((OOC: Katse is now the Supermoderator of this forums or something >P Thanks Katse, Yes Scout its okay and no problems for starting late, at least you started Anyways, everything that was in The Lion King 1 and 2 happened in this RP. So all the Outlanders now live in the Pride Lands Happily Or do they.. It is your choice ; ) ))

Tekua looked at the yellowish lion and snickered to himself and looked down to his paws seeing they were unsheathed, he quickly withdrew them into there protective little hiding place as he called them, until the time and point he need them again. "Ah my friend... But the question is... Who are you..?" He said with a sinister grin set upon his muzzle.

His gaze came to set upon the lioness he saw, the sister of the male. She was quite the.. Perky one it seemed. Another sassy lioness... Just what I need.. Maybe she can be victem number 1... he thought to himself as he eyed the Lioness plainly. "Oh..Shut up will you.. I could hear you voice back in the deserted lands... Geesh.." He said rolling his eyes looking to the male as he spoke his 'introduction'. And he smirked widely.

"Hi" He replied, and looked back to the yellowish lion. "Just because I'm feeling.. Generous today.. My names Tekua, and Never... Call me Tek.. if you do.. You won't live to see the light of another day..." He said with a slight growl starting to form in his stomach.


((ooc; no no that is a good post Akiko ^^ And yes, I do the same thing, I try to let everyone I'm RPing with get a chance to get there 2 cents in before I start something else.))

Tekua's ears perked as he heard a snapping sound and looked up into the Acacia tree and saw a white lion fall down onto the ground and hit it rather hard. He laughed and chuckled loudly.

"IDIOT!!" He yelled and laughed more placing a paw on his chest trying to stiffle his laughter. "oh geesh.. Now we have flying lions..." He muttered with a smirk