I was going to regale you with horror stories from working in retail this time of year, but I've decided not to. It?s too painful for me to remember.

Rather, I am curious...not everyone celebrates Christmas, yet where I live, it's the most recognized winter holiday. It seems to be that way online too, which amuses me considering how diverse forum populations seem.

So, I ask you...which holiday do you celebrate? Christmas? Chanukah/Hanukah? Kwanzaa? Yule? Anything else I'm not aware of?

And if you celebrate Kwanzaa, could you please explain to me what it is? I've never really understood the significance of it...

Personally, as an individual, I celebrate the Saturnalia, an ancient Roman feast day/festival in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture and sowing. In addition, there's also another feast day called Ops, in honor of Saturn's sister/wife Opalia, an earth goddess and a symbol of fertility.
I've learned that not too many people know what Saturnalia is, except for Latin and mythology students.

Fun thing about Saturnalia: Some people believe that this is the holiday that the Christians adapted to form "Christmas". I don't know how true that is, but it's an interesting thought.

In addition, I celebrate Christmas with my family, though the holiday holds no religious meaning to me. It merely serves as a special time to really embrace and display generosity, family and friendship...

though, I must say, I'm feeling anything but generous to the store customers. I'll never understand what it is about this time of year that turns ordinary people into kamikaze shopping jerks.