So I had a few weird ones last night.

First I dreamt about a new member that has just joined my watership down forum, that I replied to their posts (which I actually had done before I went to be anyway). I left the forum, then half an hour later I came back and there were another two members, and everyone was online and posting and it was great! I woke up this morning, checked the forum, and there was another new member! Yay for premonition.

My second dream wasn't quite so pleasent, the human race was battling for survival due to the presence of packs of demonic velociraptors that had trained dogs (which looked like Doug from Up) and the dogs would find me, then the raptors would try to eat me. Every time they came to attack me I had to come up with a new way of out-manouvering them, because they would remember my actions and would have formed a move against it. Eventually, there was just me, the dog and one velociraptor left. I was on a rise, and there was a path leading down and away and I could see the raptor and its dog. The dog ran up the path to me, then I stood there ready for when the raptor rounded the corner. It didn't happen, so I started panicking, wondering what new plan it had thought of, so I jumped up to a chain (that was magically hanging from the sky) so I could get a better view and get off the ground so I would have more warning of the approach. Suddenly there was a noise from behind a big cupboad that was nearby, the dog and I went over to investigate, expecting a raptor, when a baby sea turtle appeared walking across the ground. The raptor had evolved/morphed into a sea turtle and was no longer a threat. We cautiously celebrated, expecting the sea turtle to turn back into a raptor at any time.