So, After the recent E3 announcement that a new Sly Cooper game is in the works (which I'm totally looking forward to by the way) I thought I'd make a quick thread to see if there were any other Sly fans amongst us.

Now, I only recently discovered Sly Cooper then the HD trilogy was released for the PS3, I never played the PS2 games when they were released, but being a huge Ratchet and Clank fan and after hearing that Sly had a similar style to Ratchet I thought I'd give the collection a try. First thought "This is awesome, what did I never play this back in the day?!?"

Anyway, I really enjoyed the artistic style of the games with their cel-shaded cartoony graphics, and also the spy film lounge jazz music, especially in the second and third games. The humour was pretty good too.

The series definitely grew stronger as it went along, the voice acting in the first game was a bit hinky, but once the actors got into the roles properly that greatly improved.

So, any other Sly fans? Thoughts on the series??