From the tall rock Femi was sitting on, she noticed a lioness heading away from the others. She also noticed Uru coming her way. That could only mean that the queen was planning something that Femi probably wouldn't like.
With a quickness of motion that no one would have expected of the lazy, ex-princess, Femi slunk down from the rock and headed in the direction of the other female.
If she remembered correctly, the lone lioness was named Mala. She had heard about her from Taka.
Suddenly, Femi heard Mufasa's voice. She ducked down low, her golden fur making it easy to blend in with the dry grass.
'It sounds like an argument...' Femi thought to herself. There was a short, brutal sound... the sound of claws breaking through flesh. And whether Mufasa roared in anger, surpirse, or pain, Femi couldn't tell. She drew back a little until she couldn't hear their voices anymore and then moved far around Mufasa so that he wouldn't catch her scent.
She could see Mala again in the distance. "Hmm... I wonder what she's up too." Femi asked herself softly.
Well, it was either follow this girl and see where she was going or go back to pride rock and possibly get roped into hunting. Femi opted for the first thought and kept up a quick, quiet trot a ways behind the older female.