SO ? I hope it doesn?t do anything if I start a new thread, but this has nothing to do with the other thread so ? But if you can always move it Oo

Okey, I did this ?Lea project? before, right? And painted some Lea members on my car, with other TLK things as well to do a great TLK car the kids love to go to kindergarden with by now ^^ And as I said I wouldn?t show ya all before I was done how it looked like, but now I kinda need help with the last things, and some Lea members are just stubborn to not give me their pics, so that takes time too But all as all is done, and it?s just those small things I now need help with. Like the remaining spaces to paint one, and what to have, and devided ideas I don?t know what to do with. Also you can see how the car looks like by now. And I hope you didn?t expect something very huge for the Lea members, I was just going to write the name and do the team there so it?s really nothing special (else than that you?re on my car and should be proud over it xD)

So this is what I have done this far:

Car around and front and back
Back of car ------> Added Pimp thing with idea from LKS
Front of car
Left hood
Right hood

Inside car
Inside the front
Inside the back

Left doors and side
Left side 1
Left side 2
Left side 3
Left side 4

Right doors and side
Right side 1
Right side 2
Right side 3
Right side 4

Window pluffies (the kids shall always have a new toy/ pluffie for every day I?m picking and leaving them so they?re great to have there and it?s getting even more TLK stylish x)
Window pluffies to right
Window pluffies to left
Window pluffies back
Window pluffie in front

Other things
Gas lock
Window painting

Names on some ones will be added, so no worries, and TX-101s pic is still missing. Some of the pics isn?t all done, it?s some small things here and there to fix.

Tigris of Gaul
Lion_Roog (with crown as you wanted xD)
Kovu The Lion
Uh, me ?
Daniel ?the spammer?
My brother xD

Coming members:
TX-101 with sister
Lion King Stu
This Land
King Simba

If you want to have your member there you can just send me a pic ?cause I still have space for it.

So now help me with the remaining stuff if ya want, or come with new ideas, or even tell me to erase something. I mean if something looks completely bad you?re welcome to tell me so I can fix it :O

Whaddaya think else? ^^