Well, some of them are more impressions with the distance of time

I know my grandfather's mother's story because his older sister talked about their mother even while my grandfather chose not to.

My gramma's father's story hits a brick wall due to his being adopted and getting different dates and places of birth on military records.

And my grandmother's aunt's story is pieced together from the fact that she was the relative my devout Catholic grandmother pointed at to her children to illustrate the evils of alcoholism, unfortunately Together with of one of my grandmother's sisters (the more gregarious one that's always gotten a kick out gossip, my gram on that side is a prude,) talking about how her mother would say that men would always be driving her aunt home from the dance halls & bars in town, and I can't help thinking that Aunt Marie being closer to her and having only had 2 children while my grandmother had 6 might have something to do with their aunt's track record of zero I probably am over romanticizing reality, though, by my parent's generations' accounts she was simply a haggard old lush living in the middle of nowhere that my father & his siblings were terrified of :P I like to think that one of us really lived though and dovetailed into the story of the region, LOL. Who really knows?

My grandpa's mother is the most "real" to my family though. The living-loss of my great grandmother really effected him, he lived for being a family man on account of it. Love you Grandpop <3