Originally posted by Simba22
Scout nuzzled her back lovingly giving her one of the best nuzzles he'd ever given anyone before. "I don't know what I'd do if you had had found someone else as a boyfriend. Probably die. You're my only reason to live Kala." Scout said kissing her on the cheek.


Dusty and Ballard had gone off to go wrestle. Ballard pins Dusty yet again. "I pinned ya again Dusty that's 25 times this past week why not just admit I'm better then you. Ballard said. Dusty: Never, I'm not gonna be beaten by a girl. Ballard: I hate to tell you but you just were.
"Aww I'm sure you wouldn't die Scout" she smiled. "If you were to die, god forbid" her ears lowering at the thought "then I would too" she smirked pulling her tongue out at him before nuzzling him softly back. "I'm so glad we have each other Scout, Your my everything" she told him beaming happily from ear to ear.