Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
My avatar is made by myself If you meant my signature, it's drawn by Shi from the Aro'kai board ^^
And that's exaclty what I meant, your signature! I know I wrote that the first time I wrote the post

Quote Originally Posted by Simba The Mighty View Post
So yeah I know I said it many times on old Lea, but I do recommend everyone to work on the ultimate goal and to be able to move in with the one permanently as meeting up time to time can't be the solution in a long run. I'm very happy that Anna and Adam have been able to get very close this ultimate goal of being together as you guys are now engaged and pretty much living together. As for KS and Leor, for you it might be a little too early to really jump the gun and really know what to do, but I would still talk about it as knowing what the ultimate goal is, who is going to move and what not, makes it a lot easier for the relationship, at least you would know what you work towards. For Bec and Patrick. You guys been in long distance relationship for almost as long as me and Audra were... very soon you guys have been for even longer than we have and I really know how extremely hard it is to be separated for so darn long it is starting to consume your life. You guys have had separations twice as long as our longest ever was and I know your flights are almost double the price of ours or even triple if you think of the cheapest flights I ever bought... for you guys I really admire as I don't think many people could go for such a long period of time apart without going insane, especially as I know, you guys still have no certain plans for the future. I really hope that after the next visit you guys have some point and direction on how you guys want to spend the rest of your lives as I can already see it's getting way hard for you guys to handle the distance in between. .
I hate you... you made me cry... But you are right, and we are planning on trying to really work out a solution when I'm over there, because it's getting to the point where neither of us want to be doing this anymore, because it's simply too hard and we need to work out a solution. So that's definitely on the list of planned activities for while I'm there.

Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
He just called me to say he's going to pick me up tomorrow morning, we're going to some plant-fair first, which is about 15 minutes away from my place, and then I'll be going home with him till Monday morning.

Sorry guys, but I'm so happy right now *blush*

His mom will be coming though, she doesn't like me So I'm kind of scared about that (I've always wanted to know what she thought about us getting back together)

But I guess that can't spoil the fun?
That's really exciting, and a very nice surprise I hope you have a lot of fun. Sorry to hear that you don't get along with his mum, all you can do is simply be nice and try to ignore anything mean she might say. Hopefully your boyfriend will stick up for you! But no, don't let her spoil your fun!