Welcome to Lea!

Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
Aww, Buffy is your boy dog's name? XD Anyway, Welcome to Lea!

And ahhh, Les Mis. I usually really encourage people to read the classics, but the gods honest truth is, (and I'm sure the ghosts of Literature professors past are going to strike me down in a bolt of lightening for saying it,) this is like the one book on earth I actually advocate finding and reading the ABRIDGED version of. I'm a sick sort of person that *likes* reading old-time books, I can deal with the pacing and the language and the different sensibilities.....usually. In Les Mis though, it just DRAGS. There are 16 chapters--no seriously! Sixteen!--about the entire history of the Paris sewers. If you do read it, do yourself a favor and get the short version. This from someone who didn't mind "Moby Dick" & enjoyed it. Les Mis just does itself no favors.
O.M.G. THIS! I was literally just talking to someone about this. Les Mis... I just couldn't. I tried so hard to read it, but I failed because it was just so boring in some parts (like that 16 chapters...). I just couldn't do it. I read the abridged version and that was much much better.