I'll just have a pitty party for 1.
I'm not a bad person? I'm nice, odd once in a while maybe, but nice, I'll do anything for the person I care for, then why do I get treated like this every single time.
Nobody wants me, not even my parents will be "happy" to see me coming back home.

They don't even know yet, as I don't even have a solution myself yet, I'm still at his house for the time being till I could find something I can afford to rent, but obviously staying here is not even a good solution till I manage to find a place of my own.
Work is too far from my parents, like 2,5 hours by public transportation.

Even though I'm already in my 2nd week of work, I'm not signing my contract till Monday.
Maybe I should just quit it now and go back home, where there is no big city, where there is no job uppertunity for me, where there is nothing at all, then to just die slowly in my room.