I can't believe it's already time to start doing this, but here we go... It's time to start organizing Lea Halalela's Secret Santa for 2013!
So for those of your who haven't done this with us before, it's a real Secret Santa with members on this forum. You will be sending a real gift through the mail. (So if you are uncomfortable giving out your address, you can't join, sorry.) Please be aware you could be shipping internationally, so don't send super heavy gifts.
We don't really have a price limit, but I think anywhere from $5 to $15 is ok. But it's up to you, you can spend a little bit more, but don't go crazy. Really it's not the price that matters.
So here is how this goes, if you want to join, go ahead and PM me your email address. On September 1st, I will use a Secret Santa website we have been using for years, where I enter in all the email addresses, and then emails are sent to everyone, and in that email, you will get a link where you enter your wishlist and your address of where you want your gift to be sent to. Once everyone has done that, people will get an email with someone's wishlist and address so you can send them a gift! Make sure to send it in time so they receive their gift by Christmas. I know this seems early but we have been starting it this early for years so hopefully everyone has a few months or so to shop and ship their gift in time for their person to receive their gift by Christmas.
Gift Received List:
Sharifu - Gift Received
Sadiki - Gift Received
Leorgathar - Gift Received
King Simba - Gift Received
cleargreenwater - Gift Received
ThiagoPE - Gift Received
Azerane - Gift Received
HasiraKali - Gift Received
Safila - Gift Received
nathalie - Gift Received
Simbaspirit - Gift Received