Well, it's been released, and it appears to be getting good reviews. I gotta say, I didn't expect it to be getting such good feedback already.

Here's the official trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTtDn2W39Sg

It doesn't come out here until 10th June apparently, but I know it's out in the US already. Has anyone seen it yet?

I liked the first one, but when I first heard about there being a sequel I wasn't so sure. It just seemed so predictable plus with Dreamworks' track record on sequels, it made me feel quite skeptical. But after seeing these reviews, I feel a bit more hopeful about it, so I may just give it a shot. We'll see.

And if I am to see it, I might just wait until next month when I'm with Leor, assuming that it's not dubbed, of course, but since Shrek Forever After was dubbed, I can only guess Kung Fu Panda 2 will be too.