Wow this is a cool thread! Kasei, I always pronounced your name like "ka-say" x3 Learning new things every day, right?

As for me, Eva Janus was a weird one to come up with lol. First of all, I had made a lioness character back when I was a kid and she was originally a white lioness named Eva and she was a goddess. I don't remember where I saw it, but I thought that the name Eva meant life, so I gave the goddess character that name. Anyway, one day I decided to take her on as my fursona and drop the goddess aspect. Later on, I realized there were other Eva's in the fandom, so I wanted to distinguish which one I was. So i added the name Janus afterwards. I go by Eva, but Janus is just like a random second name lol.

Janus is the name of a Roman god and it is where we get the month name January. He was the god of doors, of beginnings, and he was two-faced. For some reason I just really liked this god and I loved his name, so I took it as part of mine, thus creating Eva Janus. Sometimes I spell it Eva Ianus because in Latin there were no j's, they used i's.

It is pronounced "ee-vuh" and "yah-nus" ;3