Yea well of course I LOVED her in the beginning, I mean, why not? But then you see all her faulty things and jeez, I just think she's a bit annoying in her appearence and stuff...

And jokes grows old, oh yea, trust me, at least if you kick the joker on the leg^^ I go all nut when my english teacher is screaming "KIIIRA KIIIIRA WAIT!" over the whole school place if she notice you, she's a little of her own, but she's cool, she's from south africa and always talk about her "so near death" cat who is so old ... She think I'm special too When the english lesson ended in november, she was like "Oh Kira you're such a special girl, good grief! (her favourite word) I'll expect to see you in the Eurovisian song contest soon!" (And of course she screamed that in the whole corridor -.-)