I hate this bloody village!! The people here are the most stupid I have ever met in my entire life, and I've lived a few places!

Kenny isn't home, and BOTH our driveways are BLOCKED! Even though there are parking spaces lined out on the street now, they still are dumb enough to park in front of someone's driveway.

When Kenny gets home and both are still here, there is no way he can get in, and there is simply no other parking space left to park the car, and why should he park somewhere else when we got 2 driveways and can't use either of them?

So all I'm doing right now is shaking like a maniac, because I managed to talk to 1 person, who's from an electrical company who is fixing something around the corner, said he'd be gone in 20 minutes, which is now ... so I'll just have to wait and see about that.

I get all my courage together to write a polite note for the other car, put it underneath the window-whiper, and when I just looked out of the window, the note has dissapeared, I really don't think it flew away, there's hardly any wind.

So I'm just sitting here, boiling and feeling furious

This idiotic village is extremely bad for my health, my anxiety is going out of the roof right now