Kovujin looked on as the cub has prepared the paste, his eyes wide and sorta sparking with wonder and amazement as he watched simba work. Never had he been into this 'healing' stuff before, but he had heard of wandering creatures that knew of the ancient works of healing animals of wounds, sicknesses, and sometimes even death. But never had he thought that simba would be one of those, and so he found it rather amusing to watch something like this being performed. And then applied to a 'patient', and unfortunately, that patient being Malaika.

He moved back a bit as simba started to put the leaf with its herbs upon his wounds. His ears then perked as he heard paw steps coming their way, and he moved his head quickily in that direction, and seeing the same creature before, friend, though that was coming near them, the one who was dealing with the rogue lion. Man... What a day this has been.. he told himself in his mind as he turned his head back to simba, and then the lifeless body, or so it seemed, of Malaika, until he saw the tear run down the older lions cheek, and a frown appeared upon his muzzle that instance, the tear made him think, that he wanted to die, or not be alive possible, but usually.. These accusations of him were always wrong, but he never knew if they were or not. Being because he never told anyone what was on his mind...