As the yellow lion could see Simba approching over the hill, he quickly turned his gaze to the ground pretending to be studing a bug or something, his mane consealing his face. Rac kept his ears raised able to hear what the lions where talking about, yet he decided to keep silent until someone asked him a question; which he hoped never happend.

As Rac heard his fathers voice speak up, he felt a strange pain inside as if it urged him just to lungh(sp?) at the fromer King, but he kept it back with all his might, a silent sigh escaped him as he kept his stare at the grass trying to avoid Simba's gaze until he was forced to look up.

Thoughts raced through his head, What if they failed, What if Simba's reconition of him would spoil their plan? No he couldn't think like that.. Rac gently shock his head pretending to get rid of flies that have enterd his ears.