Originally posted by Nalinda
I cant help that Im mad now.. haha
Have'nt thet got a point? Okay baby. Now.. where's the point of killing other lions to get it as they way they want? That is exactly what Zira and her followers are planning to do.
What is damn meaning of that? :disagree:
Save the world from evil scar? Scar was exactly like Simba explains to Kovu in SP. He was stuck and lost in the dark.
The pridelanders are playful and loving to their cubs.. They make sure their cubs are growing up in a safe way with a good childhood.
They are a lot more wiser then Scar was.. How wise is killing to get what they want?
Really unwise.
*applauds* HEAR, HEAR!

Dude, Scar was a psycho. He was intelligent when it came to toying with someone's mind, and being persuasive, but guess who else was? ****in' Hilter! Heck, the directors/whoever said they meant for in one part of Be Prepared that Scar was supposed to be remind people of Hitler, kind of comparing him to the psycho: the tones were that of an old news reel, the Hyenas were marching goose-stepping with their heads towards Scar, Scar was on that high cliff...thing.

Scar was not wise. Killing someone just because they didn't get what they wanted is NOT the right thing to do. That is NOT wisdom. Scar is an interesting character, as he's quite twisted and for a reason. He was neglected as a cub, as is evident in The Madness of King Scar. But that doesn't give him a good reason to kill someone, someone who was born to fill the position he wanted. Honestly, people who say Scar was the true king really bother me. I mean, the role as king is passed down to the first born male heir. Mufasa, evidently, was first born, as Scar calls him "my big brother".

I don't see what's to admire about someone who is having a hissy fit just because he didn't get his way and went killing two people...er...animals...and one wasn't really killed, but he sent the Hyenas to do the dirty work.

But I do find myself admiring Scar's powers of persuasion and being a pretty freakin' good actor. *shrugs* How else could he convince a huge clan of Hyenas to follow him and obey him, and he did manage to toy with Simba's mind on several occasions and got away with it until the end of the movie.

THEN...I remember that he killed his brother and (supposively) his nephew, allowed the Hyenas to force the Pridelander lionesses to overhunt, tried to get Nala to be his queen when she's much younger than him (and some think they are related somehow), and was freakin' stubborn. Why stubborn? Sarabi confronted him about the herds moving on and that there was no food and that they'd have to leave the Pridelands if they wanted to live. Scar wouldn't hear of it. So, they were out of food, the lands were dying/dead, and if they didn't leave they'd all starve to death. Seems to be a good enough reason to leave to me. Then again, Scar was evidently too proud to leave. He got what he wanted finally.

"At least the Outlanders are aiming for something."

Hahahahaha. So were the Nazis.

I don't mean to compare the Outlanders to them, because I think the Outlanders were unaware that Scar had killed his own brother and tried to kill Simba. I think they and Zira just new that Simba killed their king. Zira was their leader, and seemed like quite the leader to me, so they followed her. Like Scar, I SOMEHOW admire her...I guess because she's as conniving as he was. She drilled and trained her lionesses to kill and I'm surprised that they didn't have the upperhand in fighting the Pridelanders. She also had a whole plan formed out to have Kovu infiltrate Simba's pride and eventually kill Simba. I guess she was pretty smart.

And again, then I remember she was wanting to kill the rightful king.

Then again, she thought he was a murderer.


Anywho, ignore the fact that I sound angry in this. I don't mean to be. And I don't mean to sound like a jerk. But I thought I'd toss in my two cents worth. ...please don't hurt me.

EDIT: ...oh yea, for the record, I like the Outlanders and Pridelanders equally. It may not seem that way, but...yea...