Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
(Actually Kenyi, I made sure that Asha gave berries to help the nightmares, so you could still give berries too, since you said that Kenyi was going to give berries to help the depression =) ...)

A young lion cub, Sala, is padding through the Pride Lands, blissfully unaware of any bad things that might be happening around him. His best mate, Cheza, pounces on him and pins him down. Sala is about two months old, and Cheza is about five months old.

"Pinned ya..." Cheza grins, walking with his body over Sala.

Sala rolls about but accidentally bumps into Makatu. Sala gasps and runs away back to Cheza.

"What's spooked you mate?" Cheza asks Sala. Cheza pads over in the direction that Sala was before, and notices Makatu too.

"Who are you?" Cheza asks Makatu, trying to seem brave.
(Actually Simba, I made sure that Kryken gave the berries to help with Namabi's nightmares, since I did recommend in the first place before my stupid computer got into a long chain of disconnections. Which was, btw, very ridiculous. Btw, I didn't say my berried focued on depression, but on nightmares. You can always check back.=) Oh and I already gave Namabi my berries. It comes along well with depression.)

Originally posted by King Simba
"Sure...but first do you have any ideas on what to do because I'm stumped for ideas?" Namabi gets on all fours.

Katai continues to walk waiting for Kenyi's answer.

(I don't know what's happening here, lol. )
"I'm not exactly sure, how about we bring back a large feast for the pride?" he smiled "Antelope, Impala, Hippo...etc..."