Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
That's an awesome drawing, Mufasa!

I'll go next!

Edit: And done! I did some guessing with the design, hehe, I hope it's okay anyway! Done with photo reference, obviously :P

Same again for me:
Kanu: kanutgl.deviantart.com/art/Reference-Sheet-Sumai-116788599
Sumai: kanutgl.deviantart.com/art/Kanu-Reference-Sheet-2009-132578654
Or any of these guys: kanutgl.deviantart.com/gallery/87547 :3
Awh, I really love this piece; it's the first or her in fox form! Is it ok if I color it?

& Thanks for the compliments guys.


My mobile never showed you responded; you're very welcome Azerane. =)