a Paramedic, he would be on call for half a month, and off the other half.

    That is the kind of attitude I fire people for. Nobody HAS to sacrifice their days off, but as a supervisor, I want the kind of employee that takes pride in what they do, not the kind that work for the sake of satisfying their parents and looking good for their girlfreinds. People like that do nothing but hold down the business and make things difficult for everybody else. I want dedicated and loyal employees who won't hesitate to help out when needed. I want employees who wnat to work their way to the top of the chain, not ones who are going to skip out when they get board of the job. I want employees who are willing to sacrifice days off when we suddenly find ourselves short on staff for unexpected reason, not one who will make up excuses to avoid extra hours. If someone wants to say no to me, that's fine. I will find someone else, or pick up the shift myself if I need to. However, the person who continually covers for others when they are unable to work will be promoted and raised much quicker then the one who doesn't.
    I think every manager wants employees like that...but you have to realize that people will only do so much for the little wages they may make at some of these places. I make 8 dollars an hour, so I put 8 dollars an hour worths of work in. I'll do things to help out and I will fill in shifts, but I let my manager know when I have other things I need to do with my time...8 dollars an hour isn't really worth 40 hours of my life each week...but I work because I have bills and such I need to pay.

  7. #167
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    This is awful Utora, my sympathy for you cant be done in 1 post on a forum, ill speak to you on MSN. Please Please Respond

  8. #168
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    Sorry to hear that, Utora.

    I can't stand my parents.....My dad regularly says he'll send me to a mental institution for 'internet addiction' and, well, that's just not right. :badnews:

    I'm also sick of them judging me, yelling at me, and threatening me and all sorts of crap like that, it isn't fair to me. Oh, and once my mom said unless I started wearing makeup every morning, I would lose computer for that day.

    Once my dad got so mad at me for being 'addicted' that he threw my laptop downstairs and now we have a huge hole in our wall o_0


    I don't know what to do anymore. My dad's also threatened to come to school and beat me up O_O'.

    Things are kinda calm now though (this is two months later or so), but should I tell the cops anyway? I tried to call them once but before I could my mom took all the phones with her to work.

  9. #169
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Wellllll, I kinda had a panic attack yesterday. Fun fun!

  10. #170
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    I can't say what I want to on the forums, mostly because its not enough room, 10000 words just aint enough, I'll talk to you on MSN..


    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  11. #171
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    I feel Very Unstable at the moment.

    -Work is very hard to get where i live, i have a job but its making me exhuasted, but i need the money

    -My Love for someone offline has been thrown back in my face.

    -Im most likley gonna be moved 300 miles away from my friends to live in a tiny boring village in scotland in the next year, (whether i have internet acsess i dont know)

    -My finacial status is Diar, and i still have to fork out ?1500 for the damage of my bike.

    -My appreticeship i want to do, i need quick perssonell transport (eg, Car/Motorbike). I cant go anywhere until then

    -Quite alot of my Friends, Online and Offline, are not feeling the best right now, and i feel so sorry for them and i know them so well that i feel really sad and depressed that my best friends are suffereing.

    With this i think i need a break from the internet life, il proberly drop in now and then every day but proberly only for short periods of time to wait on emails and my dedication to the RP's im doing on the internet. besides that ill most likely be outside and try to sort out all the problems that have suddenly arisen in my life.

    I Plead people not to be That Concerned about me, I only posted this on here because my friends and my online family have to right to know what is happening, just like offline friends and family. Things in life like this happen and they are never avoidable. Bumps are always on the path people's lifes, you just have to find the key To the Steamroller. And thats exactly what i have to do Now.

    See you guys around when i can and hopefully i should be back on track in the next week or so, i should have some sense of direction by then.

  12. #172
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    I hope you can sort things out This Land, and get yourself sorted. I can't imagine how hard things must be for you at the moment as I know you've been through a lot. Stay strong. Hope to see you back soon.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  13. #173
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    i said everything i needed to on MSN this land, you got my number, so just give me a call if you need me

  14. #174
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    Thanks Both of you

  15. #175
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    'Gives everyone a big squishy huggle'

  16. #176
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    I don't know where else to I'm here.

    I just don't know what to do anymore...

    This is from another messageboard where I have close ties...I'd just had another fight with the parents and I lost it.

    Originally posted by ________.
    I got a D on my math quiz.My worst grade ever in that class..
    I replied MATH! I hate math! It has literally taken a toll on my mental health. I'm horrible at it! And not the average kind of horrible--I really do stink! I try, and try and try, and everything's hard, and I can't keep things straight. When I see new material, even after practicing it, seeing it, hearing it, reading it, it is often like Chinese!!!!!!!!

    Actually, I feel like me whole stinking life is falling apart. My parents love each other, love me. I have healthy pets and I go ride. But there's a turmoil inside ME. I have so many emotional problems right now and I'm gaining weight from a bottle-of-sh&t medicine that I can't even go off of yet because it controls my EPILEPSY! Everything's falling apart! I only care about my horses and certain hobbie now!!!!!!! I feel like I've fallen and I can't get up. I've talked to a therapist, but it is hard to change, it is had to put techniques for trying to be better\happier into practice because I've been miserable since my early teens. Some days I try and some days I just don't care. I've even had thoughts of SUICIDE--but I can't tell my therapist, because she might tell my parents...and i can't tell my parents, especially my mom, because she's already worried about my epilepsy and whenever I've mentioned suicide in moments of anger she's given me crap about how it hurts God! Well, i don't believe in God anymore!! There! I said it! I don't care! I had to get it out!! I'm confused! I'm falling! I hurt.

    And now I have an update: My parents had a huge fight. Over me. My dad never scolds me, he just grunts and rolls his eyes, unless I dare slam a door or yank something [faucet handle, fridgerator door, etc.] in anger...they got into a HUGE screaming match...I've never heard them fight like that before. I almost ran away from home...I got a flashlight and shoes and got to the next street before I chickened out. But I may run away in the morning, really. My mom threatened to leave, though I don't think she's serious, just mad. She says she hates homeschooling and she's sick of putting up with me. She didn't say it to my face but I heard her scream that to my dad.
    Help. Somebody. Anybody.
    I've fallen and I can't get up.

  17. #177
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    That doesn't sound good Kiara, I'm sorry to hear that. With the thing your mum screamed though, people can shout things out in anger and not realise what they're saying, things they don't really mean. So I hope that this was the case with your mum. If you're really, really worried about it, try talking to her, try talking to both your parents and discussing the issue with them, otherwise the tension could just build and make things worse. I don't know what else to suggest. All the best that things get sorted out though
    That which you manifest is before you.

  18. #178
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    With the thing your mum screamed though, people can shout things out in anger and not realise what they're saying, things they don't really mean.
    This is definatly often the case in many things people scream at you. Once you get to the 'tree' stage, you just don't care and realise its all said in the heat of the moment.

    *Hugs* to CotP and Utora

  19. #179
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
    I also don't like travelling with inexperienced (and often young) drivers, since most of them really don't seem to know what the heck they're doing. The tests are way too easy to pass, and that's one reason why we have so many dangerous drivers on the roads.

    The tests are NOT easy to pass. The theory might well be easy, but the practical most certainly is not. One lapse in your concentration on one of those tests and you've blown it, That's how hard they are to pass.

    And FWIW, I do know what I'm doing when I'm on the road. I may be young but I know what I'm doing since I've never caused a crash. The crash I had earlier was another person's fault which I could've done nothing to prevent (apart from being clarevoyant).

    And I also think it's harsh to generalise all young drivers as "dangerous" ok, they're inexperienced, but that doesn't mean they're dangerous in the slightest.

    That is all.

  20. #180
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    I agree with STL. The driving age should definatly be raised. Far too many young people are out there getting killed because of it.

    (Actually, so should the drinking age, the smoking age and the age of consent be raised. People do not value their youth any more. Too many people are becoming pregnant at 11 or a little more. Its too sad and limits them too early in life. Smoking is just disgusting. Its a self-inflicted disease if you get cancer from it or worse, and you inflict the smoke on everyone around you. Drinking is harder to control unless you want police in every bar and shop, but less young people drinking means less people dying in drink-and-drive situations. End of Rant.)

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