
A meeting with cast + backstage was arranged by the admin of the Caroline fan forum (Carolina is the Dutch adult Nala).

I woke up at 8, got on-line, and totally forgot time, haha.
So at 10.30 I realised what the time really was, went off-line, had to eat, wash hair, change clothes, go to the bank and post, find stuff to get autographs on ^_^
I had my CD though, but I forgot it o_O

It quickly was 11.15, and I hadn't done all the things I should have, so panic ...

11.15 became 11.30 and my train would leave at 11.50 (across the street).
But I still needed a ticket.
Our station isn't one of the bigger ones, and I sended Bart to get the ticket.
No ticket ... only in the bigger stations *gasp*
(can't get international train tickets in the smaller stations)

And also, Bart had to leave for work at 11.50

Rushed into the car, I quickly putted in my camera, phone, wallet, and the first thing I could grab, my Diddl block ^_^ (which I actually bought to take with me, haha) and so I totally forgot my CD.
I wanted Carolina to sign it, since it has a picture of her on the cover.

So rushed to the car, and had to drive to the next city where a bigger station is.
And where that same train would leave, but at 11.58

I barely made it ... luckely there were no people in front of me at the ticket office.

Soooo, *sitting on the train for 2 hours* finally arriving in Den Haag at 14.00
Where someone from the Dutch Disney forum was waiting for me to pick me up.
We went up to the place where the theater was, like 45 minutes early, hehe.
I took some pics of the pics that were hanging outside.

I didn't really took much pictures though, from the cast meeting, I have like 5.

16.00 and the doors open.
We were in group 1 so the first to visit the cast.
We were in this small room (little too small in my opinion), and the cast walks in.
All these musical fans going in front, hehe.
And me and the people I was with, weren't really musical fans, but more Disney fans, so we stoud at the back.

Then, you could just walk around the room to meet the cast.
I think they'd better putted them all at a table or something, so everyone could walk by them and really had the chance to meet them all.

It was a little chaos actually now.
Actors spread throughout the room ...

I did meet a few, 2 Simba's
1 of them posed for me so I could take a pic, hehe.

And I got 7 autographs.

But while we were all walking around in the room, some of the ensemble walked in, and started to sing African things and banging on drums and all, so we could barely ask the actors things, 'cause we just couldn't hear because of the "noise" the ensemble was making.

They were all soooooo nice, too nice, haha, so sweet ... ^_^

And because of the little chaos, I didn't get to meet all of them

Carolina, I met very quickly when we actually had to move along for the backstage tour, so I couldn't really talk to her, and I couldn't ask for an autograph anymore Zaya

The backstage tour was only behind the stage, hehe.
Like, where the things pop out on the stage, the masks, costumes, dressing rooms behind the stage, stuff like that.
(couldn't take any pics there).

The pics I did take, I'll post those tomorrow, very tired ...
Even though, there are only 5 or 7, haha, all that editing *blegh* haha

At 19.05 I had my train back, and was home at 21.00

That was my day