Quote Originally Posted by Leorgathar View Post
Although on the other hand, yeah, I too am feeling unmotivated about posting here like I used to... and it can get a bit depressing, because that friendly community feeling I mentioned before isn't feeling as evidently as before, at least in the way I see it now. As for myself, I guess I haven't been helping it either. I haven't even really progressed much in drawing, or making figurines as I said I would, and I can't think of much to post about for a new thread. I would blame it to my last semester in college, which isn't giving me much of a break to do what I like to do (and when I have time, I feel drained and just feel like laying down and watching something on TV), I still come into Lea to see what's up every day, but I really miss feeling enthusiastic about it. Although I admit that I could just push myself and do better, and be the same I was here before the last big crash. I would really want that.
Better become part of the solution rather than part of the problem, right?
Yeah! That's a great attitude.

I guess I can be more optimistic about all of this because I have only just discovered Lea so this is an all-new community to me. I feel like I've stepped back in time to when Lilymud was active, to be honest. x) It feels nice to post things and know that people are actually responding. So for me I feel like, "Hey! People are actually out there and taking part! Post awaaaaaay!" x) hehe.