Originally posted by pntbll248
I have to agree, would you rather see a person you hardly ever talk to make you a thread (usually just trying to be first to say happy birthday), or would you rather a good friend do so?
*nods* I'd rather have a good and close friend make the thread for me instead of just a random person who I hardly/never speak to. It doesn't quite have it's feel the same as a thread that's been made by a close friend I feel.

If the member/friend who makes the thread writes a bit more than just plain and simple "happy birthday" then that'd be much more of a bonus too. Especially hearing something come from a good and close friend--it actually makes you feel a lot better about yourself. For example, they could write down a few lines about the person who's B-day it is and why they're good friends with them. Although I think it would be too much similar to the endearment and praise threads people keep making, I still think it's a pretty cool idea. Just my contribution of course--people can either agree or disagree. I don't mind. =)

Same as I and many people have said many times--everyone is entitled to their own opinions.