Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
Tekua watched the yellow lion before him look away from him towards the Watering Hole and it made him advert his gaze to stare off there with him, but soon was quickly drawn to attention again as he started speaking again, and he noticed a slight grin on his face. And before that, he had noticed he looked.. Rather confused upon why he was wanting to help him.. He smirked widely and grinned at him bowing down unexpectedly. "We all make mistakes my friend." He said raising his head again to talk naturally once more, "You just have to learn not to make mistakes, and heed what you do.. Mind telling me who you fought and why you fought?" He asked, Then turned around and started walking in a random direction for he knew not in which direction to start walking in because of Rac's wounds, he couldn't use his nose to pick up any scents, other than the yellow lions that was.

"Oh.. I meant tell me on the way there" He said rather sarcastically to the lion as he continued to walk off in a slow pace so the lion could easily catch up to him.
Rac rose from his sitting position and padded after the lion at a slow pace with ease catching up with him. Now walking at his side keeping his gaze forward, the yellow lion started his tale; "Well I fought against a lion trying to steal his prey, he didn't want to move off and he was welcomeing a fight.. but that fight turned out not exactly as I had predicted I underestimated him and thus he defeated me.." Rac said with a pause turning to Tekua with a soft grin, "But then again, the lion I fought sufferd worse indjuries than I did, but hadn't he tricked me.. then he would have been singing on his last verse by now..." Rac smiled devious as the words left his muzzle.

"But something about the lion makes me wonder.." Rac said with thoughtfullness in his voice looking at the ground which passed under his feet, "...the anger is his eyes where like nothing I have ever seen before I was like he was close to going into a state of pure rage" the yellow lion said glanceing at Tekua before turning to the ground once more, "It was odd.. but then again everything about that lion is odd.." Rac added as he turned once more to the savanna before him walking in silence beside the redish young lion...