Originally posted by Utora
So teh roog plays the trombone? That is uber mighty awesome, cuz I play it too! First chair, four years round, till I was homeschooled....yay.
I can play lots of TLK songs on the piano, but now I need to save them to a disk and get them to my computer sometime.

My God Kovu that's BEAUTIFUL. Your very good I think.
I dunno, does he?

Yup, I've played the trombone since 5th grade, when the band director pointed me out and said "YOU! Look like a trombone player." And I was like..."uuuh...sure?"

In elementary school I was in band, adv.band, and jazz band. Most of what we played didnt have multiple trombone parts, but I was the de-facto 1st seat :P I also went to all-county in 6th grade, where IIRC I was 1st horn last seat...

In high school I played second seat some, but that was cause Pete Smith was THE Music Man. I was in concert, Jazz, and marching band, however, and my senior year I got the John Phillip Susa Band Award o' Musical Pwnage.

I've still got my trombone (as well of a half-dozen other instruments)...I should play that some >.>

And yes, Kovu's piano-ing is pwnage ^^