Yay, Shads is drawing again I think the colouring looks really sharp and smooth, which is great!

Hehe, and did you want digital inking (as in, do the lineart in Photoshop) or convert traditional lineart into digital?

It's quite convenient that this thread appeared, because I was thinking about starting it myself just now :P Here's my latest non-TLK-related work:

Click the image to see the animation. It's a front view of the feline walk animation for Aro'kai, which is a game I'm animating for C: Anyone got any critique for me? So far I already know that the paws kinda pass through each other (biggie, I'm slightly embarassed that I didn't catch that before) and that the head is kinda stiff (but I can't put any more movement onto the actual face, as that uses separate actions). Anything else, feel free to point it out to me!

And just for good measure, I'll post this here too. I know there are at least a few people on this website who will appreciate this

Yes, yes, I got dragged into it too, and now I can't get out XD