I reside in the United States, Central (St. Louis City). Lately, America through the midwest has seen an erruption of what's now known as the largest tornado streak to date (consecutively speaking). The most recent in my area was within a mile of my current residence in the outskirts of the city of St. Louis where the torando hit the highway I take daily, and also hit some of the Lambert International Airport. To go farther west to counties I use to live in such as Wentzville, tornados were more common..but lately it seems tornados are imcreasing their ferrocity into the city itself.

There were also reports of that massive tornado in Alabama if I'm correct, and the tornado was half the city wide! It's really unbelieveable.

Has anyone else endured some of this harsh weather? I'm sitting at work right now and the skies suddenly turned black outside and I looked and found this report - Severe Weather Path for USA

Here we go again....