Here if the picture doesn't upload here properly


Brown outline = edge of the plateau (looking at Timon and Pumbaa's falling down a waterfall into the jungle in TLK 1.5, as well as Simba sliding down a cliff to the desert after escaping the hyenas in the original TLK, it appears that the Pridelands seem to be atop a huge mesa, or at least on a high plain)
Yellow = meerkat colony
Dark blue = waterhole/river
Light blue = marshlands
Fat, light orange lines = gorge
Dark orange blot = thorny bushes
Light-gray dot = Pride Rock
Light beige = desert
Dark biege = sand dunes
Goldish-ochre = mountain
White = snow
Dark ochre = Outlands
Dark gray = Elephant Graveyard
Lime green = Pridelands
Pale green = Magic Grasslands (where Simba sees Mufasa in the sky)
Dark green = jungle