Originally posted by Ralli
And I've never considered any other male 'duos' to be homosexual. o_o;; Besides Timon and Pumbaa. And I'd like to emphasize that I just like the pairing, I don't really think they're in love in any of the TLK movies, I don't think they're really a couple, but I still think they're gay. *shrug* Though I'm open to Timon/OC, Pumba/OC pairings.

To add: I really, really don't want to "discuss" this. I'm not going to change anyone's mind, no one is going to change my mind. As immature as it sounds, I get upset when "debating". No matter how much I believe my opinion. It's just how I am. It's not because I'm an oversensitive, egotistic baby who thinks she's right and everyone else is wrong; I believe it goes along with this disorder I have. And the last thing I am is egotistical. I'm actually very self-degrading.
So... you like Timon & Pumbaa, but you just think they're gay, m'kay, interesting... And also you don't like to "debate" any. First off, I wasn't trying to debate much really, as like you said, "state an opinion" and pretty much leave it like that. Well- you can only go as in so far with that before it becomes a debate. But I'm stopping here with this Timon/Pumbaa opinion/debate thing.

Now - there's no need to get so offensive, Ralli. I realize you had a quick burst of emotions, but it's not that big of a deal.

Believe me, I understand where you are coming from, though.
