Hi Everybody,

I haven't posted here before and just created an account. I'm aware my introduction should be elsewhere, but I thought I'd chuck it in here at the top of this thread I'm Mimz (as I'm sure you're aware from reading my username). Ever since I was a child I've really loved the Lion King. I was quite obsessed with the movies as a child, and concerned my parents a great deal when I kept killing off the father figure in games I'd play with my toys.

I've recently been looking at the available Lion King DVDs, laserdisc and blurays that are available to purchase for the first movie. Ideally, I'd like to get my hands on as much of the Lion King content as possible (especially extras, making of, behind the scenes etc.). After having looked around a bit I've aware the laserdisc deluxe edition "contained the film, six concept art lithographs and The Making of The Lion King, and added storyboards, character design artwork, concept art, rough animation, and a directors' commentary that the VHS edition did not have, on a total of four double sided discs." The next release (DVD), The Lion King Disney Special Platinum Edition Collector's Gift Set, also contained extras. The most recent bluray diamond addition had a 8-disc version that contained the first, second and third movie but I'm unsure what extras it contained.

My question is: Does the most recent 8-disc bluray diamond boxset edition contain all the extras of the previous releases?
if yes, yay
if this isn't the case, what contains what in regards to extras?

I apologise if I've been unclear, but I would really love someone to guide me in the right direction in regards to this question.

Thank you in advance for the replies!