Wooot!!! Long awaited news for me!

Cast: Hugh Jackman (Logan, AKA Wolverine), Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), Shawn Ashmore (Bobby Drake, AKA Iceman), Halle Berry (in talks) (Ororo Munroe, AKA Storm), Daniel Cudmore (Piotr Rasputin, AKA Colossus), Alan Cumming (Kurt Wagner, AKA Nightcrawler), Famke Janssen (Dr. Jean Grey), James Marsden (Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops), Sir Ian McKellen (in talks) (Erik Lensherr, AKA Magneto), Anna Paquin (Rogue), Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (Mystique); other cast not announced or confirmed as signed yet.

Yay!!! And even better than that...

The three X-Men that are now confirmed as appearing in this movie as new characters in some capacity are Angel, The Beast (who will be played by a new actor), and Gambit.

And finally:

Several actors/characters who were in the first/second movie might return for this third one. First off, Kelly Hu (Lady Deathstrike) revealed recently that she is signed on for a sequel, but there is no word yet about whether that would be 'X3' (or 'X4' or 'X5,' etc.). Other possibilities from the first two movies who might return are: Bruce Davison (Senator Kelly), Bryce Hodgson (Arthur "Artie" Maddicks), Shauna Kain (Theresa Cassidy, AKA Siryn), Tyler Mane (Sabretooth), Ray Park (Toad), Cotter Smith (President McKenna), Aaron Stanford (John Allerdyce, AKA Pyro), Katie Stuart (Kitty Pryde) and Kea Wong (Jubilee).

Personally I'm VERY excited about this! And now that they finally got a director for it, they can start on it I really hope they give Jubilee and Shadowcat a bigger role this time. Big expectations for this movie are; the Phoenix, Sentinels, the Danger Room, introduction of Angel, Beast, and Gambit. There's always a possibilty of them throwing something else in too like the Morlocks or Apocalypse or the Astral Plane, etc... I can't wait